Whether we call it emergence or birth this is the week for it. From the completion of Ramadan, the Muslim holy days, to Rosh Hashana, the birth of the Jewish new year, to new moon this week, we are celebrating new energies.
What is not on our calendars is the evolutionary point that marks our emergence into a new, glorious, purple vibration. Many sources have stimulated my appreciation of the amethyst in my home and out in the world this past two weeks, and is so often the case, conversations with Nancy and Judith brought those symbols into focus.
At each stage of our evolution, human beings carry a common energy that is reflected in a color common to most. Each color layer or vibration is related to what we understand, where we are going and the means we have to get there. The vibration/color of each layer may be invisible to most, but it is observed by others nonetheless. The color of that state of human evolution gives us a feeling of common bond; comfortable with it, we align and accomplish our goals. Yet we need way-showers. (These evolutionary vibrations are related to, but different from, the chakra and aura colors we attribute to our human condition in this three-dimensional body.)
When an individual is emerging from the common layer in advance of most others on the planet, we see that individual as somehow special. We unconsciously see the emergence of their color in advance of our own, and it is a fascination. We give these people attention as if they have a power or star quality. We have difficulty naming it, but it's the IT factor, and the numbers of people noting IT make those folks newsworthy. We see those people as leaders, we look to them for inspiration that gives us hope that we, too, can accede to such a role.
Each stage of this evolution can take a very long time, so by the time humanity as a whole expands into that next vibration as a common energy, those who wore it uniquely have passed on, leaving us with fond memories, holding their place in history, marking the way for the next emergence.
When I think of our history and those who have most effectively led us, I think of those closest to me, Jesus the Christ and the Buddha, who I realize walked in all the colors; all the vibrations in one embodiment to show us what was possible in the human form. Tears spring to my eyes as I write this, realizing what a heavy mantle this must have been, while carrying them along inevitably to the fulfillment of their assignments.
This is the time that marks emergence into the purple vibration. What an exciting and awe-inspiring time to be here on the planet. As Nancy O. says, we have now experienced all the colors of the rainbow. Oh, how we love rainbows! Those who walked ahead carrying the purple vibration, completing that cycle, gradually advance into the next vibration.
Aspiring to the next vibration, we evolve; we do so by gradations, each of us in our own time and style.
Although I have only recently come into knowing our next stage, I can say, it is all colors combined at the highest vibration: sheer white. Accomplishing this, we will have Become all we can Be, and so it will be done.
We Breathe, We Know, We Become,
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