From sub-zero Minneapolis I send out a warm hug with hopes that you all enjoy a day of warmth, whether in snuggy layers or enjoying a more temperate climate. I will be in layers as Mom and I do some shopping later this morning.
I feel as if I am coming up for air after a a few days of immersing myself in The Dream Team project and completing an overdue report for the church. And I am so grateful for this computer that is easing all of it - and grateful for my computer advisors who help me iron out the wrinkles. You know who you are, Scott, Lee.
The Dream Team is, at this moment, 32 strong, with two of those from Australia. We are truly a global entity! Each one of you who has joined is already contributing to the expanding Consciousness. Judith and I notice a more vivid dreaming pattern already. We all know we are part of this to serve the planet, but what you invest also returns to you. Exchange is intended.
As we contribute, the energy naturally multiplies and, in the pattern of the infinity loop, returns to each of us. Breathe and accept the return energy to enhance your life. This is the intention of Creation; that all should thrive. And once you have stated your intention to be part of The Dream Team, you are part of the exchange and benefitting from it.
The dynamics of exchange fascinate me. Of course, a person does not have to part of The Dream Team to benefit from exchange. I am only using it to illustrate the power of exchange in our lives. Service is energy in any form, and energy invested always returns to us. The question is, are we geared to receive the return to enhance our lives, multiply our reserves and give us all the more to enjoy and to work with?
Return on our service is not limited to a paycheck or a pat on the back. As welcome as those are, it is the physics of return energy that fulfills the cycle. Physics - and the science of this escapes me - informs us that energy invested pays dividends. And most of us are not taught to receive the return.
The energy does not force itself upon us, but once we realize this is true, we have the exciting opportunity to reap the benefit. Breathing opens us to receive and to thrive. Breathing is the activity that, with intention, channels this vibrant energy through this physical system. Ahhh. Even writing this I realize that I forget to intentionally become the vessel, open to receive.
How reviving to remember, especially after investing so much in these projects the past week, that I am my best therapist when I breathe and accept all that Creation has for me, has always had for me. I am grateful to have learned it and to reap the benefits.
Breathing with you,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming
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