Sunday, October 26, 2008

Paying Attention to Where My Attention IS

Hello Again!

Peace to you in this time when the pressure builds and we must stay personally centered for our own well-being. We also contribute, of course. If I am centered, paying attention to what draws my attention and putting my energy into that, then System says, I am contributing to the balance. If I allow myself to be drawn into the drama, then my energy adds to that.
This is not a new principle, but now is a time to fully appreciate what contribution we are making.

Will I vote? I hope we all will contribute our vote. I am voting absentee since I will be staying with my lovely granddaughters during that time. Our votes contribute, but let's expand our consciousness to consider that a vote is just one of the ways we make a difference in our nation and in the world.

We may not walk around every day ruminating on the All that Is, but no matter what we are doing or thinking, we all occupy the One Consciousness. Now, I must say that some days when I feel out of sorts, that thought is a bit intimidating, though absolutely comforting to know I am not alone - ever. Not alone in my stumbling, and not alone in my conscious times when I am grateful for the insight to make some contribution.

A thoughtful client asked yesterday whether she and her spouse could trust the economy to correct itself. A perfect question at this time. Jesus showed me the other day a canopy over the whole of our global monetary system. He explained, as many have said, that when the pendulum swings so far one way, it must swing as far in the opposite direction before the balance is achieved. Therefore, he speaks of this time as "a correction."

So this is a system correcting itself. And we are only as much influenced by the monetary system as we allow ourselves to believe that we are. What an exciting time to practice management of our beliefs! As I discussed in an earlier post, we are each The System, with all the genetic qualities of the All that IS. As System, I have the power to direct my attention to that which will serve me best. It is true that some days we are jubilant in our appreciation - and some days less so. And so, still human, I am grateful for all of you with whom I practice, fall short, and SUCCEED! Let us keep our attention on our human creativity so that we are influencing those who will be pivotal in bringing about this balance.

The abundance is greater than it has ever been because we have practiced. Our skill at holding attention on abundance is greatly improved over any previous time in history. Jesus says that there are many whose ability to take human creativity to a new level will prevail and bring the global economy into balance using some unique and satisfying methods.

We can pay attention to where our attention is, then if not in balance and creativity, we can BREATHE and turn our attention around to what we prefer. A simple, intentional breath from a person knowing self as System is an extra-ordinary gift to self and to all others sharing our marvelous planet.

Until next time!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A recent read: THE SHACK

Hello, All!

Thank you for your feedback. And while I have been internally processing; not here as much as I had "planned," I am so grateful for your attention to the messages System shares with all of us.

My most recent read was sent to me by Friend Nancy, and I am very impressed. This book takes us inside our own demons and deftly shows us the way through them and out the other side. An exercise many of us need now. An inspired gift, it opened doors as I have been taking my own journey - through shame.

It's part of my nature to ponder, even while taking my own journey, how many others have the same assignment and how we are assisting one another as we achieve insight and release. Shame is a broad assignment. So is guilt (sounds like it could be shame, but is not). Rage is another, self-deprecation another, and so on. Perhaps there are as many assignments as there are people since each perspective within a term of human condition is so subjective.

I recommend THE SHACK. While written from a Christian perspective, it does not hit one over the head with religious dogma, but steers the reader through a drama in the presence of loving and gracious guides who remind us that, whatever the assignment, we are loved.

Grateful to be taking this ride with each of you!
Until next time,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Give the Kid a Break!"

Reflecting on our national struggles lately, System reminds me to have patience with our United States of America. And this is what It says:
"Your country is young, struggling as an adolescent struggles with its identity. When you think that the U.S. and its modern culture is still in the throes of adolescence, perhaps you can understand the difficulty it is having. Here it is with all this power and comparatively little experience to guide its actions. You remember how you felt with all your hormones raging and no place to direct that energy without hurting yourself or someone else.
"So relax. Just as there was hope for you, so is there hope for your country. And then look at the Earth since humans have occupied it. Compared to the Cosmic Consciousness, your Earth is just a toddler, yelling for attention and falling down a lot. Then, given the fact that the emotional body has never before been combined with the mental and physical bodies in Cosmic history, it's a miracle you are all doing as well as you are.
"We know it feels like you are all in a lot of trouble these days. So remember your part and breathe, respect and honor your creations with the confidence that you have a lot of very real help to support you as you wobble and weave your way to your Divine Destiny."

Thank you, System. You remind me of the commercial I am so drawn to that I think is from Gerber Baby Foods: "Steady nutrition for a wobbly world." YES!

Until next time,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Celebrations of Life!

These days between postings produced numerous reflections on the many ways we can and do celebrate life.

Our Aunt Donna, who struggled long and hard to breathe and to enjoy the new great-grandbabies she loved so much, passed into that next great adventure last week. She is a dear person, and we are missing her. We know she is celebrating!

On the same day as her funeral, my youngest granddaughter celebrated her 5th - and very important - birthday. Such a vibrant being, and so excited to actually be 5! "I will be different," she proudly announced.

Reflecting on childhood, birthing and mourning has revealed a number of things, but primarily the unfinished business of mourning our father who passed when I was 13. I have a great relationship with him now, though that does not mean that the child in me is at peace yet with all the loss. Our friend, Nancy, also reflecting, has realized that we cannot go forward carrying the wounded child. Oh, certainly, we continue in life while carrying a lot. But to forge ahead with clarity we need to stop and gather the inner child to us, giving it permission to inform us of the emotional memories it has carried for us.

We can use our dream life to help us in this. System once said to me that we have a choice in the manner we approach our dreams: we can be a child with our dreams, simply dreaming in symbols and insulating ourselves from greater understanding, or we can be adults with our dream life, asking for assistance and dreaming more vividly and conceretly to further inform and inspire us.

Loving ourselves, let's give our wise Systems permission to inform us and guide us to true release of the pain we all accumulate along the way. Let us honor ourselves and the Creator through which we create this life, wringing as much of our Wisdom from Consciousness as we possibly can. Let us choose life deliberately today and each day. We are going to live it anyway, right? Waking to embrace the Wisdom in each day we honor self and each other one who has walked before us. Amen

Until next time, Phyllis