Monday, October 18, 2010


Greetings in Gratitude!

Tears cleanse, rainbows inspire, and black squirrels always mean change in my life.

I noticed my latest black squirrel across the alley last week, running the length of the fence. I took note, of course, then two days later, as I was leaving the garage, he was sitting on the edge of our ramp, excitedly acting out and chattering. I thanked him for his messages, and now know I'm launching something.

A black squirrel ran up to the guest house I occupied the weekend in northern Wisconsin when I learned Synergy from Bill Buehler. Expanding Consciousness through Synergy meditations profoundly changed the way I operate in the world.

Jus before my mother discovered her lymphoma and I then retired from my management job downstairs, a black squirrel came to the glass door of my office and stood looking in at me.
I had never before or since seen any squirrel at that door. These are not the only "black squirrel incidents," but the most profound. Nature partners with us to deliver messages.

On October 2nd, on a clear blue, crisp evening on Lake Minnetonka, I had just completed a wedding ceremony for a lovely couple when someone in their family called out, "A rainbow! God's promise." I turned to see a small translucent cloud in that clear blue sky, filled with a rainbow, and I echoed, "Promises kept." Tears of joy sprang to the eyes of several people. Rainbows are gifts that inspire us. They are truly messengers.

My former husband, not a person to speak easily about metaphysical events, frequently saw red foxes and commented when he did. Our kids gave him a lovely print of a fox, acknowledging his "power animal." I've wondered since his death if his sightings signified events in his life.

A dream Saturday morning was of such emotional proportion that I am still revealing messages from it. It brought forward a childhood event that terrified me, a previous life as a Jewish girl on her way to a concentration camp, and all of it colliding in one little girl's fearful and tearful face, saying, "Where am I going to school?" Repeating those words, over and over as I woke, all the emotion came to the surface and I sobbed for an hour. These were important tears, and I let myself explore all the feelings. Tears cleanse, and the emotional body will persist once we give ourselves permission to cry. What was suppressed becomes awareness. We can be healed by our tears. Dreams and tears carry messages.

Wishing you the awareness of your own messengers,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming

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