This post is a combination message, and I'll get right down to follow-up on an earlier post reviewing my journey about the counseling work that I have enjoyed with clients for so many years.
1.) I've come to this melding of thought about my belief in what is authentic in my sessions:
If what I do with a client in any way slows their surrender, then I am compromising both my integrity and that of the client.
Over the years, offering counsel regarding anything of the future or of the free will choices a client might make, I was enabling a client to delay surrendering. It might have satisfied my ego and theirs, temporarily, but it delayed an attitude of surrender. And surrender is the only way we are going to achieve a life of ease and peace. Always, whatever the question, surrender is the Wisdom offered.
Offering what I now call "psychic band aids," was a part of our karmic journey, and I can only surrender my part in this as a process of our mutual growth. Psychic band aids always fall off and leave us hungering for yet more to soothe a wound. On the other hand, in this New Earth, we are counseled to surrender. Surrender, achieved with breath, opens the doorway into our Wisdom. And our Wisdom unfailingly reveals anything we need to achieve peace and ease.
2.) I'm seeing in my apartment increasingly concrete evidence of those who are here to help us; those we have for so long referred to as Spirit.
For a couple of years now, my friends (in Spirit) have altered physical things to get my attention; physically and determinedly turning my heavy lace curtains outward many times to remind me to surrender; rattling (nonexistent) items in my stainless steel kitchen sink to introduce their presence for one reason or another. It's like me to become involved in my life and sometimes to forget to initiate a conversation with them. When I do, of course, I am delighted to find them immediately available.
These days I am seeing their feet crossing the corner of my living room. Over the years, perhaps like you, I've seen movement; at my desk, as I am waking, in moments of reverie.
But these days their physical presence tweaks my awareness to ask myself a question.
In what belief-scape am I living? My sis, Judith, visiting this week, also relates her revelations regarding a belief-scape that astonishes and inspires. And friend Nancy, with her own hologram revelations, also explores and reports amazing shifts in her Cosmic dynamic (my words, not theirs).
Do I unconsciously choose a belief-scape in which I feel most comfortable? I think so. And do I, by expanding my consciousness, also expand my field of vision to reveal increasingly concrete images of those who have always occupied my space? I believe so. And I know without hesitation that the space I occupy is also occupied by all of those who love and help me. As our friend Barbara, who left her human suit behind a few years ago, advised us: "Please stop saying we are 'on the other side.' We are right here."
Yet I do not see them all the time, and there's a good reason for that. I asked my angels years ago why I could not see them all the time, and they said, "Because you would never go to work."
I celebrate these relationships, and I count on them as part of my essential community. I've learned to trust this expanding belief-scape over the years. And I've grown more comfortable initiating conversation with all of them. They intimidated me at first. But as Jesus said to me in back in '83, "Stand up. Look me in the eye. How will you know me on your knees?"
What belief-scape is in store for me or for you? It will undoubtedly be different for each of us.
As System we are entitled to take the journey that we prefer and that serves us best in our unique Cosmic role. I welcome your own revelations, which I believe reveal yet more for each other explorer in this rapidly expanding consciousness.
Breathing with you until next time,
I AM, Phyllis Still Becoming