Saturday, October 23, 2010

Greetings in Gratitude!

This overcast Saturday has sunshine in it. Family members with various health issues are all recovering nicely; from surgery, a stroke, pneumonia, and Mom's tests were clear. For all these reasons and more I am truly grateful today. Sunshine, indeed.

Times like these, when people we love are physically challenged, are times to reflect on what is truly important. From day to day we can lose track of the good. Our attention goes to what is most emotional, and it surely can feel big, compelling.

The emotional body is compelling, and it deserves our attention. If not recognized for its unique wisdom, the symptoms it represents become mental messages. If ignored there, the symptom goes to the physical where we are most likely to give it the attention it deserves.

Sometimes the emotions come in a tidal wave. Sometimes they prod us lightly. Getting better acquainted with our emotional messages as they are arise informs us to so many more layers of wisdom than we can imagine. Each of us is a storehouse of generations of memory and the wisdom associated those memories. Our current life is inevitably linked to those memories.

We do not need to recall the lifetime affecting us to benefit from the memory. The emotional body holds the essence of those lifetimes, which are linked to the assignments of our current lifetime. One experience comes to mind as an example.

Claustrophobia has always been an issue for me. But imagine my surprise when, several years ago, I had an anxiety attack as the result of agoraphobia (fear of open spaces). These two seem too opposite to both have meaning for one person, but when I reflected on the lifetime of Laurel, my WWII aspect who was held in a cage and abused in the concentration camp at Buchenwald; when I felt her complex fears, I could put it all together.

From that point I could allow myself the emotional reaction, breathe through it, speak to Laurel in Spirit, and reassure her that we are safe together. I also thank her for revealing my assignment this time around, linked as we are in our soul's history. I've seen enough of these correlating lifetimes through clients that I know the significance for all of us.

Each of us is a compilation of centuries of memories. They manifest as our contract or assignment for this lifetime, therefore expanding human Consciousness as we live and learn through it. Each of us can access what is significant through our emotions. We are all in charge of our own Creation, so each of us is capable of releasing symptoms that might otherwise compromise the quality of our lives. This is a big subject, so if you have questions that might be addressed through the "comment" section, I would be happy to explore this further.

Until next time,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming

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