Friday, September 19, 2008

Drenched in color, I am blissful!

Happily planted, if only temporarily, in my favorite motel in Duluth, MN, I can still feel the energy of the trees dancing with color along I35.

One of my many blessings is being invited to speak at my church for the September annual meeting. Not only do I look forward, anytime, to being with church family and near this fabuous lake, but I also get the autumn color preview as I drive.
The vibration of the colors had me shuddering with delight all along the way. It points up how, in nasty weather, I have the illusion that the drive up is long and tiring.

Energy is in everything - and everyone - of course, and because I was largely oblivious to its presence and effects for many years of my life, I am fascinated and delighted with the enhanced awareness I've learned. Simply to notice how an inanimate object "feels" to us, compared to a living thing adds dimension to our lives. I love the exercise we did when taking the Avatar course years ago. We walked and felt the differences between animate and inanimate encounters. This simple, yet significant, exercise expands our consciousness and stimulates our sensitivity to the world in which we live.

I am acutely aware of the differences my neighborhood has experienced with the loss of, and now the reconstruction and opening of the I35 bridge. Not only is there a significant difference in the flow of energy through our area, but the shift in the consciousness of the people has been fascinating to observe. The healing will continue for some time to come, but the first step is a shift in the acceptance and confidence in the new flow, crossing as it does the most powerful flow of "our" river.

Until next time, Phyllis

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