Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Making way for change.

Perhaps like many of you, I have chafed under the feeling of carrying too much of the world with me recently. In perfect timing, my church is planning a book sale, so was able to take half of my books to them on Sunday. Further assisting me in lightening my load, my daughter-in-love is having a garage sale on Saturday, so will load the car with useful but unnecessary items for the sale. Oh, yes, and hugs from all the wonderful beings in that house will give me wings as well.

As we create more and more attachments in this world and cling to them, so do we find ourselves weighed down by their energy. Some possessions we still require to function in this world, of course, and those that seem to serve no current purpose can provide us fluidity as we release them.

Several of us who are sensitive to energy and cycles have been picking up insights about the nature of October; that it represents a more decisive measure of change to those who choose to join in the flow; and a challenge in current choices for those who would cling to the present and the past. I have asked for more messages that might help us in October, and the response is that we will do best if we breathe, stand and observe, and judge nothing. Allow self to absorb the energy of change for our own good. Breathe through judgement and remain in respectful observation that all things have a purpose. It does help to have partners in this transition, and I am so very grateful for mine.

Adopt the simplest guidance: breathe, drink plenty of water, love yourself. Until next time, Phyllis

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