Monday, July 29, 2013


Hi, Everyone!

Well, it seems I'm back after a full year.  I don't know yet what it means to be here again, but the rhythm is similar to 30 years ago when I was guided to get up by 6:00, exercise, shower, write for half an hour, then get on with my day.  And so the cycle, while familiar, is brand new in these days of formless creation.

We entered this new formless energy, this Third (New) Earth, over four years ago, and apparently we've adapted pretty well since we are still here and we're functioning.  More than that, we can breathe and feel ourselves better equipped, wiser and more fully involved than ever before.

This formlessness is like being in a room with walls that ripple and evaporate, leaving us to decide what form our rooms, our lives, could take with intention.  We're wide open to options we've never dreamed before.  This is a heady - and often intimidating - experience.  

In the midst of this we are reviewing our histories; like farmers tilling a field of rich loamy earth, we are turning up and examining the underside of our lives.  And we are encouraged to do so with as much objectivity as possible, to breathe and observe without judgement any condition or behavior, any current or past belief that is part of our past.

I recently read an essay on how to do this that was very eloquent.  It was not practical.  Only the most esoteric and evolved student has resolved the emotional body and the stored memories that influence our present.  I am not one of those.  I am still here in this human suit with physical, mental and emotional complexities, still evolving the best way I know how.  And when I find myself reviewing a situation of the past, I know my emotional body will persist with symptoms until I am willing to tap into those emotions and release the energy that produces those symptoms.  

Sometimes that means venting, purging, being loud and boisterous with tears and foot stomping and raging.  Sometimes I can breathe through the symptom, thank it for its gifts, ask for any further Wisdom, and replace it with new intention.  Often, both processes are necessary.  Having done my share of purging, I'm grateful that now, more often than not, the breathing cycle does the trick.  All that I learn from my clients informs me, and they often receive counsel to do the purging - and that the emotional body does not care at all what we think, how we've rationalized a situation.  It must persist with its symptoms until we've learned from it what we've promised to learn in this life cycle.

In formlessness we are unrestricted by the past.  The memory is still there.  We are born in karmic patterns, so memory still plays a  part, but they can become just that, memories, that no longer control our lives.  Yesterday I heard, "Verses versus Vices."  For me that means writing to heal and replace old patterns.  Over the years writing has given me solace and hopefulness for all the help we have available.  For others the catharsis comes through music, exercise, dancing, nature, etc.  

We are encouraged to speak out loud to whatever symptom we discover and to offer thanks for the help that is so abundantly present for each and every one of us.

As we breathe generously into the formlessness we will recall, we will till up, the stored memory, and more efficiently than ever open ourselves to living with increasing ease.  We deserve it.

Breathing with you, in gratitude,

1 comment:

MCPorter said...

Has it really been 30 years since the catalyst of Bemidji... so many changes for us all. If we had been told how long it would take for some of the answers, and that many would still elude us after three decades, we might have made not progress at all.

I am blessed every day for have shared experiences with you, and now that I have found you blog... it can begin again.

Remember "Synergy" in 1989, the eclipse of the moon and so much happened as a result...

Going to share your link with Matt. He will like it.
