Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Choices with Ease


Being human is all about choices, isn't it? This or that, up or down, fly or drive, shop or stay home, Best Buy or Walmart. And making choices is exercising free will. The catch is, we only want to make the right choice. Now, System will tell us that any choice is the right choice. We can't miss. From each choice we learn, and learning is what being human is all about.

Today I am exploring how to choose with increasing accuracy; choosing to achieve an outcome we prefer. Choice then becomes an exciting exercise in living with ease.

Surprise, surprise, breath is the key to choosing with greater assurance. We can and do improve the quality of our lives when we can relax into choosing. We don't need to hear voices in response to questions about what to do, how to choose, although this can and does also happen when we pose a question and breathe.

Again, for clarity, breathing is the natural means to release our mental and emotional activity.
Choices are not made accurately from logic or emotion. It is certainly possible to choose while also using logical process, but our accuracy is hugely enhanced by relaxing logic and emotion with breath. Logical process increases tension in the body because it is from our density. Physical, mental and emotional conditions are borne of Earth. Wisdom/Mind is borne of Spirit.
Breath releases us to our Wisdom, releasing the denser parts. And from Wisdom all is Known. Trusting this creates an environment through which a choice serves us better.

Example: Yesterday I went out on errands and needed ink cartridges for my printer. Office Max does not carry Kodak inks, but I was told I could get them at Best Buy. I set out and made two other stops, then breathed and realized I was thinking about Walmart. Walmart is not my shopping preference, but it is closer to me. Then I thought about the ink again and breathed - again. With Best Buy and Walmart in front of me as options, I breathed again. When I thought about Walmart my body relaxed. Letting go of logic, I drove to Walmart. Not only did they have my ink, I was able to buy three other items that had been on my list for a while. I did not think about what I needed, just breathed, wandering through the store, finding each item with ease. How lovely.

This example is just one that illustrates we need no special skills to live with greater ease.
We all breathe. We can all tell when our system is tensed or relaxed. Like any other skill, we get better the more we practice. How important is the quality of our lives? Where do we choose to use our energy?

Exercising free will is the way we learn, and it turns out that how we learn to use our free will teaches us even more.

Wishing you ease, now and always,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming

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