Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"The Circle of Known"

Hello, Everyone!

My thanks to a friend, Ruth, who called today, for prompting me to this post.  You know how we learn something, tuck it away, and only remember to share it when it's time.  Today is that time.

Many years ago I read an article in Science of MIND magazine (March, 1992) that posed one of Einstein's theories and helped me so much to remedy a question that I'd pondered for a very long time: why did I have such an insatiable curiosity that demanded answers, along with the frustrating feeling  that I could never satisfy it!

Einstein called his theory "The Circle of Known."  

Imagine, if you will, a colorful space with a clear circle in the center of it.  Label the colored outer space, "Unknown," and in the center of the circle insert the word, "Known." Einstein's illustration so aptly posed that what we know is metaphorically held within the circle.  And all that we do not know is in the outside, unlimited space.  In layman's terms, his theory illustrates that as we pursue knowledge - read a book, take a class, hear music, ponder nature, grow relationships, etc. - the circumference of the circle Known, expands, thus touching a greater area of the Unknown.

What we know and how we know ourselves continues to expand as we grow and become; our circle of Known expands.  The circumference grows larger, thus increasing exposure to Unknown territory.   As the article says,  "The more you know, the more you know how little you know."  

I love this so much!  It brings me a certain peace to know that I will never know everything piqued by my curiosity.  Continuing to learn as long as I live is an ideal I hold dear.  And I thank my clients, friends and family for stimulating my curiosity. But if Einstein is correct, and I believe that he is, learning is a journey, not a destination.

Relaxing into learning and fulfilling my part in expanding the Mind of God, I am grateful.  I'm a project.  We are each a project under construction.  The Unknown that eludes me will be embraced by someone else on the journey of satisfying this insatiable human curiosity.

Breathing into the Limitless Journey,
With Love, Phyllis

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