Saturday, November 19, 2011

My Personal String Theory


Today I felt a shift within, as if there were a physical floor shift changing positions on the floor of my old Gremlin.

And tonight when I was quiet and asking for insight about it, I was reminded how compelling the differences in time have been most recently.  No, not the, "My how time flies," experience.  These days the impressions around time are palpable.  So I asked, and this is what I was told.

"Think about a string held between the fingers of both hands.  The string represents time. When it is relaxed, hanging, time seems to move more slowly.  When pulled taut, the appearance is that time is accelerated.  The tension of the energy, here represented by the string, produces the sensation we associate with time.

These days the string is taut. Our evolutionary cycle brings us to this state of exploring time as a human invention to measure the space between sunrise and sunset, for example.  We have been comforted - and controlled - by linear measurement and thinking.  Now we are experimenting with it.  What do we choose it to be?  In what reality do we choose to live?

This whole symbol of the string piques my curiosity about "string theory."  Not that I have a clue what that means, but perhaps reading about it I might absorb some of it by osmosis.

The shift also has to do with how much is contained in any timeframe.  How much do we believe is possible?  The possibilities are literally infinite.  The real question is, how much can we handle?  We may dream hugely, but our belief system monitors what we are able to manage.  Sometimes we feel swamped by it and learn a lot about abundance and whether the flow serves us well. At other times the flow is generous but not overwhelming and we thrive.  And we all know the feeling of lack.  It is only as real as we believe it to be.  Now is a perfect time to breathe and practice stretching our levels of acceptance.  "Time" is on our side.

Until next time, breathing,

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