Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Conversations with System

Greetings in Gratitude!

New practice opportunities arise, most times when we least expect them, of course. My latest is with a virus that cropped up with symptoms Monday, in the middle of the night. And while I am a bit fuzzy this morning, I thought this would be a good time to talk about consciousness in all things - including viruses.

An organism too small to see with the naked eye has its own consciousness. Our human cells have consciousness. The space between the identifiable elements of our DNA is consciousness.
Watching a special on DNA one day, I laughed out loud when the scientist identified the various known parts, and simply dismissed the space between them as insignificant. Oh, my, science will one day catch up. In the meanwhile, we can benefit from knowing that consciousness is what holds all of our parts together - and it hears every message we send it.

I've told the story many times of the incident several years ago when I was unpacking my car in a motel parking lot in Eau Claire, WI, and slipped on ice. As I slid under the car, I heard and felt my knee pop and tear. What a mess. I was out of sight of the motel entrance, no one in sight, so I crawled to the side door, hoisted myself up and hopped to my room.

After crying for a while, I called my sister, Judith, who does absentee energy work, then I settled in to ask for help from the rest of my crew. This guidance changed the way I think about our physical system. I was guided to hold my knee, lovingly thank it for its strength and its determined service; ask it for its wisdom, then give it permission to recall its perfect function.

My first clients of the day were and are good friends who also helped me so much; going to the drug store to get a support bandage, etc. I was able to see all my clients and to do the workshop I had scheduled. I was so much better after the first day that I could stand up to take a shower - and tore the knee again! So I redoubled my efforts, since I had obviously not received the message yet.

The consciousness in every cell of my knee listened to my messages of loving respect. And I heard the messages the knee gave me; messages of resistance to going forward, fear of supporting myself entirely on this work, etc. I heard them and I breathed them in and released much emotion over the wisdom. The knee responded and repaired itself. When I left the motel in a few days, I was barely limping, and the healing continued at an amazing rate. Few things over the years have changed me so much.

So as I thought again yesterday about all of this, I realized several things. A part of me would just love to succumb to the symptoms and be sick. The kid part of me could just enjoy the chance to talk about my symptoms to anyone who would feel sorry for me and I could indulge myself in doing nothing. Or, I could speak to the virus in my system and ask why I had invited it in, then remain open to whatever means I have to release its symptoms. I've chosen the later. I've realized some of the wisdom and will continue today in a curious conversation with this visiting virus.

My next step is communicating to my System that I choose to more consciously operate so that an injury or a virus will not be necessary to get my attention. Now that is exciting!

I am grateful that I have the time to attend to these exercises in consciousness. I am also certain that we do not need "extra time," to accomplish our release from symptoms. Being gentle with ourselves, surrendering expectations and continuing the journey, we can all benefit from a conversation with our symptoms. They are simply messengers seeking to deliver important information that can bring us great benefit - if we will let them. Let's all be encouraged to explore the consciousness that is the primary element of every cell. Every cell is aware. Every cell is responsive. We are the explorers, and the terrain is within.

Until next time,
I am Phyllis, Becoming

Monday, September 27, 2010

Going SOMEwhere

Greetings in Gratitude!

Who are we, where are we going, and how do we find peace on the journey? All these questions and more underlie our daily experience as we explore change and reveal Self to self. Is it any wonder that more folks are questioning relationships, locations, jobs, inspired actions, etc.

I find myself relocating pictures/art work on my walls; changing energy in my personal space and finding a deep satisfaction in doing so. Eliminating possessions also satisfies and frees me. Just because I have room for those things does not mean that they serve my most inspired life.

I hear, "Forms collapsing." Old forms no longer serving us collapse and leave room for the expansion into a new shape that serves the inspired Self.

And this morning, I heard, "All invested for you. All you will ever need or desire." What is true for one of us is true for all.

I am trying on for size all the options of a life revealing itself in front of me. The image is of an unrevealed future; what is in front of me veiled by a billowing curtain. Each step I take revealing more as my movement is echoed in the retreating curtain.

I am floating today, levitating from space to space. Come on in. The air is fine, and then there is no air, which only means learning to breathe in a new energy. What will human become? I am so excited to be on the planet as we all learn what that means.

Until next time,
I am, Phyllis Becoming

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reflections and Creations

Greetings in Gratitude!

So much in my heart this a.m. as I think of the past week: my sister, Judith, here with me for 4 days; our incredible time with Nancy O. and time Judith and I spent with Mom; time with J's husband, too, and his process in releasing his mother; the astonishing angels, literal and symbolic who helped me prepare for the trip to my church in Duluth and my church family there - a thriving little church that, since 1986, miraculously supports itself without a presiding minister. I am so very grateful to know a group of people so brave and inspired.

And all of this while observing the courageous persistence of friends and clients who reveal new dimensions of themselves, struggling, yet finding within themselves and each other unexpected resources.

One Creation piece has repeated itself, so here we go, folks:

We are such fabulous Creators! We provide food for the table, create clothing, transportation - you name what you have and you have created it. Yes, we do so in collaboration with Cosmic Creator/God, but if we did not initiate it, it would not be. So we are already a pretty amazing bunch of prolific Creators.

We are also subject to our own fears and beliefs. We struggle when our beliefs have not caught up with our dreams. From beliefs we create. So as we evolve, we are able to create more, deliberately and intentionally. Our beliefs change, so what we produce changes, too. And now that we have moved into the most generous creational energy we have ever known, the sky's the limit!

Two things, I believe, still challenge us. First, we are confused about the internal roots of our Creation. Dreams and desires are not concrete; they are not yet beliefs from which creation comes, yet we persist in trying to create from them. And that produces feelings of failure or hopelessness. Dreams can certainly move through us to become clear intention, but we frustrate ourselves trying to change our circumstances on the strength of something so nebulous as a dream or desire.

Dreams and desires largely evolve out of the emotional and mental bodies. They are useful, and they can inspire us to continue a journey that might seem impossible to others. But they are not yet the substance of the inspired and intentional Self. When we treat them as the prelude to an intention, feel into them, breathing and checking to see if they are worthy of becoming an intention, then we satisfy the longing and relieve pressure on the emotional and mental bodies.

The other core issue in Creation is "layering." Let's say, we have a fine, intentional creation going on. We have identified something that started as a dream, and in the gestation process it becomes a clear creation. We can feel it and "see" it, and we are on the road to creating it.

Then we "layer" it with conditions and associations that absolutely block a satisfying outcome. We have been taught that we must earn, that we must be worthy of anything we want. We have learned this lesson so well that on the way to a new, deeply inspired creation, we associate it with any and all of the qualifiers we feel necessary to deserve it. We are then trying to create through a self-conscious fog.

I needed a reliable vehicle last year. I could have blocked myself, directing my Universe that I first had to create the money for it. I could have worried over whether I could afford the insurance, etc.. I could have argued myself out of that wonderful vehicle that came along in July of 2009, with a lot of folks enthusiastically helping me to create it.

I could have insisted myself right out of that vehicle through my own limiting beliefs, but Wisdom told me not to "layer." My process, and, delightfully, my mother's process, was to continue to give thanks for the perfect vehicle. And so we created it.

When we have a need or a desire that becomes an inspired goal (never mind if it's not essential) we create it out of our pure attention on it and it alone. We can identify whether we are "layering" by the mental chatter and emotional clamor that interferes with our peace as we consider the creation. Taking a deep breath, releasing all else and restating our creation, we clear the way to manifesting. Or as one woman's Wisdom said, "If you stop telling God how to do it, you can have it."

Taking a deep breath and resting peacefully in my own current creations, I wish you the same.

Until next time,
I am Phyllis, Becoming

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Archangel Michael

Greetings with Gratitude!

I am grateful that, whatever we have to do here on Earth, we have so much help. We have never walked this life alone, and now more than ever we need the help of our Masters and angels to guide and support us; to show us the way to shape this Third Age of Earth with inspiration and conviction until our Becoming is complete.

Today Archangel Michael has a message for us:
"The topic of good and evil is immediate and compelling. You have been diligently taking stock of your own lives. You have been investing in the Earth as your sustainable home, and your efforts are effective, even beyond expectations. You are exceeding the projections made 30 years ago when an expanded population became aware. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Keep your eyes on the bright horizon, not on the drama.

Your challenges have been many. Planetary pressures and increases in human conflict have been largely attributed to shifting energies and physical Earth changes. And you have not been incorrect. But there is more.

A great deal of the pressure you feel is the encroaching influence of evil. Please listen. Creating fear is not my intention. Evil has always been in play. If not for evil, good would not shine so brightly. One defines the other, and it has always been so.

You have been told over the years that the contrasts would increase as Earth approached its cleansing cycle. As you now approach the cleansing, to whatever degree that is realized, the pressures of evil are stronger, just as is the expansion of good. You can feel the evil in humankind, just as you can feel a greater love in those who would contribute to wholeness.
You decide. Will you resist? Resistance is part of the problem.
Will you embrace what you know to be good? Believe in it, give thanks for it.
This expands good, and the shadow retreats.

Trust yourselves. Have confidence in the choices you make, however small they may seem.
You are making a difference even by reading this; by building your lives; by tending to what is possible; by being kind to one another; by loving yourselves more, as we love you.

One day Earth may see the extinction of evil. This is not yet decided. Humanity will decide.
You need no promises from us. We do not determine the quality of your lives. You are in charge of Earth. We hold your hands and remind you to lift your eyes to the stars, to the rainbows; to be grateful for the rain as well as for the sun; to be grateful for the wisdom to know the difference between the light and the shadow, and so more often to choose the Light."

This will probably be my theme for church in Duluth on the 19th. I am surely asking for help to share this message with grace. I have help. We all have help. I am grateful. With deep, cleansing breaths I know we are equal to our assignment.

Until next time,
I am Phyllis, Becoming

Unexpected Joys

Greetings in Gratitude!

This week, while very full and energetically challenging, held serendipitous moments that made everything else feel lighter.

Yesterday Nancy O. and I celebrated her birthday - a day late - at a restaurant near her home in Champlin. While the food wasn't very good, and the smell of beer provided an interesting atmosphere, the company was perfect and we knew it was the "right" place to celebrate.

Yesterday, September 11, the anniversary of the terrorist attacks, was on our minds and part of our conversation. Our wait person, Katie, had a tattoo that caught my attention.
It was the Chinese character for "peace," tattooed on her upper right forearm. It was her only tattoo (that we could see), and she said her family members have similar tats expressing, "hope," "courage," and so forth. I have never before had the inclination to be tattooed, but....

When breathing and aware we are open to the delicious moments that weave into of the fabric of our lives: leaving my apartment at just the right time to have a few moments with my friend, Mark; answering an unidentified call to find the person who's been on my mind at the other end; finding, online, this colorful and perfect spot to celebrate Nancy's birthday; standing at my deck doors on the morning when the sky was so brilliant it took my breath away, then to breathe deeply to accept all the gifts it held.

A full life is a life filled with breath that releases us from "busy" and delivers the gifts that lift us up; a reminder of the perfection in all things.

Breathing with all of you,
I am Phyllis, Becoming

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Beginnings and Endings

Greetings in Gratitude!

Today is a day of details: snakes and snails and puppy dogs' tails; the oddities of life come to mind. This is a day to review collections, to determine what details of life we want to keep and what has served its purpose, now to be discarded. If this applies to things, then what about thoughts, ideas, behaviors. What about hurts, pain, reasons to hold others accountable.

I like the idea of a New Year that begins near the end of summer; Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, stimulates the same feelings that our Christian new year has always done for me. I love that we have a reminder that a New Year begins for us at any point on the calendar. The Chinese New Year is in the spring, and so it goes. We decide, not the calendar, when to take stock of what serves us and what does not.

A dream this morning has apparently sparked this reflective mood. In the dream, I was hired by an innovative company to distribute a new product. It was a powder that was sweet and very heavy. A little on the ends of my fingers weighed down my hand, but only as my attention was on it. When released, it was lovely and light and easily inhaled. And sprinkling it on food provided a magical means to achieve weight loss.

Since age 11 I have fixed my attention on body image. So many of us live our lives in such a tangle of feelings and behaviors that are largely stimulated by society, communicated in part by family members who struggle similarly. This is too big, that is too small, we weigh too much, we weigh too little. In the past few months I have been breathing through those feelings and behaviors to reveal the Wisdom of my physical, mental and emotional systems. Wherever our attention sits we create - something. When our attention is on the body, we create the very condition we most resist. Ah, yes, resist-persist.

I am delighted that my consciousness is revealing the magic that is within to recreate the direction of my attention and to reveal the physical system that serves me best; whatever its size, whatever its shape, the system already known within me, seeking peaceful acceptance.

Breathing with Delight,
I am Phyllis, Becoming

Friday, September 10, 2010


Greetings in Gratitude!

Whether we call it emergence or birth this is the week for it. From the completion of Ramadan, the Muslim holy days, to Rosh Hashana, the birth of the Jewish new year, to new moon this week, we are celebrating new energies.

What is not on our calendars is the evolutionary point that marks our emergence into a new, glorious, purple vibration. Many sources have stimulated my appreciation of the amethyst in my home and out in the world this past two weeks, and is so often the case, conversations with Nancy and Judith brought those symbols into focus.

At each stage of our evolution, human beings carry a common energy that is reflected in a color common to most. Each color layer or vibration is related to what we understand, where we are going and the means we have to get there. The vibration/color of each layer may be invisible to most, but it is observed by others nonetheless. The color of that state of human evolution gives us a feeling of common bond; comfortable with it, we align and accomplish our goals. Yet we need way-showers. (These evolutionary vibrations are related to, but different from, the chakra and aura colors we attribute to our human condition in this three-dimensional body.)

When an individual is emerging from the common layer in advance of most others on the planet, we see that individual as somehow special. We unconsciously see the emergence of their color in advance of our own, and it is a fascination. We give these people attention as if they have a power or star quality. We have difficulty naming it, but it's the IT factor, and the numbers of people noting IT make those folks newsworthy. We see those people as leaders, we look to them for inspiration that gives us hope that we, too, can accede to such a role.

Each stage of this evolution can take a very long time, so by the time humanity as a whole expands into that next vibration as a common energy, those who wore it uniquely have passed on, leaving us with fond memories, holding their place in history, marking the way for the next emergence.

When I think of our history and those who have most effectively led us, I think of those closest to me, Jesus the Christ and the Buddha, who I realize walked in all the colors; all the vibrations in one embodiment to show us what was possible in the human form. Tears spring to my eyes as I write this, realizing what a heavy mantle this must have been, while carrying them along inevitably to the fulfillment of their assignments.

This is the time that marks emergence into the purple vibration. What an exciting and awe-inspiring time to be here on the planet. As Nancy O. says, we have now experienced all the colors of the rainbow. Oh, how we love rainbows! Those who walked ahead carrying the purple vibration, completing that cycle, gradually advance into the next vibration.
Aspiring to the next vibration, we evolve; we do so by gradations, each of us in our own time and style.

Although I have only recently come into knowing our next stage, I can say, it is all colors combined at the highest vibration: sheer white. Accomplishing this, we will have Become all we can Be, and so it will be done.

We Breathe, We Know, We Become,

Friday, September 3, 2010

Promises Kept

Greetings in Gratitude!

As I delighted in the lovely rainbow last night, several things occurred to me: that to me rainbows represent "promises kept," just as one did in my vision 27 years ago at the end of the message from Mary and Jacob; that I am amazed that I don't see people gathering, heads upturned, applause resounding when such a perfect natural phenomenon appears before us; that I am so fortunate to have this 4th-floor view facing east so that as the sun sets behind a passing evening storm I have full view of this miracle in the heavens; that the miracle is so much more than we know, which brings tears of joy and wonder.

Wednesday night my two granddaughters spent the night with me, following a day at the beach and a movie we all enjoyed together. These fascinating people, these lovely girls, very 10 and "almost 7," are miracles of nature, too. I have this sensation often when we are together that I want to freeze-frame certain moments; precious moments of such wonder that I want to milk them for all the wisdom that lies within them.

Following the lightning strike on our building the other night, every phenomenon of nature seems more precious and more full of meaning than we will ever know. Even the fading of the flowers surrounding our building has more meaning. We are always in transition; one color fading to be replaced by yet another breathtaking event; replacing petunias with chrysanthemums, yet holding on to the purple fountain grass that moves with grace from summer into autumn. Taking time to contemplate, to appreciate, to celebrate each and every one seems all the more precious now.

The planet is in a state of transition that I feel moving through me with powerful waves of energy. Personally, the current conditions leave me with a feeling similar to what I felt as a teenager when I had to miss school; a sense of yearning for what was going on that I would never capture. Now in Third Earth that feeling means that something so immense is unfolding that I simply cannot attend all of it.

The convergence of all Cosmic beings is holding a conference, and I ache to be part of each conversation. My choice is to breathe and lightly hold precious all that I can see, all that I can hug, all that I hold dear and remember that Mother Earth's contractions also require a releasing breath. And in breathing I recall that all is right with the world, no thing is out of place. In a breath I am reassured that I am playing the part that is mine, surrendering all that is not. All is Known. All is well. All promises are kept.

Until next time,
I am Phyllis, Becoming