If you are among those of us having alarming thoughts lately, then this post is on point for you and for me. I've been amazed that such thoughts could arrive, unannounced. Although this is not a new phenomenon, the increased activity lately grabbed my attention and others have mentioned it as well. We are upset by thoughts of violence, of injury to loved ones, etc. Of course we are, and now I've had some insights about it to share with all of you.
We begin with one of my favorite subjects: The Consciousness is one thing; it is a body of energy that contains all of us and is contained in each of us. It is like the ocean containing all aquatic life. It ebbs and flows with the experience of humankind. And it contains all thoughts, all activity, all joy and all stress. We may look distinctly separate walking around in our human costumes, but we are all joined in this single thing - Consciousness.
The greater the pressures on the planet, the more likely we are to feel stress. And if we didn't believe in Consciousness being one thing, we would still have all the media attention and reporting to keep us in the stream of stressful thoughts. We are human and we are empathetic. We intuit the stress of others and that increases our personal stress levels.
The greater the stress on the planet, the more likely we are to react with stressful thoughts; seemingly unbidden thoughts of chaos and horrific events related to the people we most love. This is simply a human reaction and not an indication that we somehow flawed.
The remedy is breath. Breath releases tension and shifts attention, allowing us to gratefully send out a loving energy to offset our stress.
At the risk of misquoting a story sent to me today, I offer this from quotes from young children who were asked what love is.
The best was from a four-year-old boy whose elderly neighbor had recently lost his wife.
Upon seeing the man crying, the boy went into the neighbor's yard, up onto the porch, climbed into the man's lap and just sat there.
When he came home his mother asked him, "What did you say to him?"
"Nothing, the boy said, "I just helped him cry."
Our breath helps Earth cry. Sitting in her lap, her tears are our tears. Her stress is our stress. But if we remember to BREATHE, then we become active participants in what is the most awesome Earth event in thousands of years. We are the Lamaze coaches, the EMTs, the medics placed exactly where we promised to serve when we agreed to birth ourselves into this current human drama.
We have a choice. When we have alarming thoughts, we can stay in the stress and wonder if the thought is a dire prediction or some flaw in our nature, OR we can breathe. We choose the condition is which we live. It is always your choice. It is always my choice.
Continuing to Breathe with you,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming
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