Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A recent read: THE SHACK

Hello, All!

Thank you for your feedback. And while I have been internally processing; not here as much as I had "planned," I am so grateful for your attention to the messages System shares with all of us.

My most recent read was sent to me by Friend Nancy, and I am very impressed. This book takes us inside our own demons and deftly shows us the way through them and out the other side. An exercise many of us need now. An inspired gift, it opened doors as I have been taking my own journey - through shame.

It's part of my nature to ponder, even while taking my own journey, how many others have the same assignment and how we are assisting one another as we achieve insight and release. Shame is a broad assignment. So is guilt (sounds like it could be shame, but is not). Rage is another, self-deprecation another, and so on. Perhaps there are as many assignments as there are people since each perspective within a term of human condition is so subjective.

I recommend THE SHACK. While written from a Christian perspective, it does not hit one over the head with religious dogma, but steers the reader through a drama in the presence of loving and gracious guides who remind us that, whatever the assignment, we are loved.

Grateful to be taking this ride with each of you!
Until next time,

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