Saturday, April 24, 2010

"Hold My Hand"

Greetings in Gratitude!

Over the years I have spent a good deal of time contemplating where and how each of us is comforted; comforted by a force outside of family and friends and caring professionals. Not to discount the folks we need so much all along the rocky path of life. We are not intended to walk this path alone. If we were, we would not be born into relationships. They can and do comfort us. We can and do comfort them. We could not measure this essential human comfort.

Across the planet, people are born with a hunger for some relationship beyond human contact. Whatever the culture, a deep, abiding belief in something beyond ourselves is born within us.
This hunger expresses from ego. And System identifies ego as our identity, unique in the Cosmos. The mystery of this identity fascinates me, and I know I will not live long enough to comprehend it. The journey to know as much about it as possible is in my passion and what drives my life path. And with each person I meet, again I wonder at the Source they lean into.

An ecumenical person, I have counseled Buddhists, Unitarians, Spiritualists, Jewish folks and Christians of every description. I was raised Lutheran - Missouri Synod no less - and practiced Buddhism for 10 years. I happily serve, part-time for about 25 years, my own Lake Superior Interfaith Community Church in Duluth. And for the past year have attended a Unitarian Universalist church with Mom, my daughter-in-love and grandchildren.

I've thought over the years that the identity of a deity is not explained by the church a person attends. System has reported that there are as many faiths as there are people. Wow, just think of all the churches we'd need - and how lonely we'd be attending without community.
And if you do choose to attend a church, still, within self is a knowing that, after all is said and done, YOU are right. Zealots are born of this belief. Ouch. If you've known one (or if you are one) you know how painful that can be.

At the Center of Self / Ego, a prescription for the faith we follow must exist. And this Known Self must be a perfect reflection of the deity we choose. Even atheists believe in something, or they would have nothing to talk about.
If, as System tells us, we are not flawed or able to choose incorrectly, then each deity we choose is true and absolute. Or, the deity IS the individual. Oh, heresy! Oh, curiosity.

Having taken this journey with you, I feel as if I know a little more than I did when I got up.
One thing I know today that has not changed: We are accompanied on this journey by a great number of folks who have gone on before us and probably know all the answers to these questions. And they encourage us to ask us for help. Every day, and every moment of every day, ask. My friend, Christ, tells me, "Hold my hand." And I do, and I am grateful. The community we need is as close a breath. Your friends in Spirit and the deity you choose will never fail you.

Breathing with you until next time,
I AM Phyllis, Still Becoming

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