Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Message from Lao Tzu

Greetings in Gratitude!

Just a short post this morning before going off to fun day with Anita.

Recently, Lao Tzu, father of Taoism, has been contacting me in dreams, then repeating the messages after I am awake. I thank him for his Wisdom, and offer this morning's message for all of us.

"When you stand by the river, your attention is drawn to the water. You see the activity of the water, the ripples and sometimes the turbulence. You may also notice the banks; the one on which you stand and the opposite bank. So you notice what is visible. But the wisdom is not in what is visible. The wisdom is the accumulated and stored richness at the bottom of the river.
Go to the depths; take your courage and with a deep breath, dive, dive, dive to the bottom.
Here you will find the wisdom that awaits you; the wisdom that has always been there waiting for you. The depths always holds your wisdom. The richness tells the oldest story, the most important information and emotion that will set you free, raise you up to the surface and return you to your joy." Lao Tzu

Until next time, Breathing and Diving with you,
I am Phyllis, Becoming

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