Friday, July 23, 2010

Cosmic Hitchhiker

Greetings in Gratitude!

Talking with my son the other night on the phone, he asked how I was and I said I was managing the latest global energy shift, and he asked me to explain it. This is not the first conversation we've had about other dimensions, and he not only gets it, he's had his own alternate reality trips, so he knows, not just believes.

So I described it to him as I have here in a previous post, and he interpreted the effect on human experience in a way that I thought many folks might relate to:

People gather in a room with plexiglass walls, contained and complete. It becomes the place where they feel most at home, most comfortable. At ease there, they do not notice when one of the walls disappears. Then one day one of them happens to step outside the room, but feeling oddly, he steps quickly back within the known space. But soon curiosity gets the best of him and he tries it again, then again, staying out longer each time until the alternate space becomes as familiar as the original home. Not everyone knows what discovery he has made, and he does not understand it, really. Most occupants do not take the step outside, but some others do follow curiously, and so it goes. And as the discovery becomes part of their world, those who go become the explorers whose journey is integrated into the consciousness of all inhabitants.
(I've paraphrased, since I did not record the conversation, so I am not entering it as a quote.)

Thank you, Scott, for permission to use your visualization. His full name is R. Scott McCoy, and he is an author whose second novel will be published this fall. If you are into horror, just go to and type in his name. Both my children amaze me, and have been my spiritual gymnasium; teaching me to breathe and to surrender their perfect creations.

The shift may be complete for me, as far as it has gone. Though still sleeping intermittently, my system is more at ease. As I view the energy field (plexiglass wall) it is rippling, a little like a mirage, but it seems to be stationary. We have time to adjust, adapt and integrate before the next cycle. Nancy, reading blogs from across the planet, says the next two weeks promise to be especially powerful, with Venus entering on 8/6, my sister's birthday. Seems so perfect that the gentling energy would enter on Judith's natal day.

Tomorrow we're into parables, reflecting on the life of Jesus the Christ, and realizing how those who have led us, all of them I believe, stepped into this world out of one soul to provide the examples we could follow in our quest exploring and perfecting the human experience.

Until then, Breathing with you,
I am Phyllis, Becoming

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