Friday, March 2, 2012

Hi, There! God Here.

Good Day!

What lovely responses some of you have offered after my last post here.  I am so excited that as we share ideas about anything, we expand Consciousness and fulfill our purpose for being here.

Speaking of God....

In the first few months after the channeling started in 1983 so much unfolded that it's a wonder we didn't explode or lose our minds.  Goes to show just how much we can manage when inspired.  When we're so hungry for Spirit it's much like gorging on a food your system needs most.  It's delicious, and we can't seem to get enough.

One night in late 1983, walking through the hallway of my home in Bemidji, MN, I found myself standing there, suddenly there, disoriented, following a trip I didn't know anyone could take.  I had shot out of my body and into the center of what I now call The All That Is, or the Mind of God.  I had a memory of the absence of ANY thing.  I said later, that to call it perfection demeaned it, minimized it.  Nothing I could say describes it, even now.  Coming back from it, I was changed.  I was euphoric, remembering the Source from which we all come.

You've heard the term, "baby Christian," well I was a baby psychic/parapsychologist.   I knew nothing, and I suppose that knowing nothing, expecting nothing, is the very best place to be to have the most profound experiences.  These days I am able to surrender to that level of NoThing, but in those days I was so unschooled that speaking with Masters, traveling out of body, moving between dimensions was all so thrilling, yet accepted in naivete what I thought was expected of me.

The trip had just begun, I know now, and I needed the internal shift, the knowing, to support me throughout.  We all need to know within that what is contained in our journey is worth the risks, the sacrifices - and that the joy, the reward will inevitably come.
We need to know that the purpose is more than we can know.  Literally, more than we can know, yet supported by an internal magnetic compass.  And we don't have to wonder if we have it.  Being on the path of discovery is all the evidence we need.  Indeed, being there, we have the compass. The journey cannot begin without it.

I am recalling that trip as now I strike up a conversation with God that was always there waiting for me, just as my out-of-body event was always there, waiting until I was ready.  I am comforted and thrilled, challenged and engaged.  I am grateful.

From the sublime to the mundane.  Yes, the laundry is calling. Bless my laundry room, right across the hall.  God's blessings are incalculable.  They await us, in our perfectly devised Plan, until we are ready to accept them.  In the simplicity of faith, recalling The All That Is, with gratitude, we soar!

Breathing with you,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming

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