Monday, January 24, 2011

Living The Moment

G'Day, Everyone!

Feeling very "Aussie" this morning and observing my world through this perfect moment, I wish us all the knowing of perfection in the now.

I love so much living from moment to moment. This is so out of the context from the life I grew to believe was the only way for responsible people to live. This living "in the flow" feels so "hippy" to me; so much the way the Flower Children lived in the 70s. My youngest sister came into her own during that period and she modeled that way of life for our family. We, of course, responded with some alarm to parts of that lifestyle. I must say, I was also curious about what that might feel like for her. I love her so much and wanted to understand, while rejecting what I thought could be dangerous for her. She, of course, went blithely on her way and continues to live her life more freely than I have - until now.

Living the moment is not living IN the moment. Breathing has taught me so much about living the moment. And I love living this way. Now, you and I both know that I am not perfectly in my moment all the time. But living my moment is such a relief that I am becoming addicted to it. Breath brings me back to now; nothing else but now. Thoughts float by and breath takes me back to System. What it wants now is all that matters. What it needs now is what takes precedence. All else can fall away easily.

Does it need a nap now? With breath I know what task has least resistance. Where is my attention now? This will be done this ease. With breath I hear System and respond. Reaction is less my life and more a memory.

This is a newly traveled country for me. I was a stranger here but loved the landscape. I grew more and more attracted to the beauty, the simplicity of it and now find it is more mine than the old territory I knew so well but struggled to manage. I am no longer a "stranger in a strange land." I am learning the language and feel no remorse for abandoning citizenship in what was. I adopt this country as my own.

Today is mine. Daniel visited last night and introduced himself as my Presence. "Grab it all, Phyllis. It is yours." What a different feeling I had hearing this. In the past, grabbing it all meant reaching out into the future for what would fill the now with something more, something to fill a void. In this new territory his words fill me with knowing that System is complete. My day is mine. It is complete. I am fulfilled. I do not yet know this completely, but I am comfortable learning this language still. Breathing, I know it better than I did yesterday. And while I learn it, breathing sustains me. I need know nothing more than this moment. Living the Moment is every thing.

In this Moment,
I am Phyllis, Still Becoming

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