Waking to heavy, pounding rain with thunder and lightning this a.m., I am especially grateful.
I can almost feel Earth stretching out her arms and flexing her muscles, opening fully to receive these gifts. We needed the moisture, certainly. And I notice how much I need the change in Earth energy to stimulate my life, much like we thrive in the change in seasons.
I've written quite a lot about how we create in this new age of Earth, and I won't repeat all of that here, but I've visited a new place in The All That Is, and I'll share that with you here.
So I was contemplating what to ask for with gratitude; what needs I have not yet created, and I found my self at the "Order Desk."
It appeared on my right, of course, as I was going about the business of my day. Suddenly, there was an open window to The All That Is, with a generous counter top extending from my side to the other side of the window. At first it looked like the opening in the wall of my old,
favorite hardware store. Then I realized what it was, and I really got excited. Wow, here was/is a practical location to visit to "order my life!"
So I quickly presented my order for new brakes on Faun, my Buick, and it came back to me!
OK, so do I not need brakes as I thought I did, or is it showing me that there is no need, since I have already stated the need with gratitude and released it? This is not yet resolved, but I have released again to accept the perfect response.
Then I presented the floor plans to my new home; the home I have been planning in my heart for several years. I laid them out and smoothed out the folds and felt the generous acceptance of this unfolding creation. Such an exciting sensation!
The All That Is stores any and every thing you and I ever will need or want. Perhaps you will visit this Order Desk to place your orders as well. What is "In Store" for you and for me?
Wow. I am so happy to be sharing this awesome journey with all of you.
Until next time,
Phyllis, Still Becoming
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