Friday, January 29, 2010

There Are Days.....

Greetings in Gratitude!

Are there days in your life when you're simply not motivated to insert yourself into process to promote your life? Days when you just want to rest on your laurels and forget you ever heard the word "spiritual?" Well, you are not alone.

Do you have this feeling that not wanting to be involved means you are lazy or, worse, that you have lost your way? Some input about this seems timely.

Reading this blog probably means you are already on a path of discovery, at least curious, and perhaps investing intentionally in personal growth. And, without realizing it, you may also be fulfilling a role for the planet that means a significant investment of your energy.

Is it any wonder that from time to time you need a breather? Nature illustrates the need for our resting time. Plants do not grow at the same rate year around, bears usually hibernate, and butterflies only become because the caterpillar goes into the chrysalis stage. The butterfly is a great example, for while the chrysalis disguises the transformation, still it occurs while seemingly in stasis.

Growth does not stop because we give ourselves time to breathe. Your consciousness is a living, vibrant Mind that is in constant motion. Evolution is inevitable. We need not feel self-conscious because from time to time we take a break from applying ourselves consciously to our personal growth. In fact, intentional growth vacations can renew and invigorate your life.

And in that renewal time your Spirit does not rest. On the contrary, we all need time to integrate what we have learned; to reflect on and celebrate what we have achieved. We are conditioned to this fear that a down time is detrimental. Summer school vacation is accompanied by admonitions from teachers and parents that we might fall behind unless we practice our skills over the summer. What is true of the brain - information accumulation - is not true of the Mind. The expansion of Mind never takes a vacation.

And even as the brain takes a vacation, Mind stores everything brain has ever explored. It's all in there, folks! We truly lose nothing.

We can become very immeshed in our personal growth, striving for more and yet more wisdom, at the same time coping with the pressures of the planet. As we move through this accelerated period of evolution and the planet increasingly shows us the evidence of pressures beyond our understanding, we really need time relieve the stress. We need, more than ever, to simply attend to the other aspects our lives; to have fun, recreate, breathe, ask what our system needs and indulge ourselves.

I am grateful to those of you who are very good at this already and teach me a better balance. Thank you for your example. Earth breathes more easily as we do. And we breathe with greater ease as we tend to all parts of system. We will not fail. The Plan is perfect. And each of us is a perfect part it. Recreate to Breathe and Grow. Breathe and Know.

Until next time,

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