Who are we, where are we going, and how do we find peace on the journey? All these questions and more underlie our daily experience as we explore change and reveal Self to self. Is it any wonder that more folks are questioning relationships, locations, jobs, inspired actions, etc.
I find myself relocating pictures/art work on my walls; changing energy in my personal space and finding a deep satisfaction in doing so. Eliminating possessions also satisfies and frees me. Just because I have room for those things does not mean that they serve my most inspired life.
I hear, "Forms collapsing." Old forms no longer serving us collapse and leave room for the expansion into a new shape that serves the inspired Self.
And this morning, I heard, "All invested for you. All you will ever need or desire." What is true for one of us is true for all.
I am trying on for size all the options of a life revealing itself in front of me. The image is of an unrevealed future; what is in front of me veiled by a billowing curtain. Each step I take revealing more as my movement is echoed in the retreating curtain.
I am floating today, levitating from space to space. Come on in. The air is fine, and then there is no air, which only means learning to breathe in a new energy. What will human become? I am so excited to be on the planet as we all learn what that means.
Until next time,
I am, Phyllis Becoming
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