Having just spent the night at the emergency room with Mom, I will spend part of this day catching up on sleep and part of it contemplating a clear intention to assist both Mom and myself in reducing her stress around aging and dealing with the uncommon incidents aging produces.
All is well. She fell forward into a doorjamb on Wednesday and hit her head hard, but she was fine until last night when she woke with headache and increased swelling. The short of it is we had great folks to help us in the E.R. and she got an AOK from the doc.
How we deal with stress is a recurring subject this week, so here we are. One friend relates that a person from her history has lost memory of their time together, apparently related to a very stressful incident that occurred at the same time. Mom and I discussed her loss of memory about things that happened at the time her 2nd husband was dying. One of my kids has a distorted, compressed memory of the time of my divorce. Amnesia may complicate the story of our lives, but it has benefits.
The brain has a finite capacity to cope with stress and triggers a defense mechanism that allows us to process and function in a survival mode. It's a natural survival mechanism, really. And Mind is fully operational while mental, emotional and physical functions may be depressed.
This reminds me of driving one night, crossing the old I35 bridge downtown, and suddenly slamming into my body - from where I do not know. I have no memory of where I was while I was driving. Driving while out-of-body, I am assured, is more competent driving than the alternative. We know how to operate perfectly through Mind. The brain is born of density, and while necessary and sacred, is not the part of us to rely upon.
I made a comment to a friend yesterday in an email that her process was like pulling herself through a knothole backwards, not because I recommend this, but because it felt like the place she found herself, and giving it character might help. Well, this a.m. I got her email and realized I had planted an image that was negative, so feeling into the opposite image, System said to use "helium-filled thought balloons" to follow her process. Ahhh, so much better.
We are not relegated to the drama of stress and its accompanying fallout. We can engage Mind to manage any situation. And we can share the benefit with others (Mom) with simple intention. It is always and inevitably present and available. We use it all the time without realizing it. To be intentional with Mind, we breathe. Of course, the trigger to Cosmic Consciousness/Mind/System is always the breath. It works for heads of state, for janitors at the Pentagon, for doctors, for inventors, for wait-people, for mothers and fathers, and for caregivers of all stripes. It always works when we let it. It always works when we BREATHE.
Until next time, breathing,
I am Phyllis, Becoming
this is a test comment
Well, the helium balloon image is more positive, but the knothole is how it feels at times, so both images were very helpful! Thanks!
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