Just a few things today, perhaps related, maybe not. Well, we know all things are related, but I guess you know what I mean.
Spiders. I'm not fond of them. I can appreciate them from afar, but have one suddenly appear at eye level and I'm a kid again with the repetitive and haunting dream of spiders all over me in the dark. Shivers of revulsion. And I've had two this week. I am not a killer, but my reflexes are faster than you'd think for a 68-year-old woman. I blessed and thanked it after it was dead. Oh, well. And then this morning as I was waking up, another one, in the dark, dropping from the ceiling. And then I couldn't find it. So I'm up. I'll make the bed later. It's early.
I could call the office and have the exterminator come, but for me that is no option. The nasty chemicals are worse than spiders. Now, if I had roaches (TYG I don't have roaches). No, if I had roaches I would use my own remedy and I would wish them all dead with no apologies.
Up before dawn, I've enjoyed my usual ritual of standing at my open patio door, thanking the Mother and the Father for this unique and lovely day. There are sufficient lingering clouds to catch the sunrise and offer us the gifts of color to birth the day. I love dawn.
I've posted a photo with this blog now. It's the best picture of my sis, Judith, and myself that I can remember. And I celebrate teaching myself how to isolate one photo and export it to the blog. Teaching myself things about my computer is another thing I love. There is so much to celebrate in this life.
Yesterday I was suddenly inspired to pull a folder holding all my rental information. So I was leafing through current and old lease agreements, and there was a trifold note that looked familiar somehow. It's a note that accompanied fees from Barbara Lynn, dated June, 2007, the month she died. I don't know how it slipped into that file. I faintly remember receiving it, but had not seen it since her sudden leap from this life to the next. So I knew she was trying to get my attention. She kept saying, "Conversation." So we have been having a conversation.
I realize once again how much easier it is for me to translate a message for a client than it is for me to have a personal conversation with friends and family who have "passed on." (They've gone nowhere, so I'm determined to find new language for those whose bodies die.) Anyway, teacher that she is, Barbara is helping me practice this ongoing and delightful communication between dimensions. Thank you, Barbara. Our friendship is alive and well, and I am grateful.
I've heard that we are never more than 6 feet away from a spider. System tells me that spiders symbolize infinity and capturing the dreams. All of the messages of my past three days have certainly been connected. I celebrate the simplicities of life and my teachers in it.
Until next time, breathing with you,
I am Phyllis, Still Becoming
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