Are you enjoying your springboard to the new season? I am inhaling and savoring it each day and appreciating each facet of the new creation. Today it is raining in Minneapolis, and it feels like the Earth is taking a deep breath and integrating all the moisture it can absorb. The trees are flexing their branches and receiving life into their buds. And someone told me snow would be here within the week. What?! Cleansing, renewing and becoming can have its bumps.
Becoming, by virtue of its essence, can feel like a slippery slope - sometimes. And we all are - becoming - no matter whether we are attuned to it.
I love the thought of becoming wiser. As I reflected recently, it's my life Plan to become all I can be. And now I realize there's more to be said about that. Just how much attention is required each and every day to become the best me in my life span?
Like watched pots that take forever to boil, a life run by self-consciousness struggles to thrive.
Peaceful observance is my goal. I surrender, with breath, to know: what do I sense in this; where is my attention now; what is my System indicating about that? I do not succeed each and every time, but am still becoming.
Self-consciousness might be labeled ego-centered selfishness. On the other hand, breath with attention to System is a relief and not at all selfish. When our attention is on our sensory perceptions and this guides us in our interaction with others, we reach a level of inclusive activity in which we thrive.
Several questions have came up recently about pain that results from an exchange with a family member, friend or coworker. Clients report the drama and Spirit always answers in somewhat the same way: When we are self-conscious, coming from ego, we react to protect or defend ourselves. We feel hurt, so we fall back on learned behaviors. And in the present time, as the Earth is struggling to take a new shape, we sometimes also struggle, but the new shape we take is worth it. And Breath supports both ourselves and the planet.
When living in a state of breathing and paying attention to System, we grow in our skills of observation, we are inclusive of others and their Plan and respectful of their choices, and we serve Cosmic Consciousness by expanding into all that we can be.
Day by day, breath by breath, becoming becomes our preferred experience, self-consciousness falls away, and we thrive.
Until next time,
Phyllis, Breathing and Becoming
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