Monday, July 12, 2010

The Power of Being

Greetings in Gratitude!

Simply Being. This is not the territory into which I was born. Oh, it was there. We are all born with this Wisdom stored within us. But the conscious self was not geared to simply Being. The irony of this journey back to where we all came from is certainly enlightening. And it tests us.

I woke this a.m. with a plan in place. My wonderful Faun, the Buick created last year at this time, is in need of brakes, so I'd planned this day to have it done. I hadn't been up long before I began hearing, "Tuesday." Tuesday, what? Clearly, Tuesday to have the brakes done. My stubborn, logical self, said, "No, today is the day I have planned and nothing else to do." "Tuesday," IT said.

I know this comes from my Wise Self. I know there is a reason - not fully realized yet. I am not at the service station, so my Wise Self has convinced me, while at the same time, I am feeling a bit shiftless for not having gone. Some gifts have already come from not going. First, time to write and share with all of you, then....

Nancy and I chatted and she pointed out the newest - July 9 - posting on the website called
Crop Circle Connector. If you choose to go there, it's It takes a little practice to locate what you want, but it is well worth the navigation. Click on the bar Latest Crop Circles and then to EJuly (early July) and go to July 9th. We agree that anyone who has questioned the authenticity of the crop circles must take another look. This one is certainly out-of-this-world amazing. There are several aerial views, and I hear, "All knowledge contained within," as I let myself sink into the close-up view.

An obvious gift also comes from being at home this a.m. It is a lovely, low humidity, cool morning, simply to breathe and enjoy, and to celebrate that I am capable of living according to my Design within. My Design will inform me how I benefit from having my brakes done tomorrow. And breathing into that formless place, reveals yet another layer of confidence in spontaneous, intuitive living.

Yesterday, feeling a little more odd that usual, I said aloud, "What is this all about?" And I heard, "Expect to feel a little squirrely from time to time as you are reconstructed." My reference to this reconstruction, is, of course, my intention to become System. And so it goes. To the point, expect nothing. Not expecting, I can enjoy. Enjoying, I am attuned more to my Inner Design. Living from my Inner Design, I experience "All knowledge within." System.

Wishing you all a breath-taking day,
I am Phyllis, Still Becoming

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