Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11

Hello, Everyone,

Happy April 11!  Yes, I know it means nothing to most folks, but for me it is a quarter point in my personal calendar and an anniversary for several significant events over the years.  So, I am reflective today and prompted to post here what came in yesterday. First I want to thank an old friend for interpreting my name.  She says, according to the Greek, Phyl means 'love of,' which I did not know and El is a name for God, which I did know.  So thank you, Barbara for sharing the meaning of my 'new' name.  

Following a meditation nap yesterday, I asked what was most important and heard, "The Golden Spiral."  Looking it up on Wikipedia, well it's best if you're interested that you read it there for yourself.  When I asked its significance for me/us, I was told it holds a mathematically perfect memory of all informational files ever recorded.  And, that these files, holding all of Earth's memory, are key to holding it in place and on track for its cosmic purpose.

Even as I write this, getting clarification as I type, I realize again that our language is a limitation when trying to describe any energetic.  I do know that with intention to serve the planet, we are engaged with The Golden Spiral.  All of its algorithmic construct is within us, of course, and we are at the center of its movement, better served by it when we know of it, as we now do, and as we affirm our intention toward it.

Taking a deep breath, affirming my intention toward being as authentic as humanly possible, I feel myself more anchored and more open to Wisdom.  My feeling is this will lead to more and I will be happy to report as it comes in.

With gratitude,
I am Phyl-El

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