Yesterday a new client arrived with her life in much disarray, and while I was preparing for our exchange, I knew the true reason she was coming had little to do with her conscious expectations. This is not unusual. Over the years I've realized that the Wisdom that prompts a session reveals itself during the session and may be quite different from what the person expects. This can make a session difficult for the client, but I've learned to surrender and trust that, if not in the session, then some time, some way the counsel will penetrate and make a difference.
When life is hard we really just wish there were a magic potion we could take to make it all go away or at least relieve the pressure so that we can see our way to the happy outcome. This was the case with yesterday's client. The core remedy was too simple for her to comprehend, at least at first. And even when she could accept the counsel, she could not visualize how her life could change by simply breathing.
There is a magic potion, and it is free. Breath is the answer to everything. Not faith first, because breath releases us to our Spirit, so breath is the answer. Not Wisdom first; breath precedes our access to Wisdom. Not surrender first; breath.
You are probably very tired of me repeating myself. But I am not tired of saying it. I realize that this is my mission in life. Therefore, of course, it is also my own lesson. Thanks again to Richard Bach: "We teach best what we most need to learn." Breath is everything. Logic and emotion block our Wisdom. Breath reveals it.
Do you struggle? Breathe.
Still struggling? Breathe again.
Are you in trouble so deep you can't see your way out? Breathe.
Do people in your life still drive you crazy? Breathe.
Is there a physical symptom defying diagnosis or treatment? Breathe.
Whatever it is that reminds you you are still human, Breathe. And Breathe again.
Breathing deeply, focused only on the breath, is what I call breath with intention. When we breathe with gratitude, we become a magnetic force that invites powerful response. Breath becomes a channel through which we reveal our wisdom. Then, any symptom can find its matching remedy. All symptoms have a correlating remedy. The symptom and the remedy are stored in the Mind, and it is accessed with Breath.
All the dreams, all the aching desire for peace and simplicity, all the anxiety, all the urgency to find the remedy has led us down many paths. After all, we need no books, no workshops, no anything outside of ourselves to achieve the fulfilled life. Creation provided us all that we need. The miracle is in the Simplicity. Breath.
Until next time,
I am Phyllis, Breathing
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