Thursday, December 16, 2010

Secrets and Beliefs


"Secrets kill."

Yesterday, in a process very involved and still moving through layers of integration and understanding, I explored in meditation deep layers of belief; beliefs about a number of things that affect the quality of my life. Then last night I had a dream involving disease passed on from one person to another; disease that when kept secret created an epidemic killing many. The final message was, "Secrets kill."

I've given this some thought this morning and realize the two experiences, beliefs and secrets, are related in our current cycle of human evolution.

We all have secrets; parts of ourselves that remain private because they affect no one else and which are parts of the personality through which we are evolving. Because they are private, we feel the freedom to explore them at our own pace, perhaps revealing them once we feel secure in what we have achieved. And some private parts of us will never be revealed because they are as personal to us as our genetic makeup.

Secrets that kill are secrets we keep because we are ashamed or self-conscious of these thoughts, behaviors or conditions. We believe at some level that if the secret were revealed we would not be loved or accepted; worse, we fear we would be judged, even shunned. Fear is the key word here.

Secrets that are kept because we are afraid will kill us because fear is the opposite of love, and love is necessary to create a balanced environment, whether that is in our external or internal world.

So this post is not about running willy-nilly through our lives purging all of our secrets to achieve balance. No. This is about breathing and feeling into our secrets to ask ourselves how we feel while holding on to them. And I personally find that approaching one secret at a time is manageable, while feeling all of the private thoughts at once feels too defeating. So the key is not to layer one on the other. Layering, in fact, may be an escape mechanism; what feels too big we will avoid at all costs.

Sharing a secret eventually may prove cathartic. Having explored its effect in life and released the fear, we may be inspired to share it as part of the steps we take to be fully free of its toxic
effect. There are no rules. You are Creator of all of your beliefs and rules, so you decide.

We may also find, in exploring what we hold in secret, that it turns out to be a belief about ourselves that would not have meaning or importance to anyone else. In fact, this you may find this is true more often than not. And then we can appreciate how we have poisoned our systems, creating physical symptoms which are the result of a secret we have held in fear.

Wisdom now says, "All secrets held in fear are poison to your bodies - physical, mental and emotional. Symptoms will appear somewhere. This is your journey. Ease or dis-ease. Always your choice."

Wishing you Ease,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming

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