Sunday, February 5, 2017

When Hovering Hurts


As it is in life, when several things gather 'round, they cannot be accidental.  From several sources including my own thoughts, the subject of "hovering" is demanding attention.

Attention is a funny thing.  We grow up with it, we grow into it, we become addicted to it.  Our lives are full of details and we come to expect that unless we hover over them, manage them, list them, keep track of them somehow we will lose the thread and our lives will spiral out of control.

The delightful thing is that the less I pay attention, the more smoothly my life runs.  So I've found that where I find myself blocked, it's because I've allowed myself to hold attention, however unintentionally, on the situation. Hovering. My System is showing me a symptom, and, oh, yes, there is Wisdom in any symptom.

Very practically, I was raised in a low income family, moved through several underpaid jobs and always found a way to survive.  Acquired beliefs produced the quality of my life.

It all came home to me regarding my prayer room - a sacred energy space I can see and feel.  The prayer room came about through Wisdom as I considered how it is that we traditionally think of prayer as an opportunity for service, with the caveat that we continue to manage them, repeat them, keep track of them. That is until my inner wise voice interrupted to say that once my prayerful intention is stated and I move my attention to the room, continuing to manage it is unnecessary and in conflict with the spirit that binds us.  And it means that hovering over that person or situation leaches my energy when ease is my objective.  

Our current political situation comes naturally to mind when I see and feel so many folks suffering symptoms very like P.T.S.D. since the election.  In several sessions with clients we've heard guidance that directly relates to this habit of hovering.

Our belief that we must maintain vigilance over the unfolding situation can magnify the division. 
Attention on any thing produces more of the same.

All things are part of a greater creation we cannot fully understand from our limited right-or-wrong point of view.  From this perspective we're unable to comprehend the infinite possibilities. Monitoring details actually blocks the energy of potential outcomes.   Hovering blocks the flow of the Infinite, denying its power to bring us remedy.

We are so much more than we know.  The power we wield is awesome.  How will we assert that power?  Much like a lovely ray of sunshine becomes a dangerous thing when focused through a magnifying glass.  Or we choose to breathe deeply, expanding a sphere of light to embrace the Infinite.

Breathing and embracing the Infinite,

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