Sunday, December 13, 2015

Choosing versus Being

Good Sunday Morning!

We are a collective of decisions.  Our lives spiral out from a central mechanism of choosing, from what to wear each morning to how we position a pillow as we go to sleep - and all the mundane and profound decisions in between.

We've been schooled and reinforced throughout our lives that making a decision requires much thoughtful, analytical process.  Thus, we live self-consciously, weighing and measuring the possible result of each choice we make; among them, how will it affect the people in my life, what will others think of me, and finally but principally, will I be/feel "safe?" 

Using this logical and emotional equation is so much a part of who we are that we hardly consider what motivates us and what energy it takes to live in this fashion.  We have yet another decision to make: choosing to live in the ease of Knowing.

Example: I knew the church I attend occasionally offered a service I knew I would enjoy today, so I woke wondering if I would attend.  Not "should," but would.  Also on my mind was Christmas shopping.  Knowing my System would advise me, I breathed and allowed.  "Shopping" came up, deleting thoughts of attending church.  Not because one is "right" or "wrong," but simply the best option for me today.  My System contains a greater Knowing with more implications than I know or need to know.  If you've had this experience, you know what a relief it is not to have to know, but simply to follow your Inner Knowing.

The Core of Cosmic Consciousness, the God in us, The All That Is, always knows, and it Knows in a comprehensive Wisdom well beyond our human understanding. Our option now is to practice living in the Knowing, allowing Wisdom its voice - and enjoying the Ease that results.  

The other aspect of choosing is what we interpret as a timeline necessary to feel comfortable with our choice.  No such timeline applies to Knowing.  Relaxing and releasing a time factor is part and parcel of allowing Wisdom to advise.  Wholeness eludes us when a part of us keeps an eye on the clock.

As I continue to practice with the intention to one day master this freedom, I wish each of you this increasing Ease.

Breathing deeply with you,

Breath is the key, of course.  And the longer we practice that breathing when faced with a choice, the more vivid the result and the more grateful we are for finding ourselves whole, as we are intended to live.

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