Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lao Tsu Continued

Greetings in Gratitude!

Once I heard the first message from Lao Tsu, reported in the last post, I felt that old tug of, "What right do I have to report messages from someone like this?" I didn't realize my deeper issue with it until this morning when I heard the word, "domain," as I woke. Since then it has been followed by "eminent," and "public." With some time to talk with him about it, I realize this message has more for all of us.

He says, "Your right to report is absolute. You have domain, and no permission is required. If I were alive and had public rights on published materials, the story would be different. It is not now true. Relax. Publish this to ask people to consider their own Wisdom. People shy away from interpreting the words of notable figures, especially those of a religious nature. Once a person has expressed a truth and it resides in the consciousness long enough, so many share it that it becomes public domain. Also, when I offer you a new thought, then it is yours, and you may publish it as you see fit."

This experience has shadows of wavering conviction about it. Sometimes we need to be challenged to recognize that our conviction is still stabilizing. Not only in a situation like this, of course, but in many life situations. We are challenged when we are still coming to terms with personal truth; when we are still learning to trust ourselves. The minor issue becomes a major as we test ourselves and learn to have faith, no matter how it may appear to another.

We have traveled so far, evolved to see the emergence of the Third Earth, and we are the bright colors in its tapestry. Our consciousness is expanding beyond anything we can yet imagine, and we are the means by which it expands. We trust more, we breathe and choose or take action based on faith. We have eminent domain. We acquire what will serve us best, knowing that such acquisition will also serve the greater good.

Well, that's been an interesting twist to what started out with a few words. Lovely how our Universe works when we let it. I am grateful.

Until next time,
I am Phyllis, Becoming

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Good morning Phyllis. I just wanted to share this with you. I have been reading your blog for quite some time now. I enjoy it very much and am so grateful for your sharing it with me. just last night I opened a new book to read. borrowed it from my sister and chose it quickly. The title is what got my attention but I just now realized I had only read the large script that made up the title. not the small. It is CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS CHANGE YOUR LIFE. living the wisdom of the tao. By Wayne Dyer. He says read only one verse at a time, I did and will be reading it over several times. A bit confusing. What I have so far taken hold of is Relax. Judge less and listen more. Let go of naming and labeling. I know who you speak of in your last two blogs. Coincidental I thought so. any how thank you for sharing.I will breathe through it and allow. I thank you for that shared wisdom also it truly helps. Sheila Prust You need not post this I didnt know it would