Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Exploring Soul


Soul comes up as a subject to explore this morning. And because it is very cold in Minneapolis, and the soul seems a lovely warm place to me, it feels appropriate.

I have never explored the beliefs of other cultures regarding soul, and my influence is primarily Christian, so I will use those to reflect on what I have learned since opening to Wisdom.

We were taught that the soul is within us; that each of us has a soul of our own and that it holds all the parts of us that we are working to correct. We also learned that the soul belongs to God.
Our soul is the part of us that knows God and when we die it goes back to God. This has confused me. How can the soul hold both our problem and our perfection? Now, even Christian teachings differ on some of these details, and that confused me even more.

Wisdom has taught me a very different way of thinking about Soul. "Imagine, they said, "that in the beginning a limited number of souls were created. And for the sake of discussion, imagine that only 144,000 souls were created. Just that many and no more for all of eternity."

That set me back on my heals. With all the human beings who have occupied the planet since the beginning of time, that would have to mean that we would have to share souls. What other explanation could there be? So I asked for further information.

Each person is unique in the Cosmos. Each has themes or assignments to fulfill in his or her journey on the planet. And each is a facet or spark of a larger soul. So there are soul families or groups and each person is related by their soul to one another. Our human family, related by blood, is a way to think about a similar relationship.

Souls are magnificent creations, each carrying common assignments or themes. The goal is that each soul complete itself by fulfilling its assignments for the whole. Once all assignments are achieved; once all souls are filled with all the human experience necessary to complete those themes, then all souls will return to the core of Cosmic Consciousness.

As we take this journey on Earth, the Soul serves as our personal Resource Center. From Soul we are sustained and inspired to achieve our life assignments. I like to use a quart crystal cluster as an example. You are the crystal extension, growing from the base cluster (Soul).
The base cluster is drawing energy from Earth. In this illustration, Earth represents Creator.
As we grow and change, mature and achieve our goals, our facets multiply; we continue to draw on Soul, and Soul draws on Creator. We are always supported and supplied. The connection cannot be broken.

Your personal share of Soul is the energy that connects you to all others of your Soul Group and insures that the Cosmic Conversation continues. You meet others of your group and feel a connection. It can be powerful. These connections help us to exercise the human dynamic. Relationships insure that we complete our assignments, and those we share with others of our Soul Group are particularly compelling.

Soul, then, is as Christians teach, both our challenges and our solutions. But absent of the concept of sin, we choose and learn and Become with Soul as the incomprehensible backup System. The absence of external judgement lifts us up and places us squarely and simply in choice. We are choosing and expanding Mind. Becoming does not just mean for or of myself. Becoming means fulfilling a greater Consciousness as well as realizing my personal adventure.

Until next time,
I am Phyllis still Becoming

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