So much in my heart this a.m. as I think of the past week: my sister, Judith, here with me for 4 days; our incredible time with Nancy O. and time Judith and I spent with Mom; time with J's husband, too, and his process in releasing his mother; the astonishing angels, literal and symbolic who helped me prepare for the trip to my church in Duluth and my church family there - a thriving little church that, since 1986, miraculously supports itself without a presiding minister. I am so very grateful to know a group of people so brave and inspired.
And all of this while observing the courageous persistence of friends and clients who reveal new dimensions of themselves, struggling, yet finding within themselves and each other unexpected resources.
One Creation piece has repeated itself, so here we go, folks:
We are such fabulous Creators! We provide food for the table, create clothing, transportation - you name what you have and you have created it. Yes, we do so in collaboration with Cosmic Creator/God, but if we did not initiate it, it would not be. So we are already a pretty amazing bunch of prolific Creators.
We are also subject to our own fears and beliefs. We struggle when our beliefs have not caught up with our dreams. From beliefs we create. So as we evolve, we are able to create more, deliberately and intentionally. Our beliefs change, so what we produce changes, too. And now that we have moved into the most generous creational energy we have ever known, the sky's the limit!
Two things, I believe, still challenge us. First, we are confused about the internal roots of our Creation. Dreams and desires are not concrete; they are not yet beliefs from which creation comes, yet we persist in trying to create from them. And that produces feelings of failure or hopelessness. Dreams can certainly move through us to become clear intention, but we frustrate ourselves trying to change our circumstances on the strength of something so nebulous as a dream or desire.
Dreams and desires largely evolve out of the emotional and mental bodies. They are useful, and they can inspire us to continue a journey that might seem impossible to others. But they are not yet the substance of the inspired and intentional Self. When we treat them as the prelude to an intention, feel into them, breathing and checking to see if they are worthy of becoming an intention, then we satisfy the longing and relieve pressure on the emotional and mental bodies.
The other core issue in Creation is "layering." Let's say, we have a fine, intentional creation going on. We have identified something that started as a dream, and in the gestation process it becomes a clear creation. We can feel it and "see" it, and we are on the road to creating it.
Then we "layer" it with conditions and associations that absolutely block a satisfying outcome. We have been taught that we must earn, that we must be worthy of anything we want. We have learned this lesson so well that on the way to a new, deeply inspired creation, we associate it with any and all of the qualifiers we feel necessary to deserve it. We are then trying to create through a self-conscious fog.
I needed a reliable vehicle last year. I could have blocked myself, directing my Universe that I first had to create the money for it. I could have worried over whether I could afford the insurance, etc.. I could have argued myself out of that wonderful vehicle that came along in July of 2009, with a lot of folks enthusiastically helping me to create it.
I could have insisted myself right out of that vehicle through my own limiting beliefs, but Wisdom told me not to "layer." My process, and, delightfully, my mother's process, was to continue to give thanks for the perfect vehicle. And so we created it.
When we have a need or a desire that becomes an inspired goal (never mind if it's not essential) we create it out of our pure attention on it and it alone. We can identify whether we are "layering" by the mental chatter and emotional clamor that interferes with our peace as we consider the creation. Taking a deep breath, releasing all else and restating our creation, we clear the way to manifesting. Or as one woman's Wisdom said, "If you stop telling God how to do it, you can have it."
Taking a deep breath and resting peacefully in my own current creations, I wish you the same.
Until next time,
I am Phyllis, Becoming
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