Friday, May 8, 2015

Our Spring Tonic

Hello, Everyone :)

This spring is a tonic to me.  I love it so much, and I started a post this a.m. to rhapsodise about it, but interrupted myself, just not feeling it, and now I think I know why.  I just felt wonky.

It seems we've struck a particularly fragile planetary energetic, and I am breathing deeply to offset the effect - for myself and for anyone else who may be feeling the same.

Several fractured situations entered my world this morning; client health issues, toxic rage, bizarre references, TV sound/visuals out of sync.  I do not believe in coincidences.  And I'm grateful for my friend whose call made me laugh - and breathe more deeply.

Checking on the state of things, I see a visual of energy that can affect us like sharp slices that hit at random emotional, mental and physical locations.  Not everyone is affected the same way, but the fragility seems widespread.

Yesterday was such an extremely productive day for me that I was taken by surprise at all of this, but nothing should really surprise us these days.  At this point in our evolution the energy shifts quickly, moving us along much as we said we wanted - and had no idea what we were wishing.

On the other hand, we are deeply imbedded in a cycle of accelerated creation that makes possible anything we clearly intend.  Bringing our goals out of the dream/wishing state and into full-blown reality is now a state of new being.

The key is to speak aloud our intentions, breathe deeply into it and totally release it.  Our doors to cosmic creation are always open, but when we get logical and try to control things, attaching to outcomes,  making lists and counting our pennies, we block the door.  We activate the flow when we affirm and surrender.  Funny how we had it backwards for so long.  Not funny how it felt, but here we are and we do have a sense of humor, don't we?!

Today I affirm peace and grace.  It is mine as I allow it.  Breath is the key and it is free, so let's hit the rhythm together.  Hurrah!

Until next time,


Unknown said...

Thanks, and lots of people feeling wonky and overwhelmed. We're all in it together huh?!and strength is with us as we pull together with Love.
Love, Judith

Unknown said...

Thanks, and lots of people feeling wonky and overwhelmed. We're all in it together huh?!and strength is with us as we pull together with Love.
Love, Judith