Monday, January 3, 2011

News on Dreaming and 2011 Anomaly

Greetings 2011 Beings!

First the update on dreaming. This experience is already exponentially expanding MY consciousness, so I am both excited and intimidated by the scope of this birthing intention.

While I started out pondering the ways in which people dream, I've found the core of these thoughts takes me into reflections on collaborative or mutual dreaming that I introduced to a dream class and workshops many years ago. In the dream class we learned the techniques of recalling and recording our dreams first. Then, as we grew more adept, I introduced shared dreaming. We would agree on a night to dream together, then choose a place to meet in our dream, and state a goal we would try to achieve. This was phenomenal! What a journey to take with people who had similar interests.

The journey I am proposing now is on this theme, but with global proportions in service to the Earth, with an intention to expand Cosmic Consciousness. As we establish a common meeting venue, perhaps a chat venue like Big Tent, and agree on a set of intentions to guide us in this venture, I will be looking for folks who are interested in joining the group. I will moderate, but that does not mean I hold the group to strict controls. How could that happen anyway, with the global scope I can see developing.

Please let me know if you would be interested in a dream collective. You do not have to be a skillful dreamer to join. No. The practice in dreaming is part of the process. I will email to anyone interested, the techniques we learned in dream class to improve our dream skills. So if you are interested in trying it out - you are making no commitments - then email me at: I will add you to my list and keep you informed of our progress. So be it.

Secondly, do you ever wonder when you observe an anomaly whether it is universal or just your own message? I'm observing an anomaly that really has me fascinated. I have seen three lighted commercial signs with either front or back missing or hanging in disrepair in the past two weeks. And in places you would expect to see rapid repair: Perkins Restaurant, Walgreens and McDonalds. Large, obvious, messy signs of disrepair.

The message for me seems to be that all the signs no longer apply as they once did. In this new Earth and since the first of this amazing new year, signs in my life which had meaning are part of the old. I take nothing for granted. Everything is under construction. We are in a state of renewal and all the rules are changing. I've spoken of this in earlier postings, so will not belabor it here.

Well, it's been a long day, so will call it good for now and thank you all for being such a significant part of how I am Becoming in 2011.

Until next time,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming

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