Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Living in Gratitude

Good Morning!

How good it feels to be back with you again.  

As I wrote in my gratitude journal last night, I said, "I have this odd feeling that I am here, and not here."  And this may be true because I'm in a state of transition, but as I breathed into the feeling, I realized this feels like a state of being that naturally follows "living in gratitude," being in the world but not of it.

Things flow lately.  Life is more effortless.  Have you, too, noticed those times when everything just seems to flow out in front of you with no obstacles?  When I've had those experiences, they were just that, experiences that came and went and left me wondering why they came and went.  It reminds me now of those "psychic" events that came and went in my early life.  I felt so frustrated and curious.  WHY was this not more consistent?  Did I really have an ability, or was it my imagination gone weird and wild?  When I unexpectedly opened to channel in '83 and the flow of intuitive consciousness gradually became a more normal part of my life, I felt such a relief that, yes, I could trust this aspect of myself.

This present awareness of flow in daily life applies to so many things: the batch of muffins that I effortlessly create; the shopping trip when every single thing (and a few I hadn't planned but needed) is available at the store that is suddenly on my mind; the item I thought I'd lost that, when mentioned, again appears; having the finances to meet extra needs.  Flow.

What has changed?  Well, a lot has changed, of course, and I've put my attention on redesigning my daily life since Mom passed.  Loss has a way of changing perspective, doesn't it?  My redesign includes writing again in my gratitude journal at bedtime, but more than that, I realize that constant gratitude, breathing into gratitude, has become a way of life.

(insert a little throat clearing here) Yes, life continues to present me with karmic items that remind me I still have reason to remain on the planet.  All the more reason to breathe, observing without attachment as to how and why every day works.  So I am here, and not here; flowing in a new channel of Consciousness a good deal of time.

One thing I've noticed, especially.  When a really awful thing happens - when I create an experience that rocks my world - like a huge buck T-boning Faun, my Buick, Thanksgiving weekend,
I am able to breathe and say, OK, I am grateful for the Wisdom in this.  And then breathe to stay in that frame of Mind as it sorts itself out.  If you've done this, you know how the situation is then able to inform us as to its perfection, and the remedy comes through more readily.

A Facebook posting said something like, "Act as if everything is rigged in your favor."  And it is, after all.  So, as soon as possible, why not take a deep breath and shout, "YES!" - the most powerful prayer.

Breathing with gratitude into our shared ease, 

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