Sunday, October 26, 2008

Paying Attention to Where My Attention IS

Hello Again!

Peace to you in this time when the pressure builds and we must stay personally centered for our own well-being. We also contribute, of course. If I am centered, paying attention to what draws my attention and putting my energy into that, then System says, I am contributing to the balance. If I allow myself to be drawn into the drama, then my energy adds to that.
This is not a new principle, but now is a time to fully appreciate what contribution we are making.

Will I vote? I hope we all will contribute our vote. I am voting absentee since I will be staying with my lovely granddaughters during that time. Our votes contribute, but let's expand our consciousness to consider that a vote is just one of the ways we make a difference in our nation and in the world.

We may not walk around every day ruminating on the All that Is, but no matter what we are doing or thinking, we all occupy the One Consciousness. Now, I must say that some days when I feel out of sorts, that thought is a bit intimidating, though absolutely comforting to know I am not alone - ever. Not alone in my stumbling, and not alone in my conscious times when I am grateful for the insight to make some contribution.

A thoughtful client asked yesterday whether she and her spouse could trust the economy to correct itself. A perfect question at this time. Jesus showed me the other day a canopy over the whole of our global monetary system. He explained, as many have said, that when the pendulum swings so far one way, it must swing as far in the opposite direction before the balance is achieved. Therefore, he speaks of this time as "a correction."

So this is a system correcting itself. And we are only as much influenced by the monetary system as we allow ourselves to believe that we are. What an exciting time to practice management of our beliefs! As I discussed in an earlier post, we are each The System, with all the genetic qualities of the All that IS. As System, I have the power to direct my attention to that which will serve me best. It is true that some days we are jubilant in our appreciation - and some days less so. And so, still human, I am grateful for all of you with whom I practice, fall short, and SUCCEED! Let us keep our attention on our human creativity so that we are influencing those who will be pivotal in bringing about this balance.

The abundance is greater than it has ever been because we have practiced. Our skill at holding attention on abundance is greatly improved over any previous time in history. Jesus says that there are many whose ability to take human creativity to a new level will prevail and bring the global economy into balance using some unique and satisfying methods.

We can pay attention to where our attention is, then if not in balance and creativity, we can BREATHE and turn our attention around to what we prefer. A simple, intentional breath from a person knowing self as System is an extra-ordinary gift to self and to all others sharing our marvelous planet.

Until next time!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A recent read: THE SHACK

Hello, All!

Thank you for your feedback. And while I have been internally processing; not here as much as I had "planned," I am so grateful for your attention to the messages System shares with all of us.

My most recent read was sent to me by Friend Nancy, and I am very impressed. This book takes us inside our own demons and deftly shows us the way through them and out the other side. An exercise many of us need now. An inspired gift, it opened doors as I have been taking my own journey - through shame.

It's part of my nature to ponder, even while taking my own journey, how many others have the same assignment and how we are assisting one another as we achieve insight and release. Shame is a broad assignment. So is guilt (sounds like it could be shame, but is not). Rage is another, self-deprecation another, and so on. Perhaps there are as many assignments as there are people since each perspective within a term of human condition is so subjective.

I recommend THE SHACK. While written from a Christian perspective, it does not hit one over the head with religious dogma, but steers the reader through a drama in the presence of loving and gracious guides who remind us that, whatever the assignment, we are loved.

Grateful to be taking this ride with each of you!
Until next time,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Give the Kid a Break!"

Reflecting on our national struggles lately, System reminds me to have patience with our United States of America. And this is what It says:
"Your country is young, struggling as an adolescent struggles with its identity. When you think that the U.S. and its modern culture is still in the throes of adolescence, perhaps you can understand the difficulty it is having. Here it is with all this power and comparatively little experience to guide its actions. You remember how you felt with all your hormones raging and no place to direct that energy without hurting yourself or someone else.
"So relax. Just as there was hope for you, so is there hope for your country. And then look at the Earth since humans have occupied it. Compared to the Cosmic Consciousness, your Earth is just a toddler, yelling for attention and falling down a lot. Then, given the fact that the emotional body has never before been combined with the mental and physical bodies in Cosmic history, it's a miracle you are all doing as well as you are.
"We know it feels like you are all in a lot of trouble these days. So remember your part and breathe, respect and honor your creations with the confidence that you have a lot of very real help to support you as you wobble and weave your way to your Divine Destiny."

Thank you, System. You remind me of the commercial I am so drawn to that I think is from Gerber Baby Foods: "Steady nutrition for a wobbly world." YES!

Until next time,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Celebrations of Life!

These days between postings produced numerous reflections on the many ways we can and do celebrate life.

Our Aunt Donna, who struggled long and hard to breathe and to enjoy the new great-grandbabies she loved so much, passed into that next great adventure last week. She is a dear person, and we are missing her. We know she is celebrating!

On the same day as her funeral, my youngest granddaughter celebrated her 5th - and very important - birthday. Such a vibrant being, and so excited to actually be 5! "I will be different," she proudly announced.

Reflecting on childhood, birthing and mourning has revealed a number of things, but primarily the unfinished business of mourning our father who passed when I was 13. I have a great relationship with him now, though that does not mean that the child in me is at peace yet with all the loss. Our friend, Nancy, also reflecting, has realized that we cannot go forward carrying the wounded child. Oh, certainly, we continue in life while carrying a lot. But to forge ahead with clarity we need to stop and gather the inner child to us, giving it permission to inform us of the emotional memories it has carried for us.

We can use our dream life to help us in this. System once said to me that we have a choice in the manner we approach our dreams: we can be a child with our dreams, simply dreaming in symbols and insulating ourselves from greater understanding, or we can be adults with our dream life, asking for assistance and dreaming more vividly and conceretly to further inform and inspire us.

Loving ourselves, let's give our wise Systems permission to inform us and guide us to true release of the pain we all accumulate along the way. Let us honor ourselves and the Creator through which we create this life, wringing as much of our Wisdom from Consciousness as we possibly can. Let us choose life deliberately today and each day. We are going to live it anyway, right? Waking to embrace the Wisdom in each day we honor self and each other one who has walked before us. Amen

Until next time, Phyllis

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Inward and Onward!

We all have a day now and then (!) when it feels like we just have more on our plates than we thought we ordered. Yet, the Divine in all of us, and I call mine System, simply takes our orders and delivers exactly what will serve us best that day - and every day following. The sooner we take ownership of this, the more handily we will dispatch the serving with relish!

Taking some time, even a few minutes, though I prefer at least half-an-hour, to breathe in silence and go within the more prepared I feel to go forward. The time in silence reminds me that every and any thing that I need will be available to provide for the next step and the next.

People have asked me over the years how to access their own Wisdom/Angels/Guides. My System told me early on that speaking aloud my questions and concerns would assist me in dissolving any perceived separation from those who would assist us. They cannot override our struggles to "save us" from the struggles of our lives, but given permission, those who walk with us can provide us insights that help us so much. If the struggle we ordered to help us to grow is serving us, we will not give permission for help. It is when we surrender, when we finally say, "Enough already!" that we begin to open to what will release us.

When we speak aloud and ask for help, we are able to discern between our own thoughts and the responsive stream of consciousness that flows in to inspire us. Keeping your thoughts in your head makes it more difficult to tell the difference. Now, those who have practiced longer will be more adept at receiving and will find insights flowing as easily as breathing. Taking the time to go inward sharpens those skills, certainly.

It's fun to practice when you are not in crisis. The next time you can't remember a name, or when you have misplaced something, say aloud, "OK, I really need your help to....." Then truly let go by breathing and allowing yourself not to think about it. Astonishing how quickly the response comes, or you find yourself simply picking up the item on the way to doing something else.

Blessings Abundant! Until next time, Phyllis

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Healer within.

This is a subject much too personal and multi-dimensional to be covered in one brief posting, yet I am inspired to comment at this time.

Your System, my System, Earth's System - each System is wise and multi-faceted beyond our limited understanding. The good news is, we do not have to figure out how to use our System to release a symptom. We have only to trust that the system is infallible and surrender to it. Some of us grow to this awareness, others have it inherently and are able to express it for themselves and the good of others.

Breath is the key to growing into the knowing. The solar plexus is our indicator. It is the place in the body where karmic memory is held and the place from which the Wisdom to release is activated. If I am holding my breath in stress, my solar plexus is not flexing. With breath, I move energy through that area, recall my Spirit - System - and am closer to recalling the cause of my pain. Persistent breathing achieves the release and the recall. Interesting to observe the breakthroughs that come when we allow ourselves to cry hard, thus producing lots of deep breathing! We finally have said, when we allow such emotional release, that we surrender our previous resistance.

My System says: Remember that any challenge is like running up a steep flight of stairs; the pressure is always greatest just before we reach the landing - and BREATHE!

Until next time, Phyllis

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Somewhere there is a rainbow!

It has been raining and now the sun is peeping through, which means somewhere there is rainbow and someone is feeling blessed by it. How lovely!

At the end of the first channeled message on August 14, 1983, a perfect rainbow appreared - and I knew it was all true.
I was so overwhelmed by the immensity of that message and wanted to believe it was real, but it was the rainbow that convinced me. What is it about rainbows, I now ask my System, and the reply is:

"The rainbow is the product of sunshine, and the sun is at the apex of Cosmic Consciousness (hmmm, will ask another time about this statement). The rainbow is also a full spectrum of the light of the human being and all of human experience, thus seeing it communoicates to the viewer a knowing of wholeness and perfection. Your System was telling you, 'This is true because it comes directly from the Creator.' Now you know that because you are a perfect reflection of the Creator, it was your own message to yourself. That truth would have been too much for you at that time." (smile)

Welcome the rain. Stand in celebration of yourself in the reflection of your rainbow.

Until next time, Phyllis

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Making way for change.

Perhaps like many of you, I have chafed under the feeling of carrying too much of the world with me recently. In perfect timing, my church is planning a book sale, so was able to take half of my books to them on Sunday. Further assisting me in lightening my load, my daughter-in-love is having a garage sale on Saturday, so will load the car with useful but unnecessary items for the sale. Oh, yes, and hugs from all the wonderful beings in that house will give me wings as well.

As we create more and more attachments in this world and cling to them, so do we find ourselves weighed down by their energy. Some possessions we still require to function in this world, of course, and those that seem to serve no current purpose can provide us fluidity as we release them.

Several of us who are sensitive to energy and cycles have been picking up insights about the nature of October; that it represents a more decisive measure of change to those who choose to join in the flow; and a challenge in current choices for those who would cling to the present and the past. I have asked for more messages that might help us in October, and the response is that we will do best if we breathe, stand and observe, and judge nothing. Allow self to absorb the energy of change for our own good. Breathe through judgement and remain in respectful observation that all things have a purpose. It does help to have partners in this transition, and I am so very grateful for mine.

Adopt the simplest guidance: breathe, drink plenty of water, love yourself. Until next time, Phyllis

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Can achieving sensitivity result in vulnerability?

These days I am considering how vulnerable we may have become in the name of honing our sensitivity to what other people and the planet may need from us.

Recently my System said, "Do not hold the pain of the Earth in your body." And I realized that many of us who choose to serve the planet may have inadvertently opened our physical bodies to mirror the ills of Earth. Wow, that feels very big!
The good news is: we do not have to understand how we might have done this or specifically how it may be affecting our bodies. If we have unusual symptoms we would like to release, some of which may, indeed, be related to Earth issues, we can give our bodies permission to release the condition(s) while still holding supportive attention on the Earth.

As complex beings we often do not understand how Earth may mirror our own progression in this lifetime, causing us to absorb Earth-related issues into our bodies. For example: Along with my dear friend, Nancy, and sister, Judith, I have been listening to the Earth ask for assistance with the water. We have mutual intention to serve as we can - AND Nancy and I have both been experiencing kidney issues. Ah Ha! Clarification of intention remedies this for us, and it can for you, too.

When we have a symptom it serves us well to remember that any symptom is (simply) a messenger doing its best to deliver a message. And we are most likely to listen to physical messages, so the System does what it can to alert us. If we will breathe, thank that part of us for its service, and ask, "What is the wisdom in this?", we give the System permission to speak to us through a dream, a friend, a book, etc. Then it is up to us to use inspiration to do our conscious part, ie. change in diet, medical assistance, etc. Then we also need to give that part of our System permission to recall its perfect function and do its part.

One of my personal reflections is that I begin having a physical symptom that seems related to nothing, then I realize that it is a symptom in a person I meet - or I put my attention on a phantom symptom, only to find myself with a full-blown symptom as a result.

I am using this experience to realize better how to stand and observe without reaction. In this way I am using my energy intentionally and effectively. While the Earth is learning how to use energy more effectively, we can, each of us, become the example and the pattern by which this essential Wisdom is applied.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Friends, friendship and befriending

What a joy to visit my church yesterday, and while I respect the opportunity to be a part of the service, I am acutely aware of the friends who welcome me and of the miriad nurturing friendships that thrive in communities which are God-centered and lovingly intended toward service.

Several folks who met with me were having difficulty with abundance, with loving relationships, and with an absence of or only mininal trust in themselves. They, like me, were raised in traditional families who were not adept at teaching children to love and celebrate themselves. No, in fact, we were to be self-deprecating so that others would not think we were too self-centered.

Two and three generations later, we are still learning to trust ourselves to receive without self-consciousness. We are still learning how to befriend ourselves.

We offer friendship, we serve others, but to unflinchingly receive true love and the gifts of love is still a stretch. My sister, Judith, and our friends Barbara and Jenni initiated a meditation called the TAL Group - Totally Accepting Love. Barbara, always the teacher, went on ahead of us into Spirit last year. She knew in this life, better than most, how to generously give. And in this life, learned, then taught by example, how to thrive in receiving. She also demonstrated that when we receive openly we honor the giver in turn. Once again, breathing is the key to releasing resistance and receiving unconditionally.

As Jesus said, "Love yourself. I do." My personal commitment is to put my attention on his love, breathe it in, and to practice daily to receive what he unconditonally offers. Because he offers himself in this service, and because I know him in no other way, he is the perfect place to practice. With him I can learn to flow more naturally in the gifts of love that are mine by birthright. - and to become a better friend to myself.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Drenched in color, I am blissful!

Happily planted, if only temporarily, in my favorite motel in Duluth, MN, I can still feel the energy of the trees dancing with color along I35.

One of my many blessings is being invited to speak at my church for the September annual meeting. Not only do I look forward, anytime, to being with church family and near this fabuous lake, but I also get the autumn color preview as I drive.
The vibration of the colors had me shuddering with delight all along the way. It points up how, in nasty weather, I have the illusion that the drive up is long and tiring.

Energy is in everything - and everyone - of course, and because I was largely oblivious to its presence and effects for many years of my life, I am fascinated and delighted with the enhanced awareness I've learned. Simply to notice how an inanimate object "feels" to us, compared to a living thing adds dimension to our lives. I love the exercise we did when taking the Avatar course years ago. We walked and felt the differences between animate and inanimate encounters. This simple, yet significant, exercise expands our consciousness and stimulates our sensitivity to the world in which we live.

I am acutely aware of the differences my neighborhood has experienced with the loss of, and now the reconstruction and opening of the I35 bridge. Not only is there a significant difference in the flow of energy through our area, but the shift in the consciousness of the people has been fascinating to observe. The healing will continue for some time to come, but the first step is a shift in the acceptance and confidence in the new flow, crossing as it does the most powerful flow of "our" river.

Until next time, Phyllis

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Paying attention to where my attention is...

This morning my attention is on this blog and the detail of communicating clearly without boring the socks off anyone with an interest.
One factor is to clarify the identity of the Source of my information, and that is "my System."
Clearly, I think of my personal channel to Wisdom as my System, though I am still alternately calling it God as well. On my way to accepting entirely that I am THE System, on emotional, mental and physical levels, I am releasing the God reference about the channel to my Wisdom.

Let me first say that God, Jesus the Christ and Holy Spirit are the center of my spiritual belief system. This Trinity pre-exists my existence. It is the Source from which my System is created. And the Trinity continues to support and inspire me. So, literally, God is the Source of all Wisdom, yet created in God's image, my System is directing its own energy/consciousness. Thus is the Mind of God/Cosmic Consciousness expanded. In tandem with my Creator, I fulfill my soul's purpose by exploring life through the free will invested in me.

Back in '90-'91, what I then called Spirit told me that we as a civilization were/are "on the brink of the greatest shift in consciousness ever experienced by humankind. This civilization will move from believing they are part of, and subject to, systems, ie medical, educational, legal, governmental, etc., to knowing themselves, each of them, as The System."

Think what that means. Reactions fall away. All the limiting ways we have been taught dissolve. If we are not reactive, we do not blame anyone at all for our condition or situation. We live in a space observing our creations - and expanding consciousness exponentially because all of our energy is in a dedicated state.

How do we accomplish this shift? We are in the shift, of course, or my System would not have broadcast the message. More to the point, the way we speak about ourselves and our Cosmic condition aids us in moving more deliberately toward the goal; the goal being to accept ourselves as The System we already are. Our collective amnesia has separated us from activating and utilizing The System. So we are practicing. We move closer to knowing ourselves as The System when we pay attention to where our attention is, meditate, use language that reflects the ideal, and discuss with others the obstacles we meet along the way.

A slogan for a workshop I offered some years ago, entitled 'CreatorSphere' was, 'The Universe Agrees With You.' And, indeed, it does. No thing goes unnoticed. My System is always speaking through what unfolds in front of me. I may not like it, but to ignore or argue with any thing means I am in resistance to my own creations. A cosmic conflict. Oh, my. And I can give myself as much permission as I need to live in the conflict, or I can dedicate my energy instead to revealing "the Wisdom in it."
The struggle is the condition in which we experience contrast, thus the motivation to "get it" and move forward.

My System says, "Whenever you meet an obstacle, whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual, take a deep breath and ask your System, "What is the Wisdom in this?" Surrender and go on with your day, and the response will come through some means you create to communicate with you; dreams, a book, a friend, a TV program, etc. True delight is in the discovery!

My next posts will originate from Duluth, MN, where I am driving tomorrow to serve and be served by clients and my church. When visiting Duluth over a weekend, please stop and visit Lake Superior Interfaith Community Church. This is a truly welcoming church community.

Wishing you clarity in your creations, I focus on mine and honor Richard Bach for this gem: "We teach what we most need to learn."

Until next time,

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


What an opportunity to post frequent messages of expanding consciousness as I am inspired!
My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all of you who stimulate new insights by your interactions with me. When I was first told 25 years ago that I had "a lot of work to do," I assumed Spirit meant the work I would do in service to others. I could not have imagined the extent of personal growth in front of me. Now, all these years later, I am excited and more curious than ever.

These days I am recommending reading - or re-reading - ILLUSIONS by Richard Bach. I was inspired to pull it off my shelves recently, and now read in it a very different voice than I was able to understand many years ago. My daughter, Paige, gets full credit for prodding me 30 years ago to read this momentous book. Thank you, Paige, and thank you, Richard Bach. I do not know if it is still in print, but if not, libraries have it, and perhaps a web search...

One of the early messages shared with me has been recently updated, and I share it with you here:

I do," Jesus

Until next time, Phyllis