Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Two-Part Harmony

Greetings in Gratitude!

This post is a combination message, and I'll get right down to follow-up on an earlier post reviewing my journey about the counseling work that I have enjoyed with clients for so many years.

1.) I've come to this melding of thought about my belief in what is authentic in my sessions:
If what I do with a client in any way slows their surrender, then I am compromising both my integrity and that of the client.

Over the years, offering counsel regarding anything of the future or of the free will choices a client might make, I was enabling a client to delay surrendering. It might have satisfied my ego and theirs, temporarily, but it delayed an attitude of surrender. And surrender is the only way we are going to achieve a life of ease and peace. Always, whatever the question, surrender is the Wisdom offered.

Offering what I now call "psychic band aids," was a part of our karmic journey, and I can only surrender my part in this as a process of our mutual growth. Psychic band aids always fall off and leave us hungering for yet more to soothe a wound. On the other hand, in this New Earth, we are counseled to surrender. Surrender, achieved with breath, opens the doorway into our Wisdom. And our Wisdom unfailingly reveals anything we need to achieve peace and ease.

2.) I'm seeing in my apartment increasingly concrete evidence of those who are here to help us; those we have for so long referred to as Spirit.

For a couple of years now, my friends (in Spirit) have altered physical things to get my attention; physically and determinedly turning my heavy lace curtains outward many times to remind me to surrender; rattling (nonexistent) items in my stainless steel kitchen sink to introduce their presence for one reason or another. It's like me to become involved in my life and sometimes to forget to initiate a conversation with them. When I do, of course, I am delighted to find them immediately available.

These days I am seeing their feet crossing the corner of my living room. Over the years, perhaps like you, I've seen movement; at my desk, as I am waking, in moments of reverie.
But these days their physical presence tweaks my awareness to ask myself a question.

In what belief-scape am I living? My sis, Judith, visiting this week, also relates her revelations regarding a belief-scape that astonishes and inspires. And friend Nancy, with her own hologram revelations, also explores and reports amazing shifts in her Cosmic dynamic (my words, not theirs).

Do I unconsciously choose a belief-scape in which I feel most comfortable? I think so. And do I, by expanding my consciousness, also expand my field of vision to reveal increasingly concrete images of those who have always occupied my space? I believe so. And I know without hesitation that the space I occupy is also occupied by all of those who love and help me. As our friend Barbara, who left her human suit behind a few years ago, advised us: "Please stop saying we are 'on the other side.' We are right here."

Yet I do not see them all the time, and there's a good reason for that. I asked my angels years ago why I could not see them all the time, and they said, "Because you would never go to work."

I celebrate these relationships, and I count on them as part of my essential community. I've learned to trust this expanding belief-scape over the years. And I've grown more comfortable initiating conversation with all of them. They intimidated me at first. But as Jesus said to me in back in '83, "Stand up. Look me in the eye. How will you know me on your knees?"

What belief-scape is in store for me or for you? It will undoubtedly be different for each of us.
As System we are entitled to take the journey that we prefer and that serves us best in our unique Cosmic role. I welcome your own revelations, which I believe reveal yet more for each other explorer in this rapidly expanding consciousness.

Breathing with you until next time,
I AM, Phyllis Still Becoming

Saturday, April 24, 2010

"Hold My Hand"

Greetings in Gratitude!

Over the years I have spent a good deal of time contemplating where and how each of us is comforted; comforted by a force outside of family and friends and caring professionals. Not to discount the folks we need so much all along the rocky path of life. We are not intended to walk this path alone. If we were, we would not be born into relationships. They can and do comfort us. We can and do comfort them. We could not measure this essential human comfort.

Across the planet, people are born with a hunger for some relationship beyond human contact. Whatever the culture, a deep, abiding belief in something beyond ourselves is born within us.
This hunger expresses from ego. And System identifies ego as our identity, unique in the Cosmos. The mystery of this identity fascinates me, and I know I will not live long enough to comprehend it. The journey to know as much about it as possible is in my passion and what drives my life path. And with each person I meet, again I wonder at the Source they lean into.

An ecumenical person, I have counseled Buddhists, Unitarians, Spiritualists, Jewish folks and Christians of every description. I was raised Lutheran - Missouri Synod no less - and practiced Buddhism for 10 years. I happily serve, part-time for about 25 years, my own Lake Superior Interfaith Community Church in Duluth. And for the past year have attended a Unitarian Universalist church with Mom, my daughter-in-love and grandchildren.

I've thought over the years that the identity of a deity is not explained by the church a person attends. System has reported that there are as many faiths as there are people. Wow, just think of all the churches we'd need - and how lonely we'd be attending without community.
And if you do choose to attend a church, still, within self is a knowing that, after all is said and done, YOU are right. Zealots are born of this belief. Ouch. If you've known one (or if you are one) you know how painful that can be.

At the Center of Self / Ego, a prescription for the faith we follow must exist. And this Known Self must be a perfect reflection of the deity we choose. Even atheists believe in something, or they would have nothing to talk about.
If, as System tells us, we are not flawed or able to choose incorrectly, then each deity we choose is true and absolute. Or, the deity IS the individual. Oh, heresy! Oh, curiosity.

Having taken this journey with you, I feel as if I know a little more than I did when I got up.
One thing I know today that has not changed: We are accompanied on this journey by a great number of folks who have gone on before us and probably know all the answers to these questions. And they encourage us to ask us for help. Every day, and every moment of every day, ask. My friend, Christ, tells me, "Hold my hand." And I do, and I am grateful. The community we need is as close a breath. Your friends in Spirit and the deity you choose will never fail you.

Breathing with you until next time,
I AM Phyllis, Still Becoming

Monday, April 19, 2010


Greetings in Gratitude!

Just a P.S. to relate a change I was inspired to last week:

I was guided through a series of events to add just a few grains of sea salt to my water.
The electromagnetic properties necessary for balanced water have been changed by all the filtering our water is exposed to. Not only is my water processed by the city, but I also filter it at my tap to improve taste and to remove other undesirable elements. And all that processing has altered water's electromagnetic properties.

Wisdom said to add the sea salt to approximate Earth's electromagnetic and mineral balance.
If it tastes saline, it's too much. I hope this is helpful for you, too.


Time Out

Greetings in Gratitude!

My thanks to two friends who have (at least) two things in common with me: they are in service work, and they face the consequences of depletion.

In so many instances when depletion is the subject, System reports that we have learned to rely on vacations to renew ourselves - and that this method simply is not sufficient to replace the loss of life force, depleted in the course of our busy lives. A vacation parades in front of us a remedy, then we wonder why we need time off to recover from the vacation. We dream a vacation, we plan a vacation, we take a vacation in the hopes of achieving what a whole year, perhaps, has cost us.

I do want to acknowledge that each of us faces our own unique lifestyles. Some of you have children, some have a 40-hour work week (many have both), and extended family, friends and community often deserve attention as well. Life gets in the way of renewal, doesn't it?

We find lots of reasons to explain our states of depletion - and to excuse our lack of attention. No one knows this on a very practical level better than I do. Many years of sacrificing myself left me with so many symptoms. I'm not going to bore you with all of them here, just know that I've spent the past 18 months learning, surrendering, receiving, renewing, learning more and surrendering again. When I've thought I could not surrender any further, System has prompted me again, and yet again. Thank God for symptoms and guidance.

In a recent post I shared counsel regarding the choices we make. Wisdom reports that when we choose for ourselves, doing the best we can in our current knowing, our choices are always inclusive of others. We cannot choose against the purpose of another person or situation.

But don't we spend a lot of time feeling depleted, yet telling ourselves - and anyone else who will listen - that we simply have no time available to "do the right thing" for ourselves?
Others need us, job demands make it impossible. Or maybe you find yourself in this category: the person who takes a step in the direction of renewal, then justifies that it's enough; ignoring what else the system might need.

If this is making you uncomfortable, know that I'm not judging anyone. No one is judging you. Your System is not criticizing or accusing you. On the contrary, your System knows what you need and must continue to reveal symptoms to get your attention. Aching for a vacation is one symptom. Dreaming about a job that is not so stressful is another. A hunger you can't quench is another. So many symptoms, such a persistent System. And if you are uncomfortable, could it simply be another symptom?

In a true state of surrender/renewal, we do nothing. Nothing means nothing. Just breathing and surrendering to allow energy to renew us - for whatever time we can give it and being grateful/open for the perfection of it. I recline, breathe, and open myself to receive. I remain there until System prompts me to get up and take care of other things. Renewed, I have energy for whatever needs doing. It is not too late for any of us. We are in an inspired time of knowing more of ourselves than ever before in human history; a time of consciously becoming.

I am grateful again to Richard Bach for this: "We teach best what we most need to learn."

Until next time,
Phyllis, Still Becoming

Saturday, April 17, 2010

What Energy Do We Speak?

Greetings in Gratitude!

A couple of synchronistic events have brought me to new thought today. Actually, three people have stimulated similar thoughts, and I hope my revelation is interesting to you as well.

My dental hygienist this week shared no energy. I can't remember having close contact with anyone before who radiated no energy. How does that happen? She was kind, careful, thorough and professional. And she broadcast no energy. This, in addition to some other elements that were not authentic, have me shopping for a new dentist.

Now, it's entirely possible that I was not able to pick up her frequency. And it's possible she and I are here on Earth from different Cosmic sources; one I've never known before.

I know we're not intended to communicate the same way with everyone. And in the other two recent instances, I realized that I am not communicating as effectively as I'd like, either.

One karmic pattern I'm here to resolve is the feeling that I'm responsible for satisfying the needs of others. The other examples this week were with clients who are not attuned to my frequency. And not everyone will be, of course. Sometimes when I realize I haven't made a difference for a client, I pause and ask myself if I've been as clear and practical as I meant to be.

Oh, believe me, I know this is all ego. Just because someone walks in the door or asks my counsel; just because their System speaks clearly, does not insure the change they seek. Everyone is entitled to process. And everyone is speaking their own, unique energy.
And as we know so well, Becoming is not a destination. I got a Plan, You got a Plan, All God's children got a Plan. And each is beautifully unique.

Everyone reflects for me an opportunity to more closely identify my patterns and beliefs. Everyone is a gift, a teacher. What I do with their example defines how I grow and Become.
In the first years of channeling for clients, System told me that I was the student. Each client comes to teach me something, and if I listen carefully I will know and grow from it.

And I have realized that, while I understand and treasure principles of Cosmic Consciousness because they come from my Wisdom, not everyone hears them in the same way. Processing with people means also asking for the wisdom to communicate clearly what will serve that person best.

Children can hear the difference between our coming from fear/self-consciousness, or coming from Wisdom. Adults can hear it, too, though they are more likely to have developed filters that cause confusion and misunderstanding.

We're all on this planet speaking different energy, just as we speak different languages. Surrendering with breath to release the Wisdom creates an effortless flow that communicates energetically as logic never can. And yet we may not be understood - or understand in turn.

I breathe. There is flow. In that flow there is Wisdom. Continuing to breathe I can share that Wisdom free of ego. And I can hear messages for me contained in that Wisdom. And if the other person does not hear it the same way, still the Plan is working.

This post has rambled some, I realize, but process helps, even when I'm tired.

Until next time,
Phyllis, Still Becoming

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Cyclone

Greetings in Gratitude!

A short post today, just to share with all of you an event that may be affecting you today as well. And being that it is the New Moon (thank you, Leta), perhaps no surprise.

My meditation nap produced a powerful tornado image, and I heard "cyclone." The effect and sensation was of a centrifugal force. And now, in reflection, I believe that we are, as if inside the centrifuge in a lab, spinning out all of that which no longer serves us. And securing, at our Center, that which serves us for now and for the future.

The experience has left me somewhat disoriented and feeling as if I have lost a good friend.
Letting go of the past, even though we don't need it any longer, can leave us feeling sad. It is, after all, what we have known best and trusted.

So I am processing, releasing - and embracing in gratitude what serves me now and what will come to serve me going forward.
Thank you all for being there.

Until next time,
Phyllis, Still Becoming

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ordering My Life

Greetings in Gratitude!

Waking to heavy, pounding rain with thunder and lightning this a.m., I am especially grateful.
I can almost feel Earth stretching out her arms and flexing her muscles, opening fully to receive these gifts. We needed the moisture, certainly. And I notice how much I need the change in Earth energy to stimulate my life, much like we thrive in the change in seasons.

I've written quite a lot about how we create in this new age of Earth, and I won't repeat all of that here, but I've visited a new place in The All That Is, and I'll share that with you here.

So I was contemplating what to ask for with gratitude; what needs I have not yet created, and I found my self at the "Order Desk."

It appeared on my right, of course, as I was going about the business of my day. Suddenly, there was an open window to The All That Is, with a generous counter top extending from my side to the other side of the window. At first it looked like the opening in the wall of my old,
favorite hardware store. Then I realized what it was, and I really got excited. Wow, here was/is a practical location to visit to "order my life!"

So I quickly presented my order for new brakes on Faun, my Buick, and it came back to me!
OK, so do I not need brakes as I thought I did, or is it showing me that there is no need, since I have already stated the need with gratitude and released it? This is not yet resolved, but I have released again to accept the perfect response.

Then I presented the floor plans to my new home; the home I have been planning in my heart for several years. I laid them out and smoothed out the folds and felt the generous acceptance of this unfolding creation. Such an exciting sensation!

The All That Is stores any and every thing you and I ever will need or want. Perhaps you will visit this Order Desk to place your orders as well. What is "In Store" for you and for me?
Wow. I am so happy to be sharing this awesome journey with all of you.

Until next time,
Phyllis, Still Becoming

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Identities, or Whose Life is This Anyway?

Greetings in Gratitude!

Today we explore identities; ours and those we assign other people and human conditions - familiar or global. No small thing, these identities. Hugely affecting our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual lives, identities are well worth our attention.

We're counseled to realize that we have attached identities to other people and conditions or situations. Identities are trouble. We gather information about people and expected situations in our lives, and every identity becomes a thing we then begin to manage. Managing these identities takes energy. Lots of energy. It amounts to self-imposed imprisonment.

If I wake up expecting certain things to unfold according to information I've gathered, I have just colored my day with an illusion of my own making. When my relationships are based on what I expect of people, not only to I burden myself with managing all that expectation, I also cripple our relationship. How is a person I love expected to grow and become when he or she is so involved in reacting to my reactions. And if that applies to a person I love, think of what a mess it is between me and a person who has injured me. Oh, how compelling the identities we create and hold.

Years ago System reported that humanity uses 87% of its creational energy managing identities. It's exhausting. And we cannot escape the result of holding identities. We all occupy the same sea of Consciousness. We all affect it and are affected by it. As surely as the sun rises and sets I am living in the result of the identities I have created.

Now, how about the person I believe myself to be? How limiting might it be to create expectations of myself and then try to live up to them - or to live down what shames me? Am I comfortable with the person I have created myself to be? Some days, yes. Some days, no way.

Identities are all about projections. Identities are about expectations, then trying to live up to those expectations. I'll use a simple example: I am taught by family and society that I am expected to be the most perfect parent I can be - or to hide my failures in that area to avoid scrutiny. I become a puppet of my own unrealistic expectations. And parenting based on self-consciousness/fear is crippling to the parent and to the child. I am caught in an identity that is culturally accepted, therefore pervasive. And we all suffer the consequences.

Now, imagine all the identities we accumulate in the human condition. The parent, the child, the truth-seeker, the partner, the worker, the member of any number of communities. And now, imagine how confusing it has become for us as the consciousness expands and we become aware of all the dimensions of Self - and therefore the many layers of identity we have accumulated. And we see the result in so many instances of people choosing now to change the shape of their lives; to grow closer to the center of Self-identity and to shed the layers that no longer fit.

The remedy is the same, whatever the condition. Whew! Gratefully, we have one and only one simple remedy. We go to the Essential Self, the center of consciousness. We go as frequently as we feel fragmented; we go as often as we need to feel peace. At the center of Self we visit the place where all other people and conditions stand on their own, following their own Perfect Plan. At the center of Self we have peace about who we are and all of the past we've created and all the future we have yet to create. Breath takes us there.

Most importantly, at the center of Self this moment is free of all encumbrances. This moment is a moment of breath and of freedom. In this moment I free all others and I breathe freely. As I learn to breathe free of identities I change the shape of the consciousness. And in this moment I change the shape of the human condition.

Until next time,
Phyllis, Still Becoming

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

On Becoming Wiser

Greetings in Gratitude!

Are you enjoying your springboard to the new season? I am inhaling and savoring it each day and appreciating each facet of the new creation. Today it is raining in Minneapolis, and it feels like the Earth is taking a deep breath and integrating all the moisture it can absorb. The trees are flexing their branches and receiving life into their buds. And someone told me snow would be here within the week. What?! Cleansing, renewing and becoming can have its bumps.

Becoming, by virtue of its essence, can feel like a slippery slope - sometimes. And we all are - becoming - no matter whether we are attuned to it.

I love the thought of becoming wiser. As I reflected recently, it's my life Plan to become all I can be. And now I realize there's more to be said about that. Just how much attention is required each and every day to become the best me in my life span?

Like watched pots that take forever to boil, a life run by self-consciousness struggles to thrive.
Peaceful observance is my goal. I surrender, with breath, to know: what do I sense in this; where is my attention now; what is my System indicating about that? I do not succeed each and every time, but am still becoming.

Self-consciousness might be labeled ego-centered selfishness. On the other hand, breath with attention to System is a relief and not at all selfish. When our attention is on our sensory perceptions and this guides us in our interaction with others, we reach a level of inclusive activity in which we thrive.

Several questions have came up recently about pain that results from an exchange with a family member, friend or coworker. Clients report the drama and Spirit always answers in somewhat the same way: When we are self-conscious, coming from ego, we react to protect or defend ourselves. We feel hurt, so we fall back on learned behaviors. And in the present time, as the Earth is struggling to take a new shape, we sometimes also struggle, but the new shape we take is worth it. And Breath supports both ourselves and the planet.

When living in a state of breathing and paying attention to System, we grow in our skills of observation, we are inclusive of others and their Plan and respectful of their choices, and we serve Cosmic Consciousness by expanding into all that we can be.

Day by day, breath by breath, becoming becomes our preferred experience, self-consciousness falls away, and we thrive.

Until next time,
Phyllis, Breathing and Becoming

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Gathering, Sharing, Creating

Greetings in Gratitude!

On this Easter weekend, and with several family activities to enjoy, I am grateful.
I wish you all a personal sacred space to celebrate the Spirit in this joyful season of renewal.

Just thought I would also share a delightful message from the Wisdom of my last client.
As we opened the session, her group said (and I paraphrase),
"We will provide Guest Services for this channel."
Emphasizing the client's natural access to her own Wisdom, this creative message also
tickled me no end. I do love the surprises waiting in the wings. Oh, my, and puns, too.

Though I haven't time now to explore this at any length, I offer this recent message from
Archangel Michael: "Any choice made by you, out of your best knowing in the moment, serves others equally. You cannot choose against others when you choose what will serve you best."

As I've explored this in my own time, I've paraphrased this; that any choice made in my best
interest is inclusive of others. Because my Plan is perfect and theirs is also, how could I
choose anything that would conflict with their best interests?

Of course, we can think of many situations in which choices have been made as crimes against
others, and we could argue our conflict with "right action" in these and similar situations.
I will leave all of this weighty subject for another time, but am prompted to open the door today, so here we are.

The symbols of Easter and Passover serve humanity now as they have served for centuries.
Reflecting on what these mean to us honors those who have gone before us, whatever personal beliefs we hold. Let's remember and celebrate each of them who holds our history. They serve us well as we serve them, creating new history. As we celebrate rebirth, ascension and Spring,
I celebrate and thank each of you for all that you bring to my life.

Until next time,
Phyllis, still becoming

Friday, April 2, 2010

Rattling the Old Bones II

Greetings in Gratitude!

Have you ever asked yourself, "What is my greatest fear?"
I don't spend much time in fear these days as I have in the past, and I am grateful.
And when I have a fear, I am usually able to breathe and surrender what might otherwise dampen my own joy and the peace of any other person.
But in my meditation this a.m. the question came up for review, and as I come to my own answer, I wonder about yours as well. While rattling my old bones, I am reviewing so much, and I am supposing that many of you are asking yourselves these core questions as well.

First, I realized that as I have come to respect the perfection in the Perfect Plan for everyone,
I have fewer fears related to my family and friends. And when I do bump into that thing in the night, I am usually able to transmute the energy of that fear by breathing and holding that person or event in that Sacred Space that serves us all. And I think about all the sleep lost and energy expended in years past and I am so grateful for the transition to this place that I am.

And that leads me to tell you that, of all that exists, my greatest fear would be to cease growing; to cease becoming all that I can be while still in this human suit.

I've been reading my son's blogs, both his personal and his publishing house blog, and he reveals himself so naturally in both places. He perseveres. He stretches himself and is in a state of self-discovery that is inspiring to me. If he weren't my son, I would admire his search to become all that he can be. I wonder at the effect this has on his two children, my sweet and lovely granddaughters.

In rattling my old bones, I have been questioning whether what I do in this world is enough, and whether what I do in this world is needed. You can imagine that these are bone-rattling questions for me. And I know that for some of you the question these days is, what IS the thing that I now choose to do with my life.

As I've reviewed the way that I work with clients I have clarified and declared that I choose to release anyone who would come to our exchange abdicating their power. In years past, still drenched in karmic patterns, the way we worked together came from that energy. Folks would come hoping for release from their fears by accessing some external source that would give them answers for their lives. I now call these, "psychic bandaids."

They always fall off. These days I send out messages in the consciousness we share to communicate that this is not my process any longer. Psychic bandaids do not serve us these days. They once provided the comfort and reassurance of safety in a very uncertain period of transition. These days they only prolong our process and frustrate our state of becoming.

Those thoughts led me to consider whether what I do as an intuitive is something I choose to continue to do. And in those thoughts came two fears, and I "bare my soul" to share them with you.
1: How do I provide for myself if I discontinue sessions with clients?

2: And the bigger question is, do I slow or cease becoming without benefit of the expanded consciousness that is achieved in sessions with clients? I realize that in nearly 27 years of channeling, I have come to depend on my clients to provide this stimulus.

Oh, rattling the bones is chilling territory - but productive.

The first question is answered in this principle: I am Original Supply/Source and therefore provide for myself out of the All that Is. I believe this, and I am learning to know this.

The second answer came this morning as I was speaking to friend Nancy: The stimulus that expands my consciousness does not require formal client interaction. I am in a state of expanding consciousness while posting to this blog, while speaking on the phone with people I love, through other writing I may once again be inspired to pursue. It comes as I respond to comments to this blog and to emails sent by clients who simply want to connect. And it comes through meditation, whether lying on my sofa or speaking aloud to my Friends in Spirit while showering or driving my car. Stuff happens.

I love my clients, each of them in a unique and inspiring state of becoming. I am grateful to each of them, and as further design my life, I will keep them informed.

I am in a state of becoming by being - and being with intention.

I think I've rattled the bones long enough this time around. Thank you for engaging with me.

Until next time,
I am Phyllis, Becoming

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rattling the Old Bones

Greetings in Gratitude!

Revelations of our newest creations have come to mind in the two months since I last posted to this blog, and I am grateful to all of you who follow your own wisdom and share it with me.

So much has been said regarding the "Law of Attraction," and while I see the value in this principle, I have never felt personally associated with it. Yesterday I realized the reason.

We might think of ourselves hanging out in this Universe as a magnetic force which, when we clarify intention, attracts that which we dream of/intend by our words and our actions. Or...

As I see our creational capacity, the Expanded Consciousness is full to bursting with more than we can possibly imagine; supply beyond imagination. It is Original Supply. We, leaning into it, without effort, without thought, but with relaxed intention to be a part of it, give it permission to supply us. Leaning into it with gratitude for that which we cannot yet imagine,
we permit it to provide.

Breath is the key to this surrender.

When breathing deeply we have no thought or emotion. Deep breath is absent of thought and emotion. In whole breath we know our Self/Spirit/Wisdom and we allow it simply to be. In this state we are absent of the denser elements that compromise our intentions. Continuing to breathe, we maintain an open corridor through which we access the Wisdom contained within us, the food for our table, the resolution of pain, the physical world we would prefer. In that state of breathing and being we have the sense that this limitless energy is breathing with us.
It is already attuned to the rhythm that IS us, and we are rhythmically associating with it.

This Original Supply already knows what I need. Original Supply knows what vacancies need to be filled. I simply need to breathe and give permission to open the corridor. For me, expressions of gratitude with extended breathing open the heart to achieve this state.

Original Supply preceded me into this life. Original Supply was born in me and continues to provide for me as I allow it, and is not based on any human laws. And my Original Supply is my own brand. It serves no purpose to compare my Supply with that of others. Each Plan is a perfect Plan, preconceived for each personality. And each Plan contains its own Supply.

Tomorrow I will pursue further the state of being we are exploring that has us regurgitating that which no longer serves and digesting what it means to have all of this power.

Until then,