Monday, October 11, 2010

Synchronicities and Curiosities

Greetings in Gratitude!

"Cherish these days." This was the sweet response to my question regarding the 10-10-10 which many people across the planet commemorated yesterday.

I love numerology. I don't live my life by it, but when numbers come up that pique my curiosity, I am fascinated at the synchronistic, mathematical features of our Cosmic structure. So I have two thoughts about the importance of dates such as 10-10-10.

First, whenever folks gather and invest in the expanding Consciousness, I breathe with them and applaud the effect on the planet. Whatever belief brings people together in an intentional, loving movement has worth.

Second, as an amateur numerologist, I wonder how any date, leaving out one number in the equation, can have energetic significance. Numerology relies on the mathematical perfection of any equation. The year is 2010, which in numerology reduces to a 3, so yesterday was 10-10-3. That means that a synchronistic date this year would have been March 3rd. Next year the "power day" would be April 4, because 2011 reduces to a 4. But just watch the focus next year on November 11. (And I love 11s, so I get it.)

I'm as fickle as anyone about numbers, of course. I loved that my son, born in '66, celebrated his 44th birthday this year, and it falls on the 22nd of his birth month. As I said, I love numbers and 11s, so I understand the fascination.

What naturally occurs to me is that, from whatever we believe, we create. If I believe a parking space will open for me in a crowded lot, it does, as it did yesterday when, after church, Mom and I drove to the most popular orchard for apples on a most perfect orchard day. So if enough people believe in the power of a certain day, the focus in Consciousness has effect on Earth; not good or bad, right or wrong, but an effect directly related to the collective belief. Christmas comes to mind. We truly have no idea when Christ was born, though it was probably in the Spring, but we focus our attention on Christmas in December and enjoy the collective benefit.

Subconscious beliefs also produce effects. We can do all of our homework, trusting that what we think will produce the outcome we desire. But if fear or conflicting belief underlies that conscious intention, then the outcome will more likely relate to the fear. And why is that important? Yes, because we want outcomes that please us, but more significantly, our fears are symptoms. And as we've discussed in an earlier posting, all symptoms are simply messengers seeking acknowledgement and resolution. This is the way we grow and become - all that we can be.

So let us "cherish these days," for the beauty in them, for our contribution to them, for the power in them that expands beyond anything we can understand. I am inspired that we cherish one another; each of us a courageous linchpin in a Cosmic invention.

Until next time,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming

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