When the channeling began 27 years ago, the very first message from Mary and Jacob described how I would travel and speak to groups. But the message that is still alive in memory was, "You have much work to do." And I assumed it was work in service to others.
Over the years, speaking to groups and in session with clients, I know I have channeled wisdom that has served others. But the essential work that I had to do was to Become. And I learned early on that, standing apart and observing, my clients were and are my best teachers. Allowing me into their streams of consciousness, they provide me a front row seat to a Cosmic cast of guides and angels, Masters and family members who share astonishing Wisdom - and comfort.
Many years ago, talking in session with a distressed woman in Wisconsin, we were sorting out the roles of males and females. As we were speaking about the expectations she imposed upon herself and how she had suffered the consequences, exhausted and filled with anxiety, a flight of angels arrived with such impact it took my breath away. Having our attention, they said,
"Sacrifice contradicts Creation."
Centuries of traditional indoctrination have taught us that the most valuable, altruistic and spiritual of us are those who sacrifice ourselves to others. The angels report that this is one of our most damaging beliefs. This pronouncement hit me like a cosmic two-by-four, right between the eyes. We have been compromising the very essence of our human nature by denying ourselves in the name of service; service to what we believed had more value;
service to others at the expense of Self. I knew this was my belief. And I knew I had work to do.
The belief that sacrifice was necessary has served our human evolution. The karmic way was supported by this human dynamic. Sacrifice has been held up as the standard by which we "should" pattern our lives. Having now entered into this Third Earth, we are bringing into focus all that no longer serves us. These threads, so woven into our consciousness are now coming to light so that they might be transformed into a new creative energy.
So imbedded is this belief of sacrifice through service that it reveals itself in stages. My own journey since the angelic pronouncement has been (a sometimes not fun) adventure in revealing what I believe about sacrificing myself to the needs others. When I realize I've bumped into another layer of the belief, I breathe into the experience and ask it for its Wisdom. What relief I feel in releasing myself and the person or situation involved, recalling the Wisdom and making way for a new relationship to evolve.
I realize the way to service without sacrifice is a new way to be human. The pronouncement does not suggest that we cease doing service. It alerts us to our own beliefs about service. The layers of human nature can produce unconscious reaction that land us in big trouble. Service at the expense of Self leaches away our life force. It compromises our immune system and other human defense mechanisms.
When we contemplate our beliefs about service, let's be honest about what may have motivated us in the past and breathe into service accomplished with the mutually respectful approach that achieves exchange. When we serve, not in reaction but in Wisdom, we are renewed. When we are renewed by our service, the chi is sustained. And as we explore all the ways that we have contradicted our own Sacred Nature in the past, we can breathe and celebrate that a new human contract is in effect; a contract made concrete by each of us divining a new way to be - and to become all that we can be.
With Love and Respect,
I am Phyllis, Becoming
1 comment:
Hi Phyllis,
I read your blog almost daily and always so appreciate your wisdom. This particular blog really resonated. Blessings.
Ann McKie
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