Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Angelic Counsel

Hello again!

Here I am on the healing side of the flu and grateful for all the help from my angels.  In a previous post I reported what our angels had to say about their true identities, so I won't repeat that here except to say that to simplify things, I'll simply call them our angels.

Two weeks ago I had scheduled two clients for yesterday afternoon.  Then the flu set in on Christmas Eve and I wondered if I should reschedule.  But I asked my angels for help and knew I could do the sessions without symptoms.  So yesterday morning I lay down for one of my meditation naps, thanking them for their support.  As I woke they offered this:
"You achieve more than you know.  When you build the link between us, you raise the consciousness of the planet.  When you build your immune system by allowing us to help you, the immune system of the planet is improved.  You can see why when you ask for our support, in addition to personal help, you/we are supporting the condition of the planet."

This reminds me of the message from my father shortly after I opened to channel in '83.  He passed at age 40 when I was 13, so issues remained in our mutual assignments.  He said, "Know that when you heal something about us, you are also healing me."  

This is one of the pivotal messages I've received.  It opened my thinking to consider that nothing we do is solitary.  We are all engaged in a unified purpose.  The Consciousness is a single thing in which we all swim, like whales in the oceans.  What one does affects each other one, somehow, in some way.  

We say we want to make a contribution, to serve, to see  a reason for being.  Here it is.  If I say I want peace on Earth, then to achieve it, truly it must begin within me.  And when we consider that our communal immune system is affected by building stronger links with our celestial ancestors, then I am excited.  Amen.

With love and respect,

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Grieving Part II

Good Morning!

A follow-up to yesterday's post, to report that deep crying is very good medicine.  Yes, I took my homework seriously, and some deep crying yesterday really lightened my load.

Do you also observe that logic can get in the way of a good cry?  While I was terribly hurt for my nephew, who lost his dear furry friend in tragic incident, my head got in the way of deep grieving. After a short cry, I carried the grief until our angels prompted us yesterday.  Then the waves of grief came up. I not only grieved for my nephew but also for other situations I had only briefly touched.

Sometimes my head tells me that I don't need to indulge myself in crying or shouting.  Sometimes when prayer or deep breathing is the way I choose to support a person or situation I put aside the grief that tries to rise to the top.  And there are times when I've cried deeply about something over time, I feel like it's too much to cry even one more time.

Whenever I substitute any alternative to deep grieving the weight of it haunts me.  As the angels reminded us, depression is always the result of suppressed emotion.

This reminds me of our friend, Barbara, who lived her last two years in a state of joy.  Maybe it's more accurate to say that her final stage of life was emotionally spontaneous.  Because, while her joy was authentic, when she felt sad she simply burst into tearsBarbara lived in Wholeness.  She taught us so much and continues to enrich our lives. Thank you, Barbara.

Crying deeply means letting it all hang out.  I've cried a lot in this life, but often it has been what I call "sideways" crying. The tears leak out, I feel deeply sad, and I go on with my day - as if I have grieved.

So I've gone on about this as long as needed.  Life is good. Grieving is as natural to life as is dying.  Amen.



Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Grief and the Holidays

Hello again,

This is a season of celebrations, yet several people have posted on Facebook that they are facing losses and grieving deeply now.

Having had our mother pass this year affects how we feel about the holidays.  Several people I know are grieving a deep loss, facing the end of life or dealing with serious physical issues, so my feelings are close to the surface, too.

I have asked our guides and angels for help.  Here I am in the wee hours of the morning asking whether asking for help is enough or if there is something they can suggest that would help all of us.  This is their response:

"First, grieve deeply.  Do not suppress your feelings.  This may seem obvious, but any suppressed feeling must grow stronger to insure you pay attention.  Feelings are messengers and they must not remain quiet.  You may find that other conditions, such as regret or anger, lie under the layer of grief.  These feelings affect the whole of your being until they are released.

"When your holidays arrive, the contrast to suppressed emotion grows stronger.  You think you should be feeling joy, but emotions you have not yet expressed fully come to the surface instead.  They must persist until the energy of them is exhausted.

"Talk out loud to the one or the situation you are grieving.  Be loud and stay with it until you feel spent.  Practice shouting or crying loudly - or singing.  Breath is the key to feeling, and your voice is the instrument by which you exercise release.

"Think how often you have a strong feeling and push it down. We realize that you may have to delay acting out your feelings until you are in private, but the feeling is still there waiting your attention.  It is best not to ignore it.  Emotions do not go away.  You may shelve them, but suppressing them causes depression.  Yes, depression is the result of suppressed emotion.  Always.  No exceptions.

"And, yes, ask for our support.  Our presence can trigger insights and strong emotional expression when you open yourself to our help.  Asking for help is good practice in receiving and most people need that practice.  We wish you peace"

I have my homework to do.  I hope this helps you, too.



Sunday, December 13, 2015

Choosing versus Being

Good Sunday Morning!

We are a collective of decisions.  Our lives spiral out from a central mechanism of choosing, from what to wear each morning to how we position a pillow as we go to sleep - and all the mundane and profound decisions in between.

We've been schooled and reinforced throughout our lives that making a decision requires much thoughtful, analytical process.  Thus, we live self-consciously, weighing and measuring the possible result of each choice we make; among them, how will it affect the people in my life, what will others think of me, and finally but principally, will I be/feel "safe?" 

Using this logical and emotional equation is so much a part of who we are that we hardly consider what motivates us and what energy it takes to live in this fashion.  We have yet another decision to make: choosing to live in the ease of Knowing.

Example: I knew the church I attend occasionally offered a service I knew I would enjoy today, so I woke wondering if I would attend.  Not "should," but would.  Also on my mind was Christmas shopping.  Knowing my System would advise me, I breathed and allowed.  "Shopping" came up, deleting thoughts of attending church.  Not because one is "right" or "wrong," but simply the best option for me today.  My System contains a greater Knowing with more implications than I know or need to know.  If you've had this experience, you know what a relief it is not to have to know, but simply to follow your Inner Knowing.

The Core of Cosmic Consciousness, the God in us, The All That Is, always knows, and it Knows in a comprehensive Wisdom well beyond our human understanding. Our option now is to practice living in the Knowing, allowing Wisdom its voice - and enjoying the Ease that results.  

The other aspect of choosing is what we interpret as a timeline necessary to feel comfortable with our choice.  No such timeline applies to Knowing.  Relaxing and releasing a time factor is part and parcel of allowing Wisdom to advise.  Wholeness eludes us when a part of us keeps an eye on the clock.

As I continue to practice with the intention to one day master this freedom, I wish each of you this increasing Ease.

Breathing deeply with you,

Breath is the key, of course.  And the longer we practice that breathing when faced with a choice, the more vivid the result and the more grateful we are for finding ourselves whole, as we are intended to live.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Where is the JOY?


Our angels are not addressing our subject this evening, but they have posed a question: Where is the JOY?

Of course, it's a good season to ask the question, and I have to say first that I do know a few people whose joy is so obvious that this question is not about them.  If you are one of those fortunate folks, you'll be teaching the rest of us by your example.

I'm a happy person most of the time.  I'm grateful for my life, find joy in lovely moments and find my family, friends and clients a source of loving delight.  And I realized some time ago that my true joy is often hidden under disguised grief and anger.

Perhaps you have a complex history, too, with a similar experience - a happy person without sustained joy.  This means, for me, doing my homework.  I have done a good deal of it, including raging in private.  Also, I bolster the joy with singing, engaging with loved ones, etc., but when the angels ask me/us this question I have to admit that I have more to do. 

I need to be more actively engaged in emotional expression.
To unearth more joy I need to pay attention to my emotional symptoms and treat them with the same attention and respect as I would the symptoms of a cold or an injury.  My emotional body deserves the same attention I would give a raging or grieving small child.

We all deserve to live a joy-filled life.  It is our right by birth, yet as we grow we file away many complex feelings, and most parents are not skilled at teaching emotional tools to address the layers as they accumulate.  It is up to us now to parent ourselves.

I have a new impetus and a newly kindled desire to nuture myself.  Some wise person recently suggested that we write on a piece of paper each good thing that happens as the year passes, stuffing them into a big jar, then at the new year taking them all out to read them.  I love this self-therapy and even more stimulus to express gratitude.

I am grateful to know that breath is the key to this internal journey.  And I am grateful to our angels for posing the question, Where is the JOY?   

Happily, and breathing deeply,

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Love as Life Force

Hello Again!

Angels have still more to say to us, so I'm prompted to listen and report here this evening.

Love is the word of the day.  Now, love applies to so many parts of our lives that we might think we know all about it; an old subject, so what would angels have to say about it.  No doubt something important or I would not be sitting here with my computer wondering what is coming next.  And so...

"Love is an interactive condition much greater than humans usually experience.  We do not minimize the nature of human love.  As you will see, although it is not the whole, it is essential.

"Love at the level of Cosmic Consciousness is a state of being.  It is the core energy that produces all life and supports it into infinity.  Think of your survival dependent on breath and you have a better idea of this core energy.  We might use the word, "spirit," but there are so many interpretations of that word, it is best to frame our conversation in a concept we all understand. In fact, the human word, "love," is insufficient, but it is our common reference.

"The question is, how might you expand your experience with love, thus deriving benefit from this cosmic core condition and sharing it even better with others?

"We, your angels/star siblings, live in a constant state of this core energy, so we are your best link with the essential energy of all life. Use your breath, then, to align with us, breathing deeply to connect and to be as open and receptive as possible.  Receiving this core energy is energizing, so you could benefit most at the beginning of your day, or whenever you need a boost.

"Sharing it with others will come naturally as you go about the business of life, breathing deeply and observing others without reaction or judgement, as best you can.  The less you think about how it works the more naturally you will share it.

"To say we love you is also insufficient.  We see you in all your radiating, pure energy.  We see anything you call sin or flaws as the human experience through which you learn and become more.  The energy exchange we encourage is unconditional - and that is what this love is.  Pure, uncomplicated LOVE."

With Gratitude, Breathing deeply, Namaste'

Sunday, December 6, 2015

P.S. to earlier post

Hello Again,

Two things I didn't include in my earlier post...
My thanks to Judith for prompting me to blog about our angelic relationships and our service to the planet.  I benefit so much the conversations and energy we share.

And I've had reports and noticed for myself that we can feel quite exhausted after a night of this work.  This is not necessary, but a very human result of "hard work."  We have only to breathe deeply, surrender to our angelic partners and affirm sleeping deeply, thus being renewed by our service.  Our partners are only too happy to support us.


Angels and Assignments


I'm seeing angels each time I close my eyes to meditate, and knowing they were prompting me to pay attention, I asked for guidance.  Talking with my sister this a.m. about the messages I've received, she prompted me to blog about it, so after a very long hiatus, here I am.

My reference to angels may differ from others.  I can only report what feels "right," and encourage discussion, through which we all learn.

Angels are our messengers from the star systems from which we all come.  The twelve tribes which invested consciousness in Earth were each from a different star system.  Each of these systems was and is unique unto itself.  Just how unique I can only surmise, and perhaps they will further advise us as we open to accept more of our inheritance.  Each of the tribes was therefore unique, as are the indigenous peoples who have evolved from them.  And each of these now comprise the most diverse community in consciousness, which was the Plan.

So we can see that our star connections were essential to the creation of the human race as we know it.  Along the way we have been guided by our star ancestors, which I have learned are the angels we've come to mythologize.  They still show themselves to me with wings most of the time, while advising me that, while this is a mechanism they use to meet my expectations, they are not winged.  It is their radiating energy that gives us the impression of wings.

These days these star siblings are more present than ever because Earth is in an accelerated state of evolution that depends upon our human conscious, intentional interaction with our star systems.  Thus, we strengthen the conduit between us.  And they do call it a conduit we are re-energizing between each of those star systems and Earth.  And these angels/star siblings are so very present to assist us in achieving this assignment.  In service to Earth, Archangel Michael is the steward who guides us. Likely, each of us might realize our own star/angel guides to personalize the experience and give us a sense of belonging.

The good news is that we can fulfill those assignments without ever understanding what they are or how they are accomplished.  Most of the work is done while we are sleeping and therefore absent of emotional reaction and thoughts that might interrupt the flow.  Hurrah!  We are not helpless in the face of the Earth's challenges.  We are more or less involved depending upon how aware and intentional we are.  Ah ha!  And so our metaphysical paths are explained. We can more intentionally participate by thinking about our angels as we fall asleep or stating our intention to fulfill our service to the planet. 

Just as essential to the whole are those people who are not actively employed in forging the conduits so essential to Earth's balance.  Each Plan is perfect.  None of us is absent of perfection.

As we are activating our star consciousness, it's good to understand that this activation varies according to the star system from which each of us came originally.  We each came to one of the original Earth tribes from our own star system; Arcturus, The Pleiades, Syrius, etc.  Each of these was essential to create the most diverse complement in consciousness, creating a diverse Earth community.  These conduits we strengthen now are essential to support Earth's current state of evolution by supporting its diversity, while striving to achieve unity.  We might think of Earth as a cosmic melting pot, as the United States is considered a melting pot for all cultures.

Until we meet here again, Namaste'



Saturday, May 30, 2015

Time After Time

Good Morning,

Peace to you, as I seek to find my own peace within.

Must write as I seek and find more Wisdom regarding a health experience I've been having for a couple of years.

Since age 19 when I was diagnosed with a dermatitis, I've been periodically challenged with symptoms of the skin that I've managed.  Two years ago I developed another skin issue, eczema, that has progressed until it now involves most of my body and seriously interferes with my sleep and other aspects of my life.  I've explored the causes and realized many things, most of all that at deep levels I feel vulnerable and carry a karmic shame.  That's another story I might tell another time.

The crux of all this is the word, "manage."  Like most of us, when an issue presents itself I look for what it is I need to "do" to take care of it.  I sought help from my angels and guides, I gave up coffee and sugar, limited my fruits, in other words I'm on what is called the Paleo diet to avoid anything that might trigger histamines and more itching.  And I have more symptoms than ever.  Huh.

There is Wisdom in every symptom, so I relate again to what Archangel Michael told us a while back:  "You humans use so much energy trying to figure things out.  It's time to stop and ask us for help.  Let us help you." 

Thanks to a conversation this morning with our dear friend, Nancy, I suddenly realized that the new energetics of the planet are so foreign to us that we are literally incapable of knowing what to do with or about them.  Our only choice is to entirely surrender - or to settle for the alternative, which means continuous struggle. Finally, to surrender completely, trusting that with faith in the support of our human and interdimensional friends we will find peace.  Peace within, peace without. 

Here I am, and telling my story is part of the surrender.  I've never liked giving up control, and admitting that I'm vulnerable is an extension of that .  And now, I know that I will further follow my own counsel and pay attention to where my attention is, period.  With breath, I ask what my system tells me it needs now.  Continued breathing and responding to what System calls for is my journey.  Period.  Such deep practice in surrendering.  My intention is that I achieve what will serve me best, realizing that this is a journey, not a destination.  I've cancelled my plans to travel to see family and friends this week so that I might use this time to firmly establish this new pattern, for my own sake, then however it might support others.

Until next time,

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Hello, again!

This postscript follows my last two posts, and on this curious journey I'm grateful that Wisdom comes when we give it room.

Turns out that the repetition is our System seeking to deliver a message - at the same time informing me of my tendency to see the pattern as some flaw in my condition.  So efficient.  

To illustrate, let's say that the repetition cycle is similar to the experience of a person with amnesia whose memory begins to return in repeating flashes of memory until it becomes clear.

Each of us is an experience of the Collective Consciousness.  We come in with a kind of amnesia so that we can live out our soul agreement as an original creation.  If we consciously knew all that was stored within us, fully equipped with all Wisdom, there would be no point in volunteering for this life.  Our Universe is not redundant.  Each life is as unique as a snowflake.  The snowflake arrives on Earth with a memory of the source from which it comes, so the design is complemetary to its source, and the design is original in its own right.

So do we hold the memory of Source, and our design is unique and intended to achieve a completely original experience.  A we proceed in life the memory of Source blinks in and out.  The repetition I wrote about in "The Internal Monitor" is actually the blinking in and out of the Wisdom we need for that time to expand our perfect design.  We access some of what was hidden in the Unknown so that it expands our Known.  Tadah!

So, for instance, when I replay the conversation I had with someone, there is more Wisdom in that event than I had thought.
My System knows I have more to learn from it.  Our Systems will persist until we realize the importance of the expanded message.  The impressive thing about this is that if, when I realize I feel stuck in a thought, I can access that Wisdom by breathing deeply and asking for the Wisdom in it.  Then, letting it go entirely with gratitude, the Wisdom will come to me and the repetitive cycle will stop.  And I will be all the wiser :)

I am so grateful for the grace that brings me so much insight. Thanks for joining me on the trip!


Monday, May 25, 2015

The Internal Monitor

Greetings Everyone!

Maybe you have one, too.  If you don't, congratulations!  If you recognize yourself in this post, we may be learning together how to release a pattern so old, so ingrained, that we hardly know we have an option.

Only recently I've become aware that I am in a nearly constant state of reviewing life; what has just happened, what still lies on my plate to be done, what I might do better, etc.  My internal monitor is in motion a good deal of the time.

Meditation is a time when I release it.  Sleep is a release, and when I am engrossed in something productive or entertaining I give my monitor a break - I give myself a break.  This is probably one of the reasons we become involved in addictive behaviors, whether that manifests as alcoholism, excessive spending, drugs, or any of the many other addictions we've created as a means to shut off the monitor.  Because it's a haunting condition from which we need a break, we may seek out a behavior that provides the relief. Of course, the addictive behavior becomes another trigger for the internal monitor, and so it goes.

I could call it self-consciousness, but that doesn't seem to describe the way it now feels to me.  It now feels like an on-running addiction of its own; as if we really don't know how to function without it.  It feels like a control mechanism, as if to release it means losing a comfort like a security blanket.

Becoming aware of this inborn mechanism, I realize how much energy is invested in reviewing and assessing my life, all running like an old vinyl record with a scratch in it, repeating, repeating and keeping my brain occupied with energy-consuming ritual.

I don't mean to downplay the benefits that can come from the internal monitor.  It has helped me recognize patterns in my life that could be changed for my benefit.  It helps me sometimes realize by sharing information about my life that I might otherwise miss.  It's the repetition and judgement that steal my peace.  

How might we change this consuming pattern which can make us more self-conscious?  My current assessment is that any of that, now, could be channeled  through Mind instead of brain chatter. The Wisdom of Mind knows and will follow our direction, our intention to change the pattern.  First, it means identifying whether it is a personal pattern.  Then if it is, like changing any behavior, when I identify it, in that moment I break the thought with a deep breath. Repeat this technique long enough and we can feel the relief and the benefit of channeling that energy for more constructive pursuits.

That's it for now.  As I process this constructively, I may have more to share and I thank you for the audience you provide that prompts me to self-discovery.  In this instance, I can feel increased freedom simply knowing the internal monitor exists and can be altered.  I wish us all increasing peace.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"The Circle of Known"

Hello, Everyone!

My thanks to a friend, Ruth, who called today, for prompting me to this post.  You know how we learn something, tuck it away, and only remember to share it when it's time.  Today is that time.

Many years ago I read an article in Science of MIND magazine (March, 1992) that posed one of Einstein's theories and helped me so much to remedy a question that I'd pondered for a very long time: why did I have such an insatiable curiosity that demanded answers, along with the frustrating feeling  that I could never satisfy it!

Einstein called his theory "The Circle of Known."  

Imagine, if you will, a colorful space with a clear circle in the center of it.  Label the colored outer space, "Unknown," and in the center of the circle insert the word, "Known." Einstein's illustration so aptly posed that what we know is metaphorically held within the circle.  And all that we do not know is in the outside, unlimited space.  In layman's terms, his theory illustrates that as we pursue knowledge - read a book, take a class, hear music, ponder nature, grow relationships, etc. - the circumference of the circle Known, expands, thus touching a greater area of the Unknown.

What we know and how we know ourselves continues to expand as we grow and become; our circle of Known expands.  The circumference grows larger, thus increasing exposure to Unknown territory.   As the article says,  "The more you know, the more you know how little you know."  

I love this so much!  It brings me a certain peace to know that I will never know everything piqued by my curiosity.  Continuing to learn as long as I live is an ideal I hold dear.  And I thank my clients, friends and family for stimulating my curiosity. But if Einstein is correct, and I believe that he is, learning is a journey, not a destination.

Relaxing into learning and fulfilling my part in expanding the Mind of God, I am grateful.  I'm a project.  We are each a project under construction.  The Unknown that eludes me will be embraced by someone else on the journey of satisfying this insatiable human curiosity.

Breathing into the Limitless Journey,
With Love, Phyllis

Friday, May 8, 2015

Another Opportunity for Service

Hello, Again!

Seems I'm just full of words today, but this may be a short post as it is getting late.

I'm noticing the theme of alarmists increasingly drawing negative attention to the economy.  And I'm aware of it in reference to the stress I wrote about this morning.

Please let's remember that where we place our attention we create - something.  And negative, alarmist energy is very compelling, so we are drawn in before we realize we are creating exactly that which we fear most.  Fear is like a magnetic glue.  

We have not only an opportunity, but a responsibility, to examine the energy we want to give to anything, especially in this highly energized creational period in our evolution.

At the same time, resisting an idea will only give it energy - the primary law of resist-persist.  Bad mouthing those who are alarmed  is one of the ways we resist.  So how do we go about counteracting the negativity?

We are very creative, so you will find your own means to achieve a focus on the positive, but if you know me, you know I have a suggestion based on channeled Wisdom:  Breathe deeply when triggered by the negative messages to release as much as possible a natural tendency to react.  Breathing, you release your attraction to it.  You may then choose to surround the subject, in this case the economy, with what you can visualize as a bright light or a sphere of light energy that offers that consciousness the opportunity to release the tension.  Breathing again, then, to release it to a greater Wisdom, you've done your due diligence.  Some find it helpful to state an intention, such as, "I release my tension and surrender this situation to the greater good."

We are more powerful and persuasive than we can imagine.  Let's use that energy to achieve the balance we prefer.

Breathing into that balance with you, until next time,

Our Spring Tonic

Hello, Everyone :)

This spring is a tonic to me.  I love it so much, and I started a post this a.m. to rhapsodise about it, but interrupted myself, just not feeling it, and now I think I know why.  I just felt wonky.

It seems we've struck a particularly fragile planetary energetic, and I am breathing deeply to offset the effect - for myself and for anyone else who may be feeling the same.

Several fractured situations entered my world this morning; client health issues, toxic rage, bizarre references, TV sound/visuals out of sync.  I do not believe in coincidences.  And I'm grateful for my friend whose call made me laugh - and breathe more deeply.

Checking on the state of things, I see a visual of energy that can affect us like sharp slices that hit at random emotional, mental and physical locations.  Not everyone is affected the same way, but the fragility seems widespread.

Yesterday was such an extremely productive day for me that I was taken by surprise at all of this, but nothing should really surprise us these days.  At this point in our evolution the energy shifts quickly, moving us along much as we said we wanted - and had no idea what we were wishing.

On the other hand, we are deeply imbedded in a cycle of accelerated creation that makes possible anything we clearly intend.  Bringing our goals out of the dream/wishing state and into full-blown reality is now a state of new being.

The key is to speak aloud our intentions, breathe deeply into it and totally release it.  Our doors to cosmic creation are always open, but when we get logical and try to control things, attaching to outcomes,  making lists and counting our pennies, we block the door.  We activate the flow when we affirm and surrender.  Funny how we had it backwards for so long.  Not funny how it felt, but here we are and we do have a sense of humor, don't we?!

Today I affirm peace and grace.  It is mine as I allow it.  Breath is the key and it is free, so let's hit the rhythm together.  Hurrah!

Until next time,

Monday, April 20, 2015


Good Morning!

Spending the week with my two lovely granddaughters and two Greater Swiss Mountain dogs, also lovely, but more hairy.  And here in the beginning of our week together I've been doing laundry and finding myself obsessed with pairing socks.

In this busy household socks do not always find themselves together in the same laundry load, so they are allocated sometimes to the sock bag to be paired later when the need is greater; thus my obsession is born.

I have been thrilled to bond one colorful sock with another, completing the pair, a most satisfying activity that has never called to me before.  Yup, this seems strange indeed, but no thing in this life is without synchronicity.

One of the synchronistic elements is that a dear friend of over 30 years has surfaced, triggered by Mom's passing.  We bonded over our mutual interest in metaphysics while attending Bemidji State in the early 80s, and grew immensely through the channeling event that changed our lives.   Some friendships are sustainable and sometimes separation is inevitable.  In our case, both are true.  We are delighted to find we have the same spark of understanding between us that was true before we took different paths.  Since we are several states apart, we are grateful for technology.

What I've considered over the years, especially with clients, is that we are a species drawn to bond with others of like mind.  For some, as with Michael and me, the soul bond leads to friendship.  For others the need for a romantic bond is strong and they feel an intense need to achieve that pairing.   We are fortunate in either case, aren't we?

In October I'll officiate at the marriage of two other dear friends who have chosen their 20th anniversary to make this pairing legal. 
Thank you, God.  I've known them for many of those years, and no two people are better suited for one another.

People often ask about "soul mates," and "twin flames." Semantics can get in the way of understanding, especially when it comes to soul connections which have myriad definitions.  Perhaps we can best think of the most significant relationships as those in which two persons spring from the same soul - the soul being a construct of such magnitude that we are unable to wrap our heads around it.
Sometimes those result in romance, but just as often can present in families or in challenging romantic liaisons.   In addition, some of our relationships can be no less compelling, but with a less intense soul connection.

I've been blessed with loving, reliable, inspiring friends, and I am so grateful.  When we are looking for a new relationship, Wisdom often recommends speaking aloud to the soul of the person you have not yet met to tell them you are doing your best to be ready for the introduction!  Over the years I've often spoken to Michael's soul to keep the cosmic door open, and tah-dah! an old friend found.  I wish you success as you create what will serve you best.

With Gratitude,

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

This Human Suit


Today has been a day of laundry and baking.  A good day, and a day for appreciation, of my eyes, of my family and friends, of the place I live, of the trees outside my window, of the sky and the moon so bright in the early morning hours, of insights. A good day.

The changes in this life over the past two months are too many to enumerate, and no matter how profound this integration of a new aspect of Self, I'm still in this human suit, with bread to bake and clothes to wash and a 73-year-old body to wash and lotion - and to take to my chiropractor tomorrow.

As a teen I wrote a short poem: "I'm not the me that you all see; it's the me I feel that's really me."  For a teen, that felt like the truth, and now I know that both - what others see and how I feel - are two important parts that exist in the duality of human.

I live alone and I'm never lonely.  It sure helps to get to be this age and to enjoy time alone with self - as if I were ever really alone.
All those who walk with me are so close and so available to help with any question, no matter how mundane.  As Wisdom once said: "Whatever is important to you, whether a hang nail or world peace; if it's important to you, it's important to us."

It matters a lot how we feel about ourselves.  I wouldn't change being 73, having been married, having children, getting my bachelor's degree, loving, living and becoming the person I am in this human suit, however imperfect it often feels.  

Our systems listen to what we say and think about ourselves and follow our lead.  They must. We are each in charge of our own system.  So whether I am happy with myself every moment is not as important as how I address myself.  This human suit follows what I tell it.   If I am to be comfortable with this person that I am,  then I realize that I have to become friendly with some of my messages to self that come from early programming.  

A part of this current integration is a sharper realization of those old messages, promising myself to speak to me with more love and acceptance; to stop in mid-thought and be a better friend to myself in the references and descriptors I choose.  And not to resist the messages.  To do so increases the pressure of the message.  What we resist persists - and grows stronger.  The System is simply providing a message/symptom to alert us to what needs attention.

I am saying, "YES!" more often, supporting myself in the affirmative.  To do otherwise is egocentric.

Grateful for this day,
I AM still Phyllis

Friday, March 27, 2015

Integration: A Journey

Good Morning!

Although I've written about this previously, now moving through a new integration I'm moved to discuss it again.

Integrating an additional aspect of soul is a cyclical reality for all of us.  Some of these are what I call minor shifts and, periodically, a primary shift or integration causes a number of symptoms that seem to be out of our control, affecting nearly every aspect of life.

The soul is an entity of such magnitude that we are unable to comprehend it.  It contains all the personalities that will enable it to fulfill its purpose.  All present, past and future personalities are contained in it and emanate from it, and that includes all aspects or facets of each personality.  We have some trouble relating to non-linear experiences, but to understand the soul, we do need to stretch a bit to relate to it.

I am told that there are a finite number of souls; that in the beginning just 144,000 were created, and from those are generated all the lives ever lived.  Daunting to say the least.

We've grown up to believe that we contain our souls.  What I offer here is that we come from our soul and contain a facet of it, which means we also contain memory of all that which our soul contains.

When we go through a soul shift or integration, we take on another dimension of the personality our soul originally generated.  In a primary shift our mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies change.  Auras change color.  One quirky result is that people we know well look at us quizzically and ask if we've changed something.  

On the other side of a shift, which can take months to integrate, we experience more focus  and intention, increased personal power, and a greater sense of well being.  It may feel like we are looking at our lives through a different, sharper lens.  We often, unconsciously, pair a soul shift with an event such as a retirement, the loss of a loved one, the birth of a child, or an injury.  If we did not, we might feel we were losing our touch with reality.

Relationships can change along with internal changes.  This part may be the most difficult to accept, but that new lens sharpens our perspective about the people with whom we share our lives.  Some change, especially that which affects others, makes us uneasy and we question ourselves.  Finally, what we can do is breathe deeply, seek inspiration and accept what comes about naturally.  And we can take extra care: more sleep, plenty of water, eating foods that ground us like root vegetables.  All of this supports the system while it moves through dramatic changes.

For me, this current shift has me seeing things altogether differently.  From one day to the next, it seems, I hardly know who I am.  I am so grateful for my loving family and friends.  Reaching out to them helps so much to anchor myself in a familiar reality.  And I am grateful for my clients who help so much to steady my days.

There's hardly a part of my life that looks and feels the same.  What physical things I use, what I eat and drink, how I connect with people, all of it and more has changed.  This integration is a profound journey, both exciting and challenging.  When in the throes of a primary shift in 1987, Wisdom told me to think of it as a new incarnation, same body, same soul; a new dimension I was drawing from that soul.  Since then I've learned that this is not unusual.  You may find, on reflection, that you've accomplished more than one yourself.  Thankfully, we share the journey.

Still Becoming,
I AM still Phyllis :)

Monday, March 9, 2015

To Touch or Not To Thrive

Good Monday Morning!

I love National Geographic.  I have learned so much about our world and its people and I'm happy to pass my issues on to my grandchildren.  

Now I have an issue with this issue, "The War on Science."  Lots of great information about our human denial regarding many scientific findings and events, for example the moon landing.
Also included is a short article on promoting "fist bumps" instead of handshakes.  Now I must protest.

Human beings need touch.  When deprived of touch infants fail to thrive, and we do not outgrow our hunger for touch.  When I visit a senior member of our family, she makes it a point to ask me for a hug while standing.  It's a long and satisfying full-body hug.  We are both better for it.

We were not a family who spontaneously and purposefully hugged.  Our mother's parents were not huggers, so the pattern was not there to pass on.  At some point in her personal growth, my sister Judith began hugging us.  We found we all liked it and it has become a warm and welcome addition to our relationships.

The premise for substituting fist bumps for handshakes comes from the concern about transferring germs from hand to hand.  And with all the viruses running rampant in our world, I get it, but how far are we willing to go in the name of safety?  

We exchange energy through our hands.  My chiropractor is an excellent example of therapeutic energy exchange, as are all the hands-on therapists we invite to touch us.  I once had a massage therapist whose touch was at first excellent, then became intolerable as she (I later learned) became addicted to drugs.  We do not shake hands simply to be polite.  We learn about people by touching them and receiving their touch, and the handshake is the acceptable ritual to achieve that touch.

What's next, that we stop touching one another all together?  Are hugs next?  NO.  At least not for me. As a civilization we must insist on touching one another to survive and live in harmony.
I believe that should we cease touching one another for fear of infection, we will find ourselves infected by conditions more virulent than any virus: paranoia, rage, depression, and other emotional illnesses brought on by deprivation through isolation.

Breathing into health through touch,

P.S.  I've written a letter to the editor of National Geographic, so I've had a full rant today :)  Breathing....

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Our Sea of Emotions

Good Morning, Everyone!

Reflecting this morning on our emotions, I think it's fair to say that very few people are entirely comfortable with this aspect of being human.  

Many years ago an ultra-terrestrial group appeared during a work-shop in Hayward, WI.  Their conversation with us was like listening to a computer speaking, completely absent of emotion.
And they told us they were curious about us because we are the first species in our cosmic structure to combine an emotional body with the physical and mental.  We might think about it as being a melting pot in our Universe, much like the U.S. is a melting pot of many nationalities for Earth.  

This group with no emotion, then, functions purely from a mental and physical perspective and says we are worth studying to see how the experiment is working. (this is not to say that I feel we are being manipulated by some outside force.  No, we each volunteer for a life, and souls that choose a human life do so with the Wisdom of free will).

And so, I ponder, how are we doing in this grand experiment?  For the most part, I think that considering that we are still fledgling sailors on this uncharted sea, we are doing pretty well.  Still, we try editing our emotions when they take us to places we had not expected.  We are prone to taking a detour into the mental body to avoid the sudden impact an emotion can have on our systems, as if thoughts could save us from the consequences of allowing our feelings. 

This morning, waking in tears from a dream with profound messages, I found myself wondering how I "should" feel about the dream.  Whoa!  There are no shoulds, as we often say.  And certainly in the case of emotions, this is important information for me about avoidance.  Over the years I have grown increasingly comfortable with my emotions, but the sudden impact of unfamiliar, uncharted emotional waters caused me to react to protect myself.  And I wondered how often I have taken that route.

We manage our own systems.  It's entirely our choice in what direction we travel, what we explore and how we might choose to record the memories so that we might reflect on and enjoy the adventure again.  Yesterday I heard a message received years ago: "Your emotional body does not give a rip what your mental body says."  Our emotions will persist.  They must.  This is our assignment.  The trip through our emotions is essential to our evolution.  So if we take a detour, we will find ourselves retracing the emotional waters to insure that we learn as much as possible about the whole of our experience and to become all we can be.

Once I allowed myself to feel deeply into the messages in my dream, I was able to cry long and hard.  It was cathartic, and because I allowed myself this freedom, critical information then came to guide me further in caring for my health and well being.
I walked around saying, "Thank you, Thank you," and being reminded that of course it was my Wisdom all along and allowing the emotions released it.  I am so grateful for all the loving support I have and embrace this partnership in my healing and becoming.

Breathing with you into our Ease, until next time,

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Living in Gratitude

Good Morning!

How good it feels to be back with you again.  

As I wrote in my gratitude journal last night, I said, "I have this odd feeling that I am here, and not here."  And this may be true because I'm in a state of transition, but as I breathed into the feeling, I realized this feels like a state of being that naturally follows "living in gratitude," being in the world but not of it.

Things flow lately.  Life is more effortless.  Have you, too, noticed those times when everything just seems to flow out in front of you with no obstacles?  When I've had those experiences, they were just that, experiences that came and went and left me wondering why they came and went.  It reminds me now of those "psychic" events that came and went in my early life.  I felt so frustrated and curious.  WHY was this not more consistent?  Did I really have an ability, or was it my imagination gone weird and wild?  When I unexpectedly opened to channel in '83 and the flow of intuitive consciousness gradually became a more normal part of my life, I felt such a relief that, yes, I could trust this aspect of myself.

This present awareness of flow in daily life applies to so many things: the batch of muffins that I effortlessly create; the shopping trip when every single thing (and a few I hadn't planned but needed) is available at the store that is suddenly on my mind; the item I thought I'd lost that, when mentioned, again appears; having the finances to meet extra needs.  Flow.

What has changed?  Well, a lot has changed, of course, and I've put my attention on redesigning my daily life since Mom passed.  Loss has a way of changing perspective, doesn't it?  My redesign includes writing again in my gratitude journal at bedtime, but more than that, I realize that constant gratitude, breathing into gratitude, has become a way of life.

(insert a little throat clearing here) Yes, life continues to present me with karmic items that remind me I still have reason to remain on the planet.  All the more reason to breathe, observing without attachment as to how and why every day works.  So I am here, and not here; flowing in a new channel of Consciousness a good deal of time.

One thing I've noticed, especially.  When a really awful thing happens - when I create an experience that rocks my world - like a huge buck T-boning Faun, my Buick, Thanksgiving weekend,
I am able to breathe and say, OK, I am grateful for the Wisdom in this.  And then breathe to stay in that frame of Mind as it sorts itself out.  If you've done this, you know how the situation is then able to inform us as to its perfection, and the remedy comes through more readily.

A Facebook posting said something like, "Act as if everything is rigged in your favor."  And it is, after all.  So, as soon as possible, why not take a deep breath and shout, "YES!" - the most powerful prayer.

Breathing with gratitude into our shared ease, 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

It No Longer Applies

Greetings from the other side of our calendar!  

How many times I said to Mom, "Whoever would have thought that we'd be saying, "20.. anything", much less 2015, yet here we are.  And we would enjoy a moment of wonder together.

Well, our mother made the transition into 2015, then made her final transition on the 12th day of this new year.  We agree that we are blessed to have known her for so long, and, poignantly, I've realized that the person I've known every moment of my 73 years is no longer physically present; not for a visit, nor a phone call, nor shared laughter or tears, nor reflection on the ironies of this life.

And as I have grieved and breathed and observed my life without her, I am reminded of the message that came for a client: "Whatever your old story, it no longer applies."

Things can change as we allow them to change.  The old stories, however, can freeze us in the past.  Reasserting the old memories in the same language and energy keeps us recycling the old stuff. This is a most vibrant time in our evolution to observe ourselves and the stories we tell about who we are, about our histories, and about the conditions we bring to this life.  They no long apply - unless we persist in retelling them.

It's not so difficult to change the stories we tell, to ourselves or to others.  The observer self comes to assist if we will breathe and listen to ourselves.  Then we can, again with breath, approach the story and feel the way we would prefer to know ourselves and to discern how the story might be told differently.  Yes, who do I prefer to be? In what context would I like to proceed with my life?

Especially changing the stories about significant events, such as the death of a loved one, a crash, an injury, an illness or surgery can alter our future.   If we can breathe, hear ourselves telling about it, and change our approach, our language, then the internal mechanism where it has been held is changed and we free new creational energy to move forward unfettered by the energy of the original event.

Wisdom says, begin with something familiar and simple about your life, saying it differently to yourself than you have ever said it before.  Practice in private can provide you the momentum to increase awareness as you share your life with others.  Remembering that breath is the key to an inspired, new telling of your life, you will successfully alter your future.

Until next time, respectfully, 
Phyllis (until my new story changes me :)