Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Support System, Part II


Aunt Phyl is on my mind this morning, so I am reminiscing and meandering. She was/is a character; my mother's aunt, therefore my great-aunt. Everyone should be blessed to have such a character in their lives. She was a small woman, with a snap in her eyes and a sharp wit. Mother and I decided she must have been an "It Girl" in her time. She did have "it," attracting the attention of men even in her later years. A self-professed flapper in her day, she loved riding behind handsome gentlemen on their motorcycles.

Aunt Phyl began life as Philemon, a French name she hated. So when she could, she changed it to Phyllis. When I came along Mother named me for her, and I am grateful. Raised Catholic, she bent and broke rules the Pope probably never thought to write down. She was married twice and had a child with each man. I knew her daughters, and they were as different as night and day.

Her life was not easy. She and her sisters, one of whom is our maternal grandmother, were farmed out to relatives when they were quite young; when their father married a French woman who did not like them. Aunt Phyl learned to appreciate life and she had a selfish streak that gave me a lot to think about as I grew to know her. Her sharp tongue let you know where she stood and what she wanted.

We celebrated our January birthdays together a few times, and on her 90th we celebrated at Mom's, with their cousin, Richard. She reflected on her age as we were leaving and said, "I don't mind so much getting older, except my dingly-danglies fall to my knees!"

When she passed, just short of her 93rd birthday, I realized I would miss her more than most. That spark was special. And when I woke this morning, feeling her energy all around me, I needed to take this time to honor her as she is, here and now, always.

Our Support Systems are more than we know. They consist of family and friends with whom we share our lives, both their 3-Dimensional and their Extra-Dimensional selves; the people who have left their human suit behind but continue relationship with us; the folks we've never met who are other aspects of us; the Masters and Angels who attend us. Our Support Systems exceed any linear understanding. Considering this expansive Consciousness, spiraling out and out, inward and ever inward, it's a travesty that we do not consciously and intentionally utilize it every moment of every day.

Our entourage is impressive. Thank you, each of you, for connecting with me, as I am grateful to connect with you. Thank you, Aunt Phyl, and each facet of my Support System for your service. I am more committed than ever to remembering how generously you offer your support, for those things that feel important and for items that feel insignificant; remembering what God told me: "Phyllis, whether it is world peace or a hangnail, if it feels important to you, then it is important to us."

Breathing into the Possible,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming

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