Born in perfection, how can anything be wrong - in any aspect of our lives. Yet, our evolution is drenched with superstition and teachings ostensibly designed to protect us or to fill us with fear and guilt to shape our behaviors.
And how can we place blame with those who initiated, or grew into, the beliefs that human beings were not capable of choosing for themselves and needed the structure of religious and social rules/laws that still shape cultures across the planet? If we accept perfection in all things, then it's also true of those who developed the systems.
We are gradually changing this reaction to systems steeped in judgement; systems that dictate the ways we believe about ourselves. Fears of retribution are fading, replaced by an increasing assurance that we design our own patterns. Years ago I realized that having the responsibility for my life, the complementary side is the power to change it. We never have only one side of anything. If I have fear and love is the alternative, then the opposite is true, and both are within me at the same time. Opposites always coexist.
This remarkable evolution from limited thinking/reacting to expanding Consciousness and all the alternatives it holds is so exciting that I nearly jump out of my skin thinking about it.
As I was considering this in the shower this a.m., I saw our vibrational layers as an illustration of our evolution.
Visualize a pattern of horizontal layers, each layer vibrating at a different frequency, a bit like sound waves, each overlaying the other. The lowest vibration is when we were merely reactive, surviving but realizing very little free will. Gradually increasing in frequency, our vibration is at mid-range when we still feel controlled by systems that dictate our behaviors and our view of self.
These days we have not achieved the highest vibration if we are still in a physical body, but we can observe a higher frequency as we take back our power, less reactive and more proactive in our choices. As we shift our Consciousness to embrace our Wisdom and our creational capacity, we reach new vibrational levels.
This all came up as I wondered about dementia this morning. At what level are we operating in dementia? How does it relate to our vibration? It seems to me that dementia does not relate to Mind. Dementia relates only to brain function. Mind does not diminish. Mind can only expand as we evolve because every experience expands Consciousness. But the brain is subject to the effect of toxins, nutritional factors and the level of stimulation, to name a few we know.
I've observed folks demonstrating various levels of dementia who demonstrate strong intuitive skills; whose spontaneous responses give evidence that Mind continues operating while the logical, rule-based brain loses ground. I believe that the person in dementia is not operating at a lower vibration. I do wonder if, absent of the limitations of the left brain, the person is actually operating at a higher vibration than the seemingly "normal" person.
Once again curiosity has led me on a merry chase through Consciousness. Next time, the subject is, just how powerful is Mind, and what fun and practical things can we do with it?
Until then,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming
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