Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Greetings to you in New Dimension!

As I begin today I am filled with a knowing that much of what I have to share is not in my brain but coming from Mind and probably surprising me as I share it with all of you.

Sunday was an especially altering experience for me, as I assume it was for so many of you, and I will speak more to the global implications in a moment. First, to my church family, I thank all of you who shared your Sunday with me. I don't quite know how I got through the service. My message was about the difference between brain/logic and Mind/God. One thing that did not make it into my message is what I share with you now.

As we come together in Mind, all things are possible. The need now to do so intentionally, supporting personal, global and cosmic transformation, compels us. Our ability to combine in Mind is expanded, so we will not be surprised at our spontaneous activity in this direction.

Perhaps I could not speak of it on Sunday because we were so in the energy of a transformation on the weekend that I had no words to express it. I could feel the change in the energy of the church, but the tremors of transformation had so engaged me from the first hug to the last that I could not express it.
And my physical system was reacting, making it possible only to pay attention to myself. As I told the folks who had stayed for sessions, the physical reaction was like the first time I drove into the energy of Sedona, Arizona. And I'm not likely to forget either of these.

We who follow the path of the Planetary Pilgrim, for many years have sat singly and in groups to meditate and to serve the planetary expansion of consciousness. We knew how to do this in Third Dimensional Earth. I am suggesting that in New Earth we are beckoned into Mind convergence more intentionally these days. Many channels who write of global change called last weekend's energy Conscious Convergence. I thank dear friend, Nancy, for playing her significant role in advising me what is out there in global conversation on the web.

One old friend said when we talked after service on Sunday that I was not myself. And when I looked in the mirror before the service, I was struck by an image that surely did not look like the person who left my apartment that morning. It reminds me now of the shifts in the planes of the face of my old friend, Michael, when he would channel God's messages. Michael, but not Michael. Me, but not me. Earth, but not the Earth we have known.

The past few weeks I've been in what I could only describe as a state of suspended animation, breathing deeply and shuddering to adjust to something coming, something as yet unknown. Well, this is it. And I bow to those who have written about it, calling it the Conscious Convergence. To me, this morning, it is a shift in the planes of Consciousness that alters our view of ourselves, of the planet and of Cosmic Mind in which we are all related. As I stand out beyond three-dimensional Earth, I see the angles, like geometrical sheets of light, along which we joined with Cosmic Consciousness. The angles have shifted and are drifting. And so has our personal energy, from 3rd dimension reality to an expanded version of ourselves. Looking at physical life, I see us walking as if levitating above the surface of the planet. And looking at the latest crop circle, I can feel it. (see earlier post for website)

For the past two weeks I've been inspired to say, "I am Light." Whenever I look at my body, think of my place on the planet, realize how perfect is my Plan, "I am Light." Now I know the shift is more than I knew. And I love being surprised, so tah-dah! And my physical body has mostly recovered its balance, so I am grateful.

As more is known, I will happily share it. And I hope you who have comments and related experiences will navigate the "comment" section and share your thoughts. Don't let it intimidate you, use the simplest access and let it go at that. I thank you. How blessed I am to share this journey with all of you. Breathing into this new dimension with all of you,

Until next time,
I am Phyllis, Becoming

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