Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thanks to Jake II

Happy Tuesday!

The color of my day is brighter because of you and folks like you who reflect with me on the miracles of this human experience that are increasingly opening to our view.

Thanking Jake yesterday, I neglected to thank 60 Minutes for their foresight.  News media has so many options when choosing what slant they will use in telling a story.  I can feel the expansion of Consciousness occurring as the story is absorbed into the population.

In addition, I realized we might all benefit from talking about how we access the 4th dimension and what we might do while we are there.

First, of course, is affirming our intention to move into that stream of Consciousness.  Whatever we can imagine is possible to create.
First feel it, affirming belief in it, then speak it aloud.  A thing may not be created the first time we try it on for size, but with practice, like building a muscle, we grow stronger and closer to it.
Breathe, feel and anchor it, speak it aloud, breathe again and offer gratitude that it is complete and perfect. And so it is done.

In our first Synergy sessions, amazing things happened because our mentor and his wife held the intention for all of us.  They, in effect, held the door open to the 4th dimension for the group.  I am still so grateful for what they taught us.  Priceless experience.

We have all evolved since those days 20+ years ago.  Expansion of Consciousness has provided all of us access with greater ease than we could have dreamed then. The door is now open and remains so.

Here it comes - the same good reminder:  Breathe to access the 4th dimension.  Breathe and be sure, if you want to sustain your experience, to continue to breathe and to drink plenty of water.  These are the basics for life, and they are the basics for remaining fluid and accessing the energy and Wisdom available.  Trusting yourself then is an exercise that expands your experience.  Any of you who meditate know this already, of course.

I love the synchronicities that accompany these events.  Judith, my sister and partner, asked me prior to the 60 Minutes story, if I ever noticed odd, fine granules on my face.  In fact, I have been noticing that from time to time, touching my face I feel a kind of grittiness with no explanation.  She notices it when she wakes up. Mine will come at odd times.  We realized that it's the aftermath of inter-dimensional travel.  After I mentioned it to our friend, Nancy, she did some research and reports that in the movie, The Golden Compass, this phenomenon occurs.  None of us had seen the movie, but we may be motivated to see it now!

I've asked some questions about the 4th dimension.  When I tried to feel into what is being called the 4th dimension, it felt like something was missing, so I am asking for more information and this is what I hear:  "Your reference to the 4th dimension is incomplete.  You may think of it as the highway to The All That Is.  Everything you are born to know and receive is available in The All That Is/the Infinite.  Your transport is the 4th dimension.  Think of it as a pathway in Consciousness that leads you to the Infinite."

OK, folks, that's all I can report today.  I need to feel into this.  I am so grateful for the Wisdom that supports us.

Peace Perfect,

Monday, January 16, 2012

Thanks to Jake

Greetings on this Perfect Monday!

Last night on 60 Minutes, Jake Barnett was interviewed about his savant skills in mathematics.  When asked where all that information comes from he said it was from the 4th Dimension.  He proceeded to demonstrate his visual of the 4th Dimension, while also saying that it to describe it would take a very long time.
All of this from a boy of 13 who, with his family's faith and help, has moved from autism to awesome.

Nancy called to ask if I'd seen it, and as we said good-bye, I said I would like to dream there in the 4th dimension.  Oh, my.  My dreams were multi-dimensional to say the least, and what I will relate here is a glimpse of what I recall.

The dream:  I was a medical student, asked by the professor to write a paper to diagnose a mysterious disease and to use whatever tools necessary to achieve the outcome.  I began to write and found that the information I needed was in the 4th dimension, so I went there and realized I had been there many times.  I found the diagnosis and as I was reporting it, realized that the more fascinating information was about the 4th dimension; what it is and how we get there, how we stay there and what we find there.

Before I report my own experience, I am fascinated by autism and Alzheimer's.  They may seem unrelated, but when I think of one I think of the other.  In the same category is schizophrenia.  Wisdom has reported to several clients and to me as I have asked questions about it, that people affected by any one of these is operating in an alternate stream of Consciousness.  In that stream each person is living in a reality that serves them in some way none of us may ever understand, but their reality is perfectly coordinated in their Plan and is not for us to judge.  It seems to me that we might say they are in the 4th dimension and accessing memory of past or future or a lateral stream that is an expansion of 3rd-dimensional thought.

Jake is so clear that his thought includes the 4th dimension.  He is a way-shower, walking with ease in a dimension that expands Consciousness exponentially.  

My dream reminded me of my journeys into the 4th dimension and informed me about potential I had not yet visited.  I could see planes of energy expanding outward and providing access to Wisdom beyond imagination.  My dream memory blinked out at that point, and I know I explored layers of Consciousness I have never known in this life. 

Then I was dreaming about my current life and recalling that the practice of verbal reporting in Synergy meditations trained me and so many others to sustain access to the 4th dimension while reporting what we saw, heard and felt.  My sessions with clients over the years have been a very personal experience, ever-expanding and sustaining 4th dimensional Consciousness while channelling their Wisdom.  And whatever we learn we share with others.  Many people have said after a session that they cannot relate to or remember what was said.  Often it means they are immersed in the energy of 4th dimensional Consciousness, which can defy interpretation, and are adapting to it energetically.  Thank God for recordings.

I have observed that my sessions with clients have changed recently.  My intention to remain in their Wisdom is stronger and access is clearer.  There are many layers of 4th dimensional Consciousness.  The deeper we are immersed in it the less likely we are to relate to its qualities, and we are often, literally, speechless.  

To report the Wisdom of another person it is necessary to sustain contact with the 4th dimension.  At the same time, remaining in the 3rd dimensional state is necessary to communicate and relate to that person.  I am breathing in gratitude for Jake and the insights gleaned from his awesome life.  I am grateful for all the support I've received over the years from my team, my clients and dear soul mates.  

The 4th dimension is our New Frontier. It is our new way of being. As we explore and grow more accustomed to the 4th dimension we forge the balance and enjoy the ease promised for this Third Age of Earth.  What good company we have!

In Gratitude,

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I am Pink!

Happy Day!

I've begun my 70th birthday with a good workout in the fitness center, then a great mug of coffee and some Pogo games, with a warm "hello" from my sis, Judith.  It's a good day.  Mom and I will have lunch, then off to pick up Shannon from her school and dinner with her and her dad.  As soon as I shower I will refresh my coffee and open the cards so many lovely people have sent.

I'm feeling nostalgic.  The sky is a perfect pink as the sun comes up and I reflect on the reality we live with as the years pass and we answer to others when asked our age.  I am Pink, I might say, or I am Excited!  I own my age and am truly amazed and grateful that I have somehow managed to arrive here.  At the same time, my age has less to do with who I am than the color of the sky or the energy I am carrying today.  

I own more of my God-ness than ever before in this lifetime.  So I say, "I am God," with more conviction and trust myself to feel the way that feels.  Now, it's surely been a long trip to even begin to own that.  I think it and I feel into it, but to say it is a stretch still.

So those are my reflections on this birthday.  Whatever your day is for you, maybe it would be fun to reflect on what and who you are beyond any age or physical measurement. 

Breathing with you,
Phyllis/PhylEl, surely Becoming

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Birthday in Good Company

Good Morning!

In gratitude this morning, following a lovely full moon in a clear sky last night, and after a good workout in the fitness center downstairs, I am relaxing with my coffee.  Paying attention to my physical system is producing more strength and energy, less pain, a healthier heart and weight loss.  This feels very good, and I am grateful to the folks at Fairview Cardiac Rehab for providing some practical tips and a boost to my intentions.

This week I celebrate my 70th birthday, and I am so excited!
I am not quite sure where the excitement comes from - yet. 
I started celebrating last Friday and the human gifts are lovely and rich, but the source of the excitement is not about my birthday week, in fact I don't know yet what causes my heart to leap.

Living to see my 70th year is somehow surreal.  Truly, it feels like I took a turn to get here, to extend my life to this age.  We live in such a swiftly changing time that it is no wonder we need extra breathing to  adjust and to decide:  In what reality do I choose to live?  Where do I want to anchor, or is it even possible to anchor in any reality when the kaleidoscope shifts so rapidly?

Archangel Michael has a message to continue what he said previously:  "Now is the time to trust your self, your creations, As you are, Where you are, When you are."  Now he says:  "The previous message holds.  In addition, trust yourselves now as you have never before.  When life changes so fast, you may be tempted to hold onto the old to find comfort.  Do not be tempted.  The old no longer serves you. The better you move with change, the more you get out of it.  We who support and observe you know that without a doubt your Earth age holds extra challenges.  Remember that you have volunteered to carry the new energy forward.  You are on Earth to fulfill the promises made so long ago.  This is the time of expansion.  This is your time.  What you live through your personal experience expands the Consciousness of the planet.  You are the Light-Bearers.  I/We have carried the torch for you, now you each pick up your portion and carry it for all who do not know.  We support your service."

I am grateful, Michael, and am breathing with all of you who choose to thoughtfully proceed.

Still Becoming,