A vision a couple of weeks ago seems worth exploring this first day of this amazing new year.
Sharing dreams with my closest peeps is a favored way to explore what our Consciousness is communicating. One day I realized with renewed clarity that every single person on our planet dreams differently. It reminded me of my philosophy professor, Dr. David Lund at Bemidji State, who said, "You cannot have another person's experience." And while I surely get close when I am translating the Consciousness/Wisdom of a client, I know that what Dr. Lund says is true. We are unique in this Cosmos, and our experience is not the product of one aspect, it is a complex conglomerate of many aspects. Why, then, would we dream like any other person?
The crux of my vision, though, was people gathering in person, in Consciousness Links, or online to share the way they dream. One person dreams in color, another mostly in black and white. Some are 3-D dreamers, some dream on a flat screen. Some people have lucid dreams interspersed with symbolic dreams and some clearly dream only symbolically. In all the years I have been helping folks realize the meaning of their dreams, I have explored the way they dream only peripherally.
The most prolific and lucid dreamer I ever met could stop and restart her dreams at will. If she wanted to review a part of the dream, she would use a symbol to rewind the dream and begin again, losing nothing in the process. She would wake enough to pick up her notebook and with eyes closed, record the dream, dreaming while she was writing. There are certainly, out there in our world, dreamers worthy of exploring.
My thought is that our dreams are our Consciousness communicating significant segments of our lives; that already this expands our personal Consciousness and certainly the Cosmic Consciousness as well
The vision was of a collaboration of dreamers, sharing the qualities of their dreaming, and by doing so, exponentially expanding Consciousness in a manner that we have not yet achieved.
So here I plant the seed, and that is enough for today. If you have thoughts about this, I would love to hear them.
Into your new year and mine, I hold us in the Sacred, expanding the Consciousness we share and bringing us all to new heights of achievement and balance, inward and outward balance that serves us well and all others. Namaste
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