An update is in order, especially since I did not post yesterday, but tended to The Dream Team instead.
An interesting development in our dreamtime: I met a tall blond woman in one of my dreams, hugging her and surprising us both. She was all about Hawaii it turns out, and I realized that Mom was dreaming with us, though she has no memory of doing so. She lived on Maui for nearly 7 years, so I'm assuming she brought the waters from that part of the world to our dreamtime. She had not volunteered to be part of the Team, but I've told her all about it.
Our goal was to go to our sacred water place in dreamtime, support the water and reach out to each other dreamer to connect all around the globe. We've had some very thoughtful reports.
I have slept better and dreamed more vividly the past two nights than I have in a long time.
The point I am making is that Consciousness is not logical nor selective. It simply IS, and once we are aware, our own System will participate at is own discretion. The power we have available to us is beyond anything we can fathom.
Lately I've been acutely aware of seemingly random thoughts that I think we all have. Perhaps the thought is prompted by a news item of some dramatic event, or something painful we see on the road or a comment made about probabilities. Our reaction to the stimulus prompts a thought of what could happen or how it might affect us or someone we love.
My examples lately have been a deer carcass on the street in a residential area; the violence in Egypt; the pain of a friend losing someone they love. In each case I am not simply a bystander. Yet, we feel incapable of making a difference if we dwell in our logic. However, Consciousness is always available to contribute - in ways we find hard to imagine, but powerfully and surely.
The method I use is to take a deep breath and surround the experience in the image of Christ Consciousness; the symbol I wear as a pendant. But each of us can find our own method. Breath, first, shifts attention from the reaction. Then any image of Light or sacred energy can be visualized to contribute to the benefit of that person or situation. One image I dreamed last night might be useful. A golden orb is a sacred symbol of focused power used in Taoist mediation, but certainly having ancient symbolism beyond that. Using the orb as a focal point along with releasing breath may work for you.
We are human and compassionate. We are also subject to reacting, which is natural to us but is not useful to anyone. In these times of transformation, especially, devising a means to shift our attention is powerful and personally healing. We do not need to understand how it works. That we do something to shift from reaction is one benefit. That we intentionally engage in a sacred exchange with that stimulus changes Consciousness. Yes, we are that powerful. Yes, we can and do make a difference.
Until next time,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming
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