"To live a life of ease," they said, teaching us to breathe and to ask for assistance. And this past week, managing the energy of this new Earth cycle, I've called on that help to share the impact and to give my physical system a needed break. Today I am confident that by tomorrow I'll be able to see clients and bring my cousin in for our shared weekend.
That "life of ease," is what we are creating. As Earth evolved into this new phase a life of ease has become not only possible, but is the prevailing condition available to each of us. Will we all enjoy it? Are we all destined to realize it? No. The truth is, as we spiral into the new cycle there as many choices on the planet as there are people.
Back in the 80's we were told that we could expect increasing disparity in the human condition.
"As the pendulum swings far in one direction, so will it swing as far in the opposite direction." In other words, the disparity increases the further along we evolve. As one client said, "Is there more dumb out there?" Well, yes, but so is there more Wisdom. And as there is more pain, so is there greater joy.
As Peter says in Acts 10:34, "God is no respecter of persons." My interpretation of this well-known scripture is to say that the Creator is neutral. Each person is created in a pattern born of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical DNA, designed to explore the human experience. Free will combined with that genetic code determines the manner in which we take the journey. No external power predetermines the manner in which we perceive or live our lives.
So we have choices, every day. What was true yesterday need not be true today if we consciously choose otherwise. Or what we had yesterday that gave us joy expands today as we will it. Breath will take us to new levels of our 3-dimensional life, and breath will move us into new dimensions of the life we have not yet dreamed.
Let us not be complacent. Breathing deeply, let's embrace that which we cannot yet see. Your Spirit/System knows what will serve you best. Trust it. Become intimate with it. Breath takes us to that Wisdom. And when we are served and filled to overflowing, our energy will expand to offer service where it will best serve others. Thus we live in exchange. And in exchange we thrive. A life of ease becomes us.
Until next time, Breathing with you,
I am Phyllis, Becoming
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